I gots the Covid.


Jan 30, 2021
In regards to the vaccine's effectiveness against Covid, one must remember that we are talking about a vaccine developed to counter what could very well possibly be a bio-weapon experiment gone wrong. Most now accept that this escaped the lab, now it's time to see what the intent was in creating this super bug, especially when the CCP military works at the Wuhan institute.


Sep 29, 2012
It doesn’t take an expert to read, understand, and relay information provided by experts.

For those who have an interest in learning more about vaccine side effects, here is an article that outlines those that have been identified in the past as well as timeframe in which they have occurred. The salient points are that they typically occur within 8 weeks of vaccination and in most cases are conditions that can also be caused by the disease itself.



Feb 5, 2019
If that fraud Fauci and that partisan talking head at the CDC are "experts"...I'll gladly (and probably more safely) navigate this alone. Made it 2 years, somehow managed to not die, nor have I killed off all my loved ones with my lack of mask wearing.

Funny how some are experts, but some with the same degree/expertise who go against the left wing narrative are now "conspiracy theorists" or "spreading misinformation". How 1984...


Jan 13, 2021
I'm just pointing out that you're claiming to be "tired of seeing the covid threads continue" and are then actively continuing the covid threads. Some people need to have obvious things pointed out to them, so I was just trying to help. Cheers and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

*use your imagination and pretend there's some sweet flag cartoons down here or whatever.
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Feb 5, 2019
I'm just pointing out that you're claiming to be "tired of seeing the covid threads continue" and are then actively continuing the covid threads. Some people need to have obvious thing pointed out to them, so I was just trying to help. Cheers and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

*use your imagination and pretend there's some sweet flag cartoons down here or whatever.
hope you find your echo chamber, this ain't it.


May 18, 2021
Here in CO, ICUs are close to capacity and the majority of the state is vaccinated. 83% of the people hospitalized for COVID are unvaccinated. So basically a large portion of a small group is basically overwhelming the hospital system. Math would seem to indicate vaccines work. I am also for freedom and the right to make your own choices. I also think accountability is important. If people are not provided care or treatment due to the stress on the system from unvaccinated people, there should be liability for those choices. Hopefully you all have a healthy holiday season!


Mar 24, 2016
It doesn’t take an expert to read, understand, and relay information provided by experts.

For those who have an interest in learning more about vaccine side effects, here is an article that outlines those that have been identified in the past as well as timeframe in which they have occurred. The salient points are that they typically occur within 8 weeks of vaccination and in most cases are conditions that can also be caused by the disease itself.

Not much of an article.
But what does “While concerns about long-term effects of vaccines are legitimate, it is important to be aware that the organized anti-vaccine industry has targeted this issue as a way to sow doubt and confusion about COVID-19 vaccines.” Actually mean??

What, precisely, is the ‘organized anti-vaccine industry?’

that sound a bit conspiracy theory-ish, no?


Feb 5, 2019
Here in CO, ICUs are close to capacity and the majority of the state is vaccinated. 83% of the people hospitalized for COVID are unvaccinated. So basically a large portion of a small group is basically overwhelming the hospital system.
You left out the part where CO hospitals are critically undermanned because they fired all those pesky non-cax'd Dr's and Nurses.


May 18, 2021
You left out the part where CO hospitals are critically undermanned because they fired all those pesky non-cax'd Dr's and Nurses.
Impact was small but more noticeable in rural areas of the state. More have left due to fatigue, which again is tied to overwhelmed system caused by a minority portion of the states population.


Feb 5, 2019
Impact was small but more noticeable in rural areas of the state. More have left due to fatigue, which again is tied to overwhelmed system caused by a minority portion of the states population.
Exactly they're fatigued from 2 years of this nonsense...or another way to put it, they left because they're tired of the BS. But we can sit here and spin the narrative all night. Just wanted to point out you left out 2 key pieces of information that, 1. ICUs almost always operated at max capacity, even pre-covid, that's how they stay profitable, emtpy beds don't make money,, and let's not pretend that isn't the #1 goal of any hospitals. 2. Hospitals are under-staffed partly as a result of vaccine mandates.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Here in CO, ICUs are close to capacity and the majority of the state is vaccinated. 83% of the people hospitalized for COVID are unvaccinated. So basically a large portion of a small group is basically overwhelming the hospital system.
Yep, have to make room for the majority of the population that are obese, overweight, and/or made their own choices about smoking, drinking, bad eating, and other decisions that negatively affect their health. That's what our health system was designed for, right?

These types of people have monopolized our healthcare system for decades, and we've all been paying for those bills. So now it's suddenly a problem that draws the scorn of some (because they were told to be scornful on these people), when a very very small percentage of the population is using those services because of a bio-weapon released upon the world? Make sure you understand the real cause and affect here.

