How’s your fuel prices

$4.89 for 86 $5.39 for high test gas….$5.89 for diesel in NM

Saw a liberal Senator laughing on tv yesterday saying she drives an EV and gas prices don’t bother her at all. She just drives on by with a smile. Maybe she will lend everyone $100,000 to buy one.
$4.89 for 86 $5.39 for high test gas….$5.89 for diesel in NM

Saw a liberal Senator laughing on tv yesterday saying she drives an EV and gas prices don’t bother her at all. She just drives on by with a smile. Maybe she will lend everyone $100,000 to buy one.
Yeah right... Another "For thee, not for me!" Cackle, cackle, cackle.. moment...
Regular unleaded was 6.19, I had .50 off per gallon but it would only allow me to pump 25 gallons at a time so had to start and stop the pump 5 times so my credit union called asking if it was fraud. Boat took 106 gallons of discounted 87 octane for a tidy $604. Diesel was 7.19 a gallon so I'll wait to get home where it's cheaper

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Saw a station with $7.45 / $7.65 / $7.95 yesterday here in the people's republic. This station doesn't sell diesel, but if they did it'd probably read "price available upon request." I'll share a photo when it goes over $8 next week.
Makes me sick!

At these prices ill have over 800 bucks in fuel for my elk hun this fall. My wife says are you still going if fuel keeps going up. My response- are we driving to the beach tomorrow! yes we are.

Elk trip is on no matter what! October 12th departure date.
Saw a station with $7.45 / $7.65 / $7.95 yesterday here in the people's republic. This station doesn't sell diesel, but if they did it'd probably read "price available upon request." I'll share a photo when it goes over $8 next week.
Well you know we had to switch from our winter to summer blend

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WoooHoooo. New record. $5.19. I've never seen it that high before. I'm so excited! I'm so grateful we are stopping climate change with our small sacrifice! Just buy a Tesla tomorrow and stop complaining.
SW Portland was $5.49 for regular unleaded at the local food grocery pump.
That is a 30-cent boost since Memorial day and an 87-cent boost from early May at the same station.
A Volvo wagon pulled up next to me and filled with PREMIUM at $5.85/gal.