How much money do you spend?

I won’t create problems to try and solve them, but I invariably try something new every year. Just gear, i budget between $500-1,000.

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I tinker for the season and off season.

Like right now, I don't carry a tripod, but I have a tripod or 3 for construction. So what the hell, let's sit at the farm and see what this whole bino on a tripod is like...I have the tripods already, I'll just order the cheapest thing off Amazon-oh look, $13, done.

Get. Try. Oh hey that's nice. OK whats a good tripod and adapter, and let's grab a magview, the kids would love that for our trips coming up and it'd be slick for me as well.

I bought a 1967 starcraft 14' for a project boat for my daughter (5) and I. Sissy (nickname) names the boat Daisy, and we need to get paint so we can decorate it. Now, I planned to buy this for us. But I'll be damned if thst little sea scamp with a 7.5hp 2stroke ain't the most fun thing on interior rivers and the mighty Mississippi. But you know what'd be cool...

Gunnel mounted table flanked with my coolers between bench 2 and 3...

Wife says "I want new tote storage for our stuff in the rental" "kinda like this (wood shelves)".

Nah, let's go 6x6 cleated storage and 36 bins because I get some crap too store now too (remember-tripod is probably on order by now)

For example, of course. But I don't have that problem, I've only heard about it at breakfast club.

Edit: I also heard at breakfast club that our trust is deciding to purchase a new suppressor, damn rifle has to be sent off for threading.
I normally end up trying something new. I’m also fairly minimalistic so I help fund upgrades by selling what’s getting upgraded. You still end up in the hole but it’s an easier sale to make to the wife!
I'm am adult onset hunter and still buying/upgrading gear. My wishlist is about $10k. I'll spend around $1k this offseason (new used bow, arrows, bino harness, rangefinder). I could really use a new pack and raingear, but I'm pushing that to next year.

Financial discipline is no fun.

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I’ve always been pretty reserved but In the last few months.

$1000 in NM apps for me and my son

$130 application cost, $100 bear tag, $100 goat preference point in CO

$180 application cost in AZ

Upgraded rifle net cost of $700.

New bow $800

If I draw a goat tag I will probably have to start charging my son rent to be able to pay for it.
I think I have about everything I need. As far as spending $, I don't even bother to keep up with it anymore, it is what it is. I do upgrade when necessary & sell stuff to offset some of the cost.
I can easily justify buying stuff when I'm on a jobsite for a 2am concrete pour.
I am a worst case example of this. Bought a new rifle, nothing crazy, a Browning X-Bolt and hunted with it for the first time last year. About 6000-7000 into a new one now and still spending for it. Although at this point I’ve really got my gear set up except for a new stove for the tent so in theory spending should taper off. Maybe a couple extra things to have full loaner sets to help encourage others to go with me on trips.
Actually, we should all meet in a big room, circle of chairs and a therapist.

I keep telling myself its okay because one day ill have everything I want and ill be done...but then I find something new and I just have to have it
I thought it was bad just for myself, then having two boys that now hunt it's gotten really expensive. At least when I want to upgrade, I can say that one of the boys needed it and give them the old stuff.
I spend a lot less ever since I started buying high quality rifles, optics and other gear.
The old buy once , cry once has worked out for me. But I spent a lot of money getting to that conclusion.
I try and ask myself if am going to be 100% satisfied with the product. I think I am going to buy it then be Jones‘n for the better one I just save up or lay out the cash for the better one. May not work for everyone but it has worked for me. Hunting is my big interest and hobby so I don't mind spending the bucks.
Tax write off for me so I really don't pay much attention, but I still only shop at the businesses where I get discounts.
The old buy once , cry once has worked out for me. But I spent a lot of money getting to that conclusion.
I subscribe to this for certain items. Pack and raingear top that list. Probably optics at some point, but I have needs that take priority for now. For bows and rifles, I'd rather spend medium money and put that money elsewhere.

However, I don't think I'll ever spend top dollar on a tent or sleeping bag. I'm a tightwad, and spending 3-4x's the money to shave a combined 2 lbs... I just can't do it.