Right handed, haven't learned to shoot left, uncoordinated. Left eye dominant because of a problem with right eye, I can see out of it, the left is just better. Also, my long vision is for crap, I can read a computer/book just fine.
I shoot with both eyes open. How did I fix left eye dominant, I learned to just barely close the left eye, it's enough to allow the right eye to take over, but I can still see a little out of it. Shotgun, rifle iron sights, rifle with a hubble scope or smaller scope on AR. Now I practice a lot, dry fire with caps, live fire, almost every type of gun I have, didn't say every gun, at least once a month, sometimes twice. I dry fire these guns at least once every week, concealed carry, everyday, at least a few snap caps pulled. I bought a snap cap for my concealed carry that has a laser to show me. I haven't seen one, I wanted to afford, that would give me wing shooting for my shotgun. I know some say you don't need snap caps, me I'll go my way, you go yours.
I was taught both eyes open as a child, I still do it that way 56/57 years later. FYI, I have snap caps for every caliber rifle and handgun I consistently like to shoot.
I don't do archery. I probably should pick one up just for strength training.