NY hunters are people too.

I sold to a home-based FFL in NY once. Shipped the rifle USPS, insured, signature required.

He called to inform me that the rifle had been dropped off at a random house three streets away from him. By some unbelievable stroke of luck, the homeowner there knew him personally and dropped off the rifle.

Alls well that ends well, but I could certainly see wanting to avoid that possible scenario…
Seems to me it's about time to lock this thread down. Getting tired of emails popping up with negative alerts. Positive is always.betterfor our sport. Leave the egos behind. jmo

You can’t even sell certain clothes in New York, depending on what they are made from, and you’re surprised someone won’t sell you a gun?
The difference is the issue. Some materials or products are outright illegal. So ny and ca are a no-fly zone in the case of some things, like the photo above. No one can blame a business for that. And theres plenty of cases where a small business just doesnt know and has to err on the side of caution. And I get it, I have to navigate paying sales tax to 20-odd different states already, its a whole ‘nother kettle of fish to also navigate different state regs on the product itself. Thats all understandable, but its not what the OP is talking about.
The OP is talking about when a business is simply trying to make a statement, and is willfully refusing to go an inch out of their way in order to send that message. The problem is the statement they’re making is telling their friends to F off, and doing exactly what the anti-gunners want. It has exactly the opposite effect the business wants it to have, it helps no one except the anti-gun people, and it’s exactly the opposite of “the 2a community has to stick together”.

It seems to me that it would be in the best interest of everyone— and would actually send the right message—if some of the national gun organizations could provide some assistance (maybe even insurance?) to small business owners to help them navigate the regs to do business in Ca, NY, MA (and the other blueish states like Oregon, Colorado, etc who will be in the same predicament soon if we aren’t careful).
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Thats^^ exactly why the map is amazing—because such a huge portion of the “blue states” voted red. That literally IS the point—they arent “blue states”, they are “blue counties”, and in many cases its not even at county level its like “blue zip codes”.
Not many people get the cold shoulder like a red-blooded new york or california gun owner. It’s frustrating when the 2a community doesnt call out those who treat GUN OWNERS in NY and CA as enemies.
The difference is the issue. Some materials or products are outright illegal. So ny and ca are a no-fly zone in the case of some things, like the photo above. No one can blame a business for that. And theres plenty of cases where a small business just doesnt know and has to err on the side of caution. And I get it, I have to navigate paying sales tax to 20-odd different states already, its a whole ‘nother kettle of fish to also navigate different state regs on the product itself. Thats all understandable, but its not what the OP is talking about.
The OP is talking about when a business is simply trying to make a statement, and is willfully refusing to go an inch out of their way in order to send that message. The problem is the statement they’re making is telling their friends to F off, and doing exactly what the anti-gunners want. It has exactly the opposite effect the business wants it to have, it helps no one except the anti-gun people, and it’s exactly the opposite of “the 2a community has to stick together”.

It seems to me that it would be in the best interest of everyone— and would actually send the right message—if some of the national gun organizations could provide some assistance (maybe even insurance?) to small business owners to help them navigate the regs to do business in Ca, NY, MA (and the other blueish states like Oregon, Colorado, etc who will be in the same predicament soon if we aren’t careful).

It sounds like to me in the original post the gun seller basically put selling a firearm in NY in the life’s too short category. Juice isn’t worth the squeeze. That’s perfectly understandable.

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Whining about it openly on this forum and name calling? Grow up man. To hell with all that immature petty nonsense. All the while calling the Texas seller a “petulant child” 🙄
Who’s the child here..? Real easy answer…
You should be waay more pissed at the local voter base that keeps Tex from wanting to do business in your state.
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Whining about it openly on this forum and name calling? Grow up man. To hell with all that immature petty nonsense. All the while calling the Texas seller a “petulant child” 🙄
Who’s the child here..? Real easy answer…
You should be waay more pissed at the local voter base that keeps Tex from wanting to business in your state.
I think there may be some projection going on here . Acting like a child while accusing someone of acting like a child about someone acting like a child … hmmm maybe a non child could have educated themselves on laws laws in 2 states like no other states have goofy laws.