How do you carry bow while hunting?

I have been very interested in the answer as I am new to bow hunting and planning my first archery hunt. Agree with while hunting light its definitely in your hand, my question is about the hike in & out during darkness or real gnarley stuff " in my hand so if I fall I can protect my bow" - my question is would that fall be prevented if you has a trekking pole in each hand, so having on your pack would actually be safer?
I use the Black Creek bow sling. I luv it. It literally detaches in seconds allowing you to be ready to shoot quickly. It can be worn over shoulder and can detach from bow in seconds for quick shots. The quick release buckles stay attached to the bow limb and do not alter the performance of the bow. Because it uses opposite sides of the buckles on each limb you can take the sling off the bow and buckle it around your waist when not in use. This helps prevent you from laying it down and leaving it behind. I throw the strap over my shoulder, the bow hangs at my side and I can walk / climb with one hand still on my bow.
Anyone have experience with the Kentucky Bow Sling?

I’ve tried it...well it was from Third Hand Archery but I think it is the same. Also tried the Montana bow sling and this hook:

Limited testing so far but here’s what I’ve found. The hook somehow manages to grab the bow handle too tight to easily pull it out one handed while also not being tight enough to keep it from shifting/sliding. The Kentucky/THA is decent but really doesn’t help much when walking. It is really just for standing still. Also, it has already almost dropped my bow twice because it gives too much. The Montana is what I used the most because it is the most secure BY FAR. It can be tricky to deploy but I think that can be fixed with adjustments and practice. When it is attached via the shoulder straps, I think it started causing shoulder discomfort, but that also might be fixable with different arrangements. I will continue testing the other two but will probably end up using the Montana.

I would be curious for those that use the Montana how they mount it.
I’ve tried it...well it was from Third Hand Archery but I think it is the same. Also tried the Montana bow sling and this hook:

Limited testing so far but here’s what I’ve found. The hook somehow manages to grab the bow handle too tight to easily pull it out one handed while also not being tight enough to keep it from shifting/sliding. The Kentucky/THA is decent but really doesn’t help much when walking. It is really just for standing still. Also, it has already almost dropped my bow twice because it gives too much. The Montana is what I used the most because it is the most secure BY FAR. It can be tricky to deploy but I think that can be fixed with adjustments and practice. When it is attached via the shoulder straps, I think it started causing shoulder discomfort, but that also might be fixable with different arrangements. I will continue testing the other two but will probably end up using the Montana.

I would be curious for those that use the Montana how they mount it.
Thanks. Those are both of the ones I’ve been considering.
Another vote for in the hand. Missed an opportunity at a buck last year because I got lazy and my bow was on the hook in the tree stand
In my hand 99.999999% of the time. It'll only take once for an elk to walk in front of you at 10 yards while you are "hiking in to your spot". It happened to me once and never again. As a result of hiking with my bow in hand, I've harvested a handful of animals over the years that were simply luck/right place right time and being ready.

The second I close the door on the truck, I am hunting.
How do you guys carry your bow when you chasing a bugle? Is it on your pack, in your hand or on a sling?

Trying to figure out if I should go with a bow cover or a bow sling for western backpacking.
If actually hunting always in hand-or else you’re just walking. If you are just walking to camp before hunt, out after dark, what’s comfortable for you and safe for the bow. No reason to burn extra energy if not needed.
I use to be 100 percent in my hand or over my shoulder with hand on stabilizer. Last year I tried a sling - hated it. I also tried attaching to my pack with those plastic/rubber twist ties the proper name of which escapes my CRS brain right now. I loved that. I realize there is a risk of stumbling onto an elk like that, but I did it. When
If it isn't on my pack it's in my hand. Only time it is on the pack is before and after legal shooting hours. I've tried several different slings and don't like any of them. I just carry it by the handle and string.