I tinker for the season and off season.
Like right now, I don't carry a tripod, but I have a tripod or 3 for construction. So what the hell, let's sit at the farm and see what this whole bino on a tripod is like...I have the tripods already, I'll just order the cheapest thing off Amazon-oh look, $13, done.
Get. Try. Oh hey that's nice. OK whats a good tripod and adapter, and let's grab a magview, the kids would love that for our trips coming up and it'd be slick for me as well.
I bought a 1967 starcraft 14' for a project boat for my daughter (5) and I. Sissy (nickname) names the boat Daisy, and we need to get paint so we can decorate it. Now, I planned to buy this for us. But I'll be damned if thst little sea scamp with a 7.5hp 2stroke ain't the most fun thing on interior rivers and the mighty Mississippi. But you know what'd be cool...
Gunnel mounted table flanked with my coolers between bench 2 and 3...
Wife says "I want new tote storage for our stuff in the rental" "kinda like this (wood shelves)".
Nah, let's go 6x6 cleated storage and 36 bins because I get some crap too store now too (remember-tripod is probably on order by now)
For example, of course. But I don't have that problem, I've only heard about it at breakfast club.
Edit: I also heard at breakfast club that our trust is deciding to purchase a new suppressor, damn rifle has to be sent off for threading.