A lot of folks see pressure as a bad thing, but IMO once you really know a unit, pressure can be as much of a tool as bino's. I keep track not only of game sign but also other hunter activities - where common camp sites are, human trails in snow, common areas I see other folks glassing, etc. I even listen for gun shots and take note of their direction and distance.
My experience has been that while every area gets some newcomers, there are plenty of folks who go to the same zones every year - and do the same things there. There's a unit I hunt where I could put 4-5 X's on a map and confidently bet $100 on you finding somebody posted up in 4 out of 5 of them every single year.
The thing about pressure is, if you're quieter and slower than the pressure, that pressure can move game to YOU. My last two elk were taken exactly this way - working very slowly through areas on the "other end" of where I knew the pressure was.
If glassing can cut your walking in half, IMO pressure can cut that in half again. Lots of folks complain about pressure but if you learn to use it as a tool, it can be very effective.