How do you carry bow while hunting?

On our first hunt, the first morning, we were walking up a logging road with our bows on our packs. We were just be-bopping along and then my buddy was like "Reckon Ill rip a bugle". He called, we waited, and then we just started easing back up the road. Less than a minute passed and we heard something. We looked up and my buddy saw the antlers coming through the trees and I saw the body. He was at 35-ish yards broadside staring at us. All 3 of us had our bows on our packs....... That bull stared until I hate the great idea to hit the ground and try and get my bow off my pack. He was gone before I even cleared the buckle.

We learned that if the sun is out, we either have our bow in hand, or we balance it on the pack like some have said here.

The way I prepare for this is by walking with either dumbells or kettlebells will walking around the house with my pack.
Anyone have experience with the Kentucky Bow Sling?

My bow is usually in my hand but I do own the Third Hand rubber hook that i attach to my climbing harness for treestand hunting. For elk hunting I put the rubber hook on my pack belt. It's not easy to describe but while walking I have the bow string down in the hook and i hold the bow by the riser under my arm. Works great. This setup allowed me to shoot a cow last fall as I was back tracking to get in a more favorable wind and I came upon some bedded elk. If the bow had been on my pack I would have no chance at a shot.
I have used the Primos Bow Sling with good results. However, i can attest, it's not exactly quick and easy to pull the sling off and nock an arrow when an animal is looking at you. Even more difficult when its strapped to your pack. On the flip side, when i have been hiking on loose ground, a bow in the hand is MUCH more apt to get damaged by a slip or fall than safely anchored on your pack.
In hand 100% of time hunting, only on pack if crossing major stream that requires walking sticks or helping pack load of meat.
Always in my hand. Depends on bow. PSE DNA I carry by the strimg. My Carbon Stealth I carry by the strut on the riser.

I've tried slings and it didn't catch on with me. Strapping to my pack, I've never done.

Bow sling. I've never missed an opportunity at an animal. In fact, I have killed a bull with one end of the sling still attached to the riser.