How many hunters out there are Christians?

Certainly not aware of that.
The quote came from reading about perseverance, which I see as being important in life and hunting.

What book is the quote from, google isn't pulling anything up for me.

Nietzsche is about the most athiest person to ever live I do believe.

The book I believe that quote is from "Beyond good and evil" which is a very tough read, but I thought I saw that in there because I recognized it. You could also check "Human All too Human"
By the grace of God, I'm a Christian. To me, creation proves there is a God, just as the Bible says:

“The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands,” Psalm 19:2

“Before the mountains were born, or You brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting, You are God,” Psalm 90:2.

The incredible thing about the Biblical God vs. all other gods, is His love for us:

For God so loved the world (that means each of us!) that he gave his only Son that whoever would believe would not perish but have eternal life (my paraphrase of the incredible John 3:16)
I didn't mean to start a debate but ohhiitznik brings up a lot of the arguements that go on in my head.

I will pray for you both. Everyone has to decide on a individual basis what they believe. I believe the Bible is the word of God. Though I can't answer all the questions asked I have made the decision for myself to believe. At the moment of death all the questions will be answered and no one can change their mind. One of two things will happen. Nothing, which puts everyone in the same boat, or God is real and our eternity destiny will be decided. For me I believe everyone lives for eternity but the destination is different. For non-believers this time on earth is your Heaven but for those that believe this is our living Hell. Our time on this marble is smaller than a drop in the bucket. Don't take your decision lightly.

If the Bible is wrong then we all are in the same boat regardless. However, if it is right I would think it is worth the time to investigate.

What is there to lose?

Great thread and I am proud to be counted as one as well. I normally pack a small bible on my trips, like others have said in the thread, once you've seen God work mightly, you learn to trust him and have faith in him, realizing that there are a number of things we'll never fully understand here on this earth. Good to see other believers on the board.
I didn't mean to start a debate but ohhiitznik brings up a lot of the arguements that go on in my head.

Brother you can believe in a higher god and still question some of the historical accounts. The bible has been translated into many different languages and some of the translations may not be perfectly accurate. Even modern scientists can be Religious. I'm just saying you shouldn't be blind to modern science if you are a religious person. You are sitting on a computer, You are driving a truck, You are using a bow made of metals designed by a CNC machine that flings alloyed metal tips: all products of modern science. To question some part of modern science and call it fallacy because it doesn't align with ones personal religious beliefs is very hypocritical as people sit upon their Ipads/macbooks/laptops and type. Just food for thought.
I have had these same discussion with myself and with others, but I do tend to question some of modern sciences premises, methods and consequently its results.
It was not all that long ago that modern science told us the world was flat, you needed to bleed someone to get rid of a cold, people of color were inferior intellectually/mentally, we would never be able to fit a computer into a household, the gall bladder is of no use to the human body, etc. etc.
I say all of this just to point out that we (humans) are constantly finding new things out about the world. Lots of, at the time, modern science has been debunked and I am sure much more will be in time.

I also have to say that there are a ton of people out there more learned and eloquent on these subjects than myself. Hopefully, I do not come across as condescending or pompous as that is not my intention.
Nietzsche is about the most athiest person to ever live I do believe.

The book I believe that quote is from "Beyond good and evil" which is a very tough read, but I thought I saw that in there because I recognized it. You could also check "Human All too Human"

Well, I have read "beyond good and evil" back when in college.
As far as his views, while I may not agree with him, I do believe he has presented some thought provoking ideas and statements, and in situations like that you usually find yourself questioning your faith, questioning in a way that you may come out stronger than before, therefore using the same statement made by someone for one purpose as something to reinforce something completely opposite.
Each person is entitled to their own beliefs, even if they are wrong.

I find the quote below interesting:
God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?
—Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Section 125
I think he starts off with thoughts based on his Lutheran upbringing, then turns towards the craziness that was in his mind.

Just as there are many interpretations of what is said in the Bible, I think some of Nietzsche's statements can stand alone in thought, for someone to form their own opinion.

What do you think?
I'd rather live my life right knowing there is no God than to live it wrong and when I die and find out there is!!!!!!!!!!
Expand on this. Living right without God gets you what?


