How many of you own semi-auto rifles?

Yeah got a few in 6.5 grendel (night hunting hogs) 223 (predators) and 450 bushmaster (hogs in daylight and for states that only allow straight walled cartridges to deer hunt).

They are handy for hog hunting, when u are trying to kill every single one u see, I deer hunted with a ar-10 308 ONE time when i owned it, and never took it again (too heavy and awkward) and later sold/traded it away and went to the light platform
Shot my first deer with a Ruger Mini-14. We had that, AR, multiple semi hand guns, and a boat load of semi auto shotguns. Ironically we were moving all of our guns during Hurricane Harvey flooding and caught a fire hydrant, tipping the boat and losing every gun we have.... I mean had....
In all reality though, our feral hog problem is so bad down here that semi-auto rifles are a very heavily used tool. They are hell on grain fields. Most people I know have multiple for that reason and for defense. Cartel comes walking up on you in South Texas you'll wish for more rounds. The Parkland shooting just goes to show that you should never defend on the government to protect you when SHTF too.
AR in 450 Bushmaster for whitetail hunting
Semi auto shotguns for hunting
Other AR's for home defense and defense of tyranny.

Your last comment begs the 64,000$ question...what’s tyranny? To put a fine point on it, at what point do you put the front sight on people and start pulling the trigger?
many.... use them for hunting, target and defense. None of mine have ever walked out of their storage and shot up a public place either. Guess I purchased responsible ones....
I have a couple that were purchased after filling out a 4473 ...for defense of life and liberty. Unfortunately I may be called upon to defend life and liberty in my lifetime.
All you with "grandpa's" old semi auto rifle should look to California. All centerfire semi auto rifles with a detachable magazine are now considered "assault" rifles and have to be registered .
One step closer to confiscation and your loss of liberty.
Good thing I don't have any.
I have owned a several over the years, but I just don’t enjoy shooting autos, I like bolts, pumps, single shots. I also own auto pistols, don’t really enjoy them either. They just have no beauty, classic charm of the guns passed down from our fathers. The colt trooper is gorgeous, the old ruger revolvers, my unfired 1976 Win 9422 I’ve owned since I was born. Gorgeous hand me downs that will last several lifetimes. Black guns just don’t appeal to me.

All that being said, I was in a knife shop one day just minding my own business, when I see this little AR pistol in 300 blackout. It has a rainbow, unicorn, and a safe space all in one. It made me giggle so I bought it, put flip down sights, reflex sight. Shoots really good, shot it 20 times, probably won’t shoot it more than every other year. But it makes others giggle, so I whip it out once in awhile.

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I have a 10/22 for squirrel hunting and a M1 Garand because I was curious how the process of the CMP worked and thought it be funny to get a govt issued semi auto delivered to my doorstep. I intended to set it up for hunting with a scope but never got around to it.

I’d own an AR if money were no object, but I don’t do any target shooting and have too many other hobbies.
Yes, a few and probably will have more in the future.

Most compelling reason is because I can. But I do use them for hunting, target shooting, and the smaller caliber ones are great for introducing people into shooting sports.

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I have an AR-15, a shotgun and a 10/22 that are semi- auto. Use the shotgun for ducks, 10/22 for plinking and the AR to have just in case it's needed someday.
Several - figure for everyone I buy that’s one less that a crazy can get ahold of. Just doing my part

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Sorry Mr ATF man, I only have break actions and bolt guns used for hunting rabbits but if I did own semi's it would be to fight tyranny as instructed by our founding fathers.
I have them. More than 1 less than 50. They are fun and I hunt with them. Actually built 2 6.5 Gs to hunt with this year. They are a great gun for the family to shoot with if you have an adjustable stock. I still prefer a bolt gun though.

I won’t ever give mine up. Put me in the will not comply camp. We need less restrictions on NFA items too.
I will be purchasing one in the very near future with all the recent shit storm. Mainly for the SHTF scenario but i could very much see me enjoying plinking steel with it as well
Um yes I do.

What is it for? Um whatever I decide to shoot.

Is it immoral, yea kinda. I mean I honestly cant shoot the thing without burning like 5 or 6 rounds when 1 would suffice. Isn't that wasting? LOL.
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