How to end NR Wyoming wilderness ban?

But clearly state the federal land isn’t an option which you saw prior to applying…
Imma go hunt the Wagonhound since it’s in the area for which I have a tag…
Yeah but that’s it, the area is within where the tag is good for just the state wants a babysitter on some of it, but it’s still valid there.
Since we are throwing out opinions…

I think a good solution would be for Wyoming to not allow ANY non residents hunt in the wilderness; don’t just discriminate against us poor ones that can’t afford a guide…that would also be better for residents. Less crowds in the wilderness.
That’s a great idea, and I would think every Wyoming resident would be onboard so they could have all those areas just for themselves.
Yeah but that’s it, the area is within where the tag is good for just the state wants a babysitter on some of it, but it’s still valid there.
Valid with certain caveats which are clearly stated. I want to ask these questions:

You drum banger are aware it’s not ALL federal lands that are restricted, right? Just the ones designated as wilderness? Which encompasses a very small percentage of the state.

Do you feel, that since it’s federally owned and funded, you should be able to hunt elk in Yellowstone since you have a tag the state issued?

Do you feel, that since it’s federally owned and funded, you should be able to hunt Native American Reservations since the state issued you a tag ?

All these restrictions are clearly laid out when you are choosing what areas to apply in.

I’ll be honest in that I’d rank my wilderness spot fourth on my best areas list and the top three are all spots anyone on this forum can hunt. It’s not some mythical land. It can be great but it can be really tough too. I just like it because I don’t like seeing people and I loathe hearing atv’s and sxs zipping around.
Give it a shot! I think it’s more than that though. Don’t we ostracize those who trespass onto private land they don’t have permission to hunt? Or do we only ostracize them because the people that come to mind were monetizing the sport we are all passionate about? I still think we are all better than that.
Seems like a similar scenario even though the charge may read differently and the fine may be different and you’re potentially allowed to keep the illegally harvest animal.
This isn't private land. It's land every American has equal right to. I'll say it again, we're talking about land every American has equal right to.
Every day you have to decide whether to follow the law or not, it’s up to you to decide. Is the 150 worth it to look at that animal on the wall knowing you broke the law to get it?

Well I wasn't going to, but when you put it like that I'm in!

There is nothing inherently immoral about breaking a law or noble about following an unjust law. People equivocating legality with morality astound me. I'd say I don't understand it, but that would be a lie. It's a direct result of a secular society that inevitably replaces God with the state.
This isn't private land. It's land every American has equal right to. I'll say it again, we're talking about land every American has equal right to.

Well I wasn't going to, but when you put it like that I'm in!

There is nothing inherently immoral about breaking a law or noble about following an unjust law. People equivocating legality with morality astound me. I'd say I don't understand it, but that would be a lie. It's a direct result of a secular society that inevitably replaces God with the state.
Is harvesting an elk, for any of us, a right or a privilege?
Some of the comparisons brought up by the "wilderness segregationist" crowd are astoundingly bad. And I mean baaaaad. I can see the opposing side of most debates, but comparing a NR hunting big game in Wyoming wilderness to...
  • Hunting Yellowstone?
  • Hunting an Indian Reservations?
  • Trespassing?
  • Shooting game on private land without permission?
Holy smokes. Come on. At least try to win over the other side.
Is harvesting an elk, for any of us, a right or a privilege?
It's a shared right to a shared resource. Whether its a federal or state resource that governing body is responsible for regulating it in a manner that the most number of people get the most use of it.
Some of the comparisons brought up by the "wilderness segregationist" crowd are astoundingly bad. And I mean baaaaad. I can see the opposing side of most debates, but comparing a NR hunting big game in Wyoming wilderness to...
  • Hunting Yellowstone?
  • Hunting an Indian Reservations?
  • Trespassing?
  • Shooting game on private land without permission?
Holy smokes. Come on. At least try to win over the other side.
It’s to prove a point. And a better way to prove a point than advocating for breaking a clearly stated law.
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It's a shared right to a shared resource. Whether its a federal or state resource that governing body is responsible for regulating it in a manner that the most number of people get the most use of it.
All 50 states view that as a resource managed by the state though right?
All 50 states view that as a resource managed by the state though right?
Just because they view it that way doesn't mean they're right.

Additionally, if we assume they are correct (and I do strongly prefer the states manage this resource) it doesn't mean that the states can't abuse it. Maybe there should be limits and checks on this power?
This thread has taught me I define the terms “corrupt” and “abuse” differently than others do…
Interesting so you choose which laws you want to follow. Too bad you didn’t answer the other questions.

Which do you want to manage public land, the state or the Feds?
Truthfully I’m moving more towards selling all Federal land, let the highest bidder take it.

Sell off all BLM and Federal land other then National monuments and parks.
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Valid with certain caveats which are clearly stated. I want to ask these questions:

You drum banger are aware it’s not ALL federal lands that are restricted, right? Just the ones designated as wilderness? Which encompasses a very small percentage of the state.

Do you feel, that since it’s federally owned and funded, you should be able to hunt elk in Yellowstone since you have a tag the state issued?

Do you feel, that since it’s federally owned and funded, you should be able to hunt Native American Reservations since the state issued you a tag ?

All these restrictions are clearly laid out when you are choosing what areas to apply in.

I’ll be honest in that I’d rank my wilderness spot fourth on my best areas list and the top three are all spots anyone on this forum can hunt. It’s not some mythical land. It can be great but it can be really tough too. I just like it because I don’t like seeing people and I loathe hearing atv’s and sxs zipping around.
Federal land is federal land.
When I see something that says a NR has the "right to hunt" in WY it'll be a first.
No NR has a right, I don’t think anyone has ever said that but if the state sells the NR a tag for an area they shouldn’t cherry pick to protect an industry and force them to use a certain industry, how would you feel if it included residents must use an outfitter for a tag they have from the home state? That’s the point, people are cool with it because in reality as a resident it isn’t an issue for them.

If you want to limit the NR, that’s fine, if you want to limit federal lands then make all NR tags be purchased directly through an outfitter and only good for their permitted area.