Last summer we had rolling blackouts in CA due to air conditioner loads, without millions of additional electric cars. When the wind blew hard enough, power was shut off due to wildfire hazards, making wind turbines pointless.
The green energy scam is just politics playing with power and control. Subsidize tax payer money to donors for a “righteous cause”, get campaign donations in return. Force people to switch to some pea brain idea with no actual plan. All the while we bear the brunt of their spending and decisions in the form of taxes and cost of living, THEN add inflation on top of that.
@zion zig zag Its funny you throw out conspiracy theories, but in reality they want to monitor and control when you charge your car, and allocate how much you can use for it, which controls where you can go…
Muscle cars with big engines became a symbol for freedom and individualism, exactly what the left despises. Raw power and open roads, the freedom to explore it with gas/diesel powered vehicles, is being shut down by regulations for “climate change”. Joey invoked a wartime act to fight against a problem HE caused - they are at war with us plain and simple. That writings been on the wall since he was VP. Funny how no one talks about the ice age ending due to “global warming” too, but Im sure caveman’s fires caused that one…
I see brandon’s term as the Dem’s last breath, trying to institute as many hair-brained ideas as possible before they are set back 50 years as a political party. The curtains are closing on the circus show. The lions are about the eat the clowns. High fuel prices, inflation, and COL is just creating more lions.