My experience with griz is a healthy population a good thing. They add alot to the back country in many ways. I spent countless days in the bush every year between fishing, hunting and working. When griz populations increase what would appear to be beyond carrying capacity, such as, seeing 13 griz on one hunting trip on the Prophet River i start noticing changes:
- grizzlies coming into camp
-grizzlies becoming aggressive
-ungulate calves way down
-cant get into a basin or drainage without there being at least 1 griz or recent sign
-ungulates on edge and in thicker cover
-hunting partners refuse to be out after dark or starting to walk in the dark in the early am
-some sleepless nights
-men shitting their drawers when an animal is down
I personally am not a trophy hunter and i have never shot a grizzly even with a draw and tag - i have passed to focus on meat. However i have noticed that since the grizzly hunt has been banned in BC that populations have seem to increased. We have gone from 1 nerve racking encounter per 5 years between 4 guys to 1 per year. In BC they should bring the hunt back or find a way to keep grizzlies down. Hopefully where ever they introduce or re-introduce there is a plan to deal with over population.
I dont know if the ban has anything to do with populations going up because there was not alot of tags to begin with. It could be a coincidence, but the aggressive boars didnt last to long and it was nice when outfitters and hunters could take one or two. They learn fast that they are not the top predator and act as such.
Also on the Prophet, a buddy dropped a wolf on same trip and within 5 minutes a grizzly shows up to claim the wolf on the other side of the river. We didnt even make it to the wolf. The grizzly didnt eat it but it thought about it and i think it was hoping for something other than a wolf. That wolf smelled so bad, i didnt blame the griz.
That being said, i love seeing a grizzly especially when it was a normal and rare experience.