Our illustrious governor has said that we have 1500 ICU beds in CO. That's a whopping .026% of our population. That's not 2.6%.........that's .026%. As in 5.7 million (population) times .00026. And that's the TOTAL number of ICU beds.........not the total of folks that have Covid using those beds. Regardless of how you look at the numbers, we are still talking about a minuscule amount actually using the ICU system. Edit: I changed the numbers to more closely represent the actual percentages.
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Aug 10, 2015
Can we stop arguing about vaccinated verse unvaccinated? We live in America and everybody should have the right to make their own decisions, based on medical history. I believe everyone should do there own cost benefit analysis on if there is a greater risk from COVID or an adverse reaction from the vaccine. Both have risks no matter what either side of media says.


Sep 29, 2012
Not much of an article.
But what does “While concerns about long-term effects of vaccines are legitimate, it is important to be aware that the organized anti-vaccine industry has targeted this issue as a way to sow doubt and confusion about COVID-19 vaccines.” Actually mean??

What, precisely, is the ‘organized anti-vaccine industry?’

that sound a bit conspiracy theory-ish, no?
Not much an article because it contains one sentence you don’t understand or disagree with?

Do some research and you will understand that there is money to be made on both side of the COVID vaccine debate. It is estimated that the vaccine misinformation industry generates more than $1Bn in revenue annually. Clicks, views, alternative therapies.

That industry is comprised of the people who have profited by convincing some people that the vaccines are dangerous but COVID isn’t and to doubt the medical community (that we have looked to for guidance in previous pandemics) in deference to YouTube posters.

My sense is that many contrarians latch onto this type of misinformation because they fear the “gotcha” that could come from the new mRNA vaccine technology and the dollars involved, all the while being ignorant that many of the anti-vaccine crowd are in it for the money and not for altruistic purposes.


Sep 29, 2012
Can we stop arguing about vaccinated verse unvaccinated? We live in America and everybody should have the right to make their own decisions, based on medical history. I believe everyone should do there own cost benefit analysis on if there is a greater risk from COVID or an adverse reaction from the vaccine. Both have risks no matter what either side of media says.
Do you believe that people should be held financially responsible for their actions (or inactions as it were)? The unvaccinated are disproportionately running up medical costs for the treatement of severe COVID. That will ultimately cost all of us in terms of health insurance premiums. Should the unvaccinated be charged more (akin to smokers) to help compensate the system for their decision?


Aug 6, 2020
I will say that 1/3 of the laboratory staff at my local hospital will soon be fired if their exemption requests are not approved. Right now they are not critically overwhelmed but I will say with 100% certainty that the remaining staff will have an incredibly overwhelming workload if that 3rd is terminated.

That is a result of wrongfully firing the non-compliant, not because of an increased workload from sick unvaxxed.

That is a problem they are creating for themselves that easily could be avoided. Don't even try to put the blame on the folks that are not caving to the peer pressure and complying with the agenda.


Feb 28, 2021
I take a PPI for GERD. Most of the time, it works like it is supposed to. But sometimes, it doesn't work as designed and I get acid reflux. I take various allergy medicines for seasonal allergies at times. Most of the time, they work but at times, they don't. Prior to my hip replacement last year (due to injury, not age), I would take ibuprofen. Rarely would it work to relieve pain or discomfort, but on rare occasion it would help. I tried CBD oil, didn't do anything but make me smell like a skunk. I have known many people who recover from Cancer by using chemo treatments, but have also know people who have died and chemo just didn't work.

Point being is, no medicine is perfect and will work sometimes and sometimes not. Any "peer reviewed" dissenting analysis of highly effective treatments lead me to believe there is some degree of conflict of interest.

Just like the vaccines, while not perfect they do most definitely help with Covid by either eliminating or significantly diminishing the impact of Covid. But sometimes, it just doesn't work with a person (like almost all medicine as noted above). Similarly, there is also mountains of evidence that support Ivermectin helps treat Covid as it blocks viral replication - this is well evidenced. But in some cases, it just doesn't work like it does for other cases.

The reality is, we as a human population need both vaccines and inexpensive treatment therapies to treat Covid, because it is here for eternity. No medicine or vaccine is completely full proof - vaccines or treatment therapies. We need readily available, safe options for both.

Any perspective taking a firm side for one but not for another and vice versa is noting more than one's political opinion clouding their ability to objectively look at real evidence. Some form of a conflict of interest.

We live in America, land of the free and home of the brave. Options should be available for all as long as administered safely and responsibly. Want the vaccine, get the vaccine. Don't want it, don't get it. Either way, live with the ramifications of each individuals decisions. Same can be said for treatment therapies such as but not limited to Ivermectin.


Feb 28, 2021
Do you believe that people should be held financially responsible for their actions (or inactions as it were)? The unvaccinated are disproportionately running up medical costs for the treatement of severe COVID. That will ultimately cost all of us in terms of health insurance premiums. Should the unvaccinated be charged more (akin to smokers) to help compensate the system for their decision?
Ask yourself the same question about sugary soda and energy drinks, eating unhealthy fast food, lack of exercise, smoking cigarettes, and taking illegal drugs. Heart disease is still the #1 killer.