I can expand on this. Saying what you said the only thing keeping you from living however you want is the bible? You would murder steal commit adultery if there was no bible? People can have morals based on the judao Christian ethic without being a believer.
Yes sir, you are 100% correct. I know non believers that are the salt of the earth. I know believers that are down right ugly. I struggle daily with things. That does not take me out of the hand of God, yet convicts me to improve myself. Personally for me before I commited my life to Christ I was making very bad decisions. Since then I have improved but will continue the fight on a different scale.

To answer you question directly I do not believe I would commit murder, steal or commit adultery if I was not a believer. Though a closer look of the sermon on the mount will reveal adultery and murder on a level that should convict every man.

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I am a born again Christian! It is cool to know there are a lot of other Christians on this site. I love the fact that I have HIM to live for, versus living for just myself or other forms of happiness.
I was raised Catholic (every other weekend) and hated every sense of it, albeit from the influence of unruly neighbor kids and a Free Mason step-father. However, I have done things I still regret and am ashamed of, morally, in my younger years and having a lack of an example growing up. No, I don't blame my parents. I have been through some tough times, emotionally and spiritually. I have questioned the very things aforementioned in this thread. I don't doubt the findings in science as they support my beliefs. I am drawn to philosophy but distrust its attempt at invoking doubt in my brain, religiously, as I try to only read what has an imprimatur and nahil obstat. I feel similar questions but I never doubt, any more. I completely trust in God through the bible and the institution of the Roman catholic church. This is my choice and I recognize and respect everyone's views. I have several atheist and agnostic friends which, as a level of maturity, we have an understanding of each other and respect each other's passion both ways. We have had some interesting conversations but I spend too much time on here and reading about trapping techniques instead of apologetics because I am not one to preach.

I underwent a transformation about the time my son was conceived and it was not a conscience decision on my part. I was afraid that I would lose my edge. It had the opposite effect. My friends seem to look up to me (or secretly laugh at me :) ) regarding it. I think we all have our role amongst each other and mine has something to do with dealing with the more callous individuals but I am not sure what it is exactly. I am very structured and since I trust in what I call black and white (dogma), I find that void filled without the need for debate nor interpretation. My apprenticeship instructor remembers me from ten years ago being a pain in the ass because I wanted my answers verbatim upon correcting homework so that I didn't study my own 'interpretation' of the answer, even though there are more than one ways to skin a cat'.

I could also go down the road of how this ties into politics as I have been in the IBEW union since '97 but live conservatively. We can leave that road to another thread. :)

To get back to the thread intention... On my first western elk hunt I had also done a bear hunt just previously in the year without success and was getting quite down. I was going through a nasty divorce and falsely accused of all kinds of terrible things. I was at a low in my life. On about day 7 of my rifle hunt I killed a nice 7x7 bull, the first elk I saw. As I was back in camp I upended my pack to get it lighter for hauling meat. I dumped its contents on the ground and took all of the items into the outfitter tent and threw them on my cot. I gathered my snacks, bladder, GPS and a few other things. As the rest of the guys were getting ready to help me I looked on the ground at something shiny. It was a Miraculous Medal that my grandmother gave me right before she died. It has been with me ever since then. I made a necklace out of 550 cord with an open double fisherman's knot. I just took it off last night as it was beginning to fall apart. The outer sheath was worn through and the 7 inner strands were showing on most of it. The back side of the medal is now smooth and most of the silver coating has given way to a dull, mat gray finish. I was going to try to get it re-coated but I think that it is time to retire it since the ring on top is almost worn through. I now carry instructions on how to pray the rosary (as I don't do it enough like I feel I should to memorize it) and a rosary. I found a lady at work that is very catholic and is making steps with me towards printing and donating instructions for troops overseas with tactical, waterproof paper.

I hope I don't offend anyone on here with this post, or any for that matter.
I am, but sadly never hauled any of the Word into the backcountry before, with us jumping into the 21st century by my wife getting an iPhone seems like we could easily get the whole Bible for the weight of a new testament. :D
I am, but sadly never hauled any of the Word into the backcountry before, with us jumping into the 21st century by my wife getting an iPhone seems like we could easily get the whole Bible for the weight of a new testament. :D

Luke- I like it!! Being weight concise even about carrying the word. So I probably should leave my Huge NASB study bible at home? ;)