How do you carry bow while hunting?

Apr 13, 2018
How do you guys carry your bow when you chasing a bugle? Is it on your pack, in your hand or on a sling?

Trying to figure out if I should go with a bow cover or a bow sling for western backpacking.
In my hand 95%of the time. Even hiking in. Sometimes I drop a cam in bottom loop of my reckoning and strap it down but not often
Agreed it’s in my hands most of the time, I tried a sling but it was never that convenient
Always in my hand unless I have a long hike in or out of the woods in the dark. Then I will stop and strap it to the pack. While hunting always in my hand, can you predict exactly when your going to run into elk? It would suck not to have the bow ready.
When I’m just covering ground I typically lay it horizontally behind my head and eat it over my shoulders and on top of my pack. It balances there extremely well, even better if I rest one hand on the stabilizer bar that extends over my shoulder.

You can’t cheat the mountain
on the pack, over the shoulder or more commonly in my left hand. i never carry by the string.
In my hands until dark. Bow in one hand, trekking pole in the other. Then if a long hike back after dark I will strap it to my pack.

My first season hunting elk I missed an opportunity due to my bow being strapped to my pack. About 2 pm we had just hiked in and we crossing a open sage are to a timbered bench. The plan was to get my bow off the pack right before we entered the timber. Well of course when we stopped at the edge and I start to remove my pack a bull stands up 20 yards in front of me and stood there. I tried to get to my bow, but that much movement spooked him out.
Always in my hand. Have my stabilizer setup to balance naturally from the grip. Things can happen fast. Things can get ugly trying to hurriedly drop your pack to get your bow unstrapped.
Always in hand. 100% of the time. Even when I'm humping camp in. I'm way too paranoid about accidentally damaging my bow. If it's in my hand, I have full control of the situation at hand ;)
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Predawn I'll have it attached to my bag, once shooting light arrives it's in my hands. Took some getting used to for an East Coast guy where I usually carry my bow in a Primos Bow Sling.
Grip it and rip it👍 Always in my hand........those that use slings be careful.......long story short shot bull in 04 otc unit with outfitter in area seen them come by about 30 yds from me as I was skinning they never saw me but I saw the hunters Mathews bow and nicely decked out arrows several hours later as I was plowing through the jungle I ran into them.....I looked at the hunter and did not see his bow on his bow sling and asked where his bow was.......and the outfitter said he lost it......I said he lost his bow and yep they were walking through the dense brush after I saw them on his bow sling and it disconnected and he never felt it come beware they are so light you could lose your bow and not even know it🥳🤔🍀
I alternate between holding the string, holding the handle with string down, or unsuccessfully attempting to find a way to rest it on my shoulder. If I figure that last one out I'll be a happy hunter.

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Guess I'm an outsider here. I use a bow sling. I don't strap it to my pack, but I'll have it in a sling while walking. Only takes a second to pop the limb pockets off. I'll still hold it with one hand. But let some of the weight be carried by my shoulder. I have shot several elk that when I spotted them the bow was in my sling.