How do you carry bow elk hunting CO? Bow Hitch worth it?

Yes that’s what I was thinking, unfortunately my badlands bino harness dose not have the loops on the bottom. So I’ll have to attach to my waist belt of my pack with the other model of the clips I posted originally.
If your harness has horizontal straps that go around your ribcage under your arms, you could hang the tri-glide attachment version of the Marsupial Gear hooks from that strap. That's what I do with my older MG harness that doesn't have loops sewn onto the bottom of the bino pouch.
If your harness has horizontal straps that go around your ribcage under your arms, you could hang the tri-glide attachment version of the Marsupial Gear hooks from that strap. That's what I do with my older MG harness that doesn't have loops sewn onto the bottom of the bino pouch.
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That’s the model I was talking about, no side loop either but should hang off the mystery ranch waist belt.
Same here. Easy on, easy off

I've even ridden my mountain bike carrying the bow across my back with the Montana sling.

I much prefer hooks on my riser to anything on my string.

Too easy to miss a hook and it slides on the string, possibly stopped by the peep after its moved 1/4" or something.

Keeps it basically in your hands, without your arms carrying the weight.
Bow hitch is great for when you are actively hunting. I personally don't like bow slings just because they take a lot of time and movement to get the bow ready to shoot. You can operate the bow hitch with one hand.
always in hand unless dark, then sometimes strapped to pack
glass off the top of bow like others mentioned
I start carrying around a 10lb dumbell in my hand on my weighted hikes closer to season
I've tried a sling but didn't like it
Haven't tried the bow hitch, but it looks interesting, I just set it on the ground if I'm not glassing off it
I’m surprised that no one has mentioned the bow spider. I personally don’t care for it but it was hot a year ago.
I use the same riser hook I’ve had for years. Fits on my belt just a little above my left hand. When I need both hands or a break from carrying, it drops right in. Used some 1” flat aluminum and hockey tape to make one to fit my F1 belt webbing.
I don’t like hanging my bow by the string. Can easily slide and move peeps, seen it, or have a burr and cut into the string. IMO, the string is the most vulnerable part of your bow, protect it.
Also have a Primos bow sling to cover strings and cams if it goes on the pack.
Yep, I’m overly cautious.
I tried two hooks on the belt: one that hung the bow by the string and one that hung it by the handle. Handle was better, but in the end, I tried the Montana bow sling and found it much better.

The hip ones torque the belts too much and cause discomfort. With the bow sling, I have no discomfort. It comes off extremely fast. With it on the sling, I can still maneuver the bow through thick brush or use the cam to stabilize binoculars while standing.
depends on terrain. If i have my sissy poles in my hands, i have it over my shoulder with a mathews bow sling. If my poles are on my pack, the bow is in my hand. I curse the sling, but it does help especially on super long days in crap terrain.
I have the bow hitch and the clips from Marsupial. Both work well, the clips are only good when standing as others had said. The bow hitch works while walking.

I have found I have trouble in that I am a bigger guy and your belly and bow occupy the same space sometimes with these devices. I am looking at the montana bow sling and spider setup.

If anyone is interested, I would sell the bow hitch or marsupial clips cheap. I am located in Upstate NY. I sell mostly on Archery Talk under the same name, just found Rok Slide recently.
I'll be using the Kuiu String/Quiver protector and have my bow strapped to my bag with a grab it when I hit the mountains this fall. But for whitetail hunting... string protector is borderline overkill since I'm not humping it more than 200 yards from a road
I use a belt hook that attaches to my hip belt on my pack. I'm right handed and carry the bow on my left hip so it is easy to grab. Similar to this. View attachment 696325
Same. Something similar to this.
It works well enough for short hikes where I stabilize the bow with my left hand.
For long hikes I strap the bow to my pack. When actively hunting it's in my hand. For everything in-between I really like the belt hook.