How many hunters out there are Christians?

Hey Everyone,

A thread like this should stay as positive and motivating as possible, so any negative response will be deleted. We allow and encourage debate in other areas, but this thread was started for people to share a common interest (faith) and I would like to keep it that way.

I did delete the last few responses to keep a positive atmosphere going... hope you don't mind.


Don't mind at all, in fact I appreciate it.

It has been great to see all of the responses.

My purpose in this thread was to bring to light that we are a diverse group here on Rokslide, and for those of us that find the great outdoors to be our "thin" place, the place we feel closest to our creator, that we can have multiple different ways to help us connect while out there.

I feel a thread like this it should be easy to stay positive.
In a very simple way, if you have a negative opinion then don't post, just move on and let us enjoy it here.
I am a believer, and at times think back to where I would be if I had'nt taken that step of faith. I long to see that timberline A3d speaks of.
A good high school friend of mine lost his dad. I have traveled home to Reno to be with them. At times it takes a death to bring people close to God. Or, it pushesto them away further. My friend and his young family have now gone to church the last two weeks. I had the honor of sitting with them today at church and was able to encourage them in this process. Please pray for Jesus to come into their lives. I feel something is happening in their hearts and they are on the right path.

Thanks guys!

I carry a little daily worship notebook. A few inspirational quotes from scriptures and a pocket bible. I also carry a little blank notebook that I can take notes in and write motivational lines for myself.

And a quick prayer before a stalk.
I am, by the grace of God....

"And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life." 1 John 5:11-13
I am. I see God most clearly in my children and when I am in the field or the mountains at dawn, when the world is waking up around me in a new day that he has brought.
I carry a little daily worship notebook. A few inspirational quotes from scriptures and a pocket bible. I also carry a little blank notebook that I can take notes in and write motivational lines for myself.

And a quick prayer before a stalk.

You might try putting your arrow on the rest before shooting instead of saying that prayer, it would do you more good! ;)
I know, that ol' tom had you all flustered....
You might try putting your arrow on the rest before shooting instead of saying that prayer, it would do you more good! ;)
I know, that ol' tom had you all flustered....

HA HA HA that big ol' boy did I will agree to that!!! First time using the Heads Up Decoy and wasn't TRULY ready to be charged by a turkey. It happened so fast !!! :) I saw him strutting through the trees and looked back at my camera woman :) so that we could get on the same page and be ready...when I turned around he was 12 yards and still closing!!!!
I am a christian and God is the only reason I have been sober for 2 years this month. I have grown up hunting and every day I am in the woods I thank God. I guided for a buddy for 2 season and our camp was at timberline. I had a client from Georgia watching a sunset one evening tell me if "the view doesn't make you believe in God nothing will". All I could say to that was Amen!
For me, there is no where else on earth that I feel closer to God than the mountains. When I see the incredible beauty of the surroundings and the intricacies of the circle of life, I know He is there.

I am and could not agree with this quote from Rebecca more. The high country is a wonderful place to experience Gods greatest creations.
I have had these same discussion with myself and with others, but I do tend to question some of modern sciences premises, methods and consequently its results.
It was not all that long ago that modern science told us the world was flat, you needed to bleed someone to get rid of a cold, people of color were inferior intellectually/mentally, we would never be able to fit a computer into a household, the gall bladder is of no use to the human body, etc. etc.
I say all of this just to point out that we (humans) are constantly finding new things out about the world. Lots of, at the time, modern science has been debunked and I am sure much more will be in time.

I also have to say that there are a ton of people out there more learned and eloquent on these subjects than myself. Hopefully, I do not come across as condescending or pompous as that is not my intention.

You actually came across as quite pompus and condecending towards anyone that values science.
Hey Everyone,

A thread like this should stay as positive and motivating as possible, so any negative response will be deleted. We allow and encourage debate in other areas, but this thread was started for people to share a common interest (faith) and I would like to keep it that way.

I did delete the last few responses to keep a positive atmosphere going... hope you don't mind.

So why didnt you delete post #73? I find that post quite negative, antagonizing, and offensive.
Chem E, you are obviously not a believer. If this forum had an atheist thread titled "How many hunters out there are atheist or do not believe in God?" myself as a christian would not post on it. Why try to be negative on a forum that keeps such a positive vibe?