How ABSOLUTE LOW must one stoop?

Oct 1, 2019
I get paranoid leaving totes with freeze dried meals unlocked in the bed of the truck. That’s pretty pathetic. You would think your back far enough anyone that would put this much effort getting here would be a decent human being. I hope that stove burns their tent down. To touch on the Oregon comments there are people stuck with Oregon plates, and then there are the portlanders, that ruin the name of our whole state. We aren’t all bad people.


Oct 22, 2019
Growing up backpacking and hunting, even in a state with as shitty people as California, there was always the unwritten rule of you do NOT mess with peoples gear in the back country. Even the most scummy, rotten folks out there knew that this was a line you didn’t cross.

This has to be some sort of “play” where you stumbled into “their” area and they are trying to chase you out.

I saw this in Idaho on my last trip. Guys setting up bluff tents as if they were camping certain ridgelines to keep hunters away. Sad.
May 7, 2023
I've never hunted Idaho but I've left some expensive stuff in my tent in other states. I'm sure a lot of guys have had similar days towards the end of your hunt where you leave a bunch of stuff in the tent to go super light...I think I'll think twice now
Apr 9, 2023
My friend was long range target shooting in eastern Oregon. He usually finds a place with 1500y safe no roads and blm areas etc. While shooting, someone hikes in to his target (steel plate on a post painted) and hangs out a minute like, should I steal this or not…uh, you’re in someone’s scope somewhere
I have to admit that it would have been soooooo…. Tempting to aim well to the side ( but not so far as to where he couldn’t hear the impact ) and…..well, you know the rest.
I’ve seen “ character “ defined as what one does when no one is looking. Also, the above posts illustrate just how poorly some people are raised ( not the posters, those that they are describing! ).
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2012
Lowman, Idaho
@mtnwrunner I'm only in my 30s but I was raised way better than a$$holes like that. If he happens to live in the Boise valley area and he needs to borrow a stove to get back out there this year and kill a buck let me know, I have a 18 inch lite outdoors he can borrow.
That is very generous of you and thank you. Gotta love rokslide.
I'll let him know and I also have one he can use but I'm fairly certain he wouldn't accept.

Feb 24, 2016
I can’t imagine how big of nuts a person must have to go inside of someone else’s tent and steal their stuff not knowing when or where the person is at…… Lol I mean they must have basketballs hanging there….
Jan 12, 2017
Idaho Falls,ID
That is very generous of you and thank you. Gotta love rokslide.
I'll let him know and I also have one he can use but I'm fairly certain he wouldn't accept.

I'm in Idaho Falls, if that's closer to where your relative is. I have one he can borrow as well, I won't need it the rest of this year. It's an 18" Lite Outdoors as well.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
I was raised to keep yer nose out of other people's stuff. And not be too worried about what they are doing.

Walking into a camp and snooping around is pretty dumb. If they get caught, no telling what might happen.

mt terry d

Jul 18, 2023
I’d never even considered that possibility.
Sounds like it may become prudent to set up a game cam in a strategic spot.
AND THEN if you discover the thief do not depend on justice from the Criminal Protection System. Call a friend…….
Apr 2, 2013
What model stove was it? I have a couple connections that run deep in the southern Idaho community and can try to get ears out for someone selling or bragging about their new stove.


May 23, 2012
Man, what a bummer to have a hunt ruined in that manner! I hope he is able to get back out there and kill a big one!

I had a hunt almost ruined in a similar manner a number of years ago. We had hiked in about 3-1/2 miles and set up a spike camp. We hung our food outside the tipi to keep it away from critters and went out hunting for the day. When we returned, all our food was gone. And it wasn't any 4-legged critters that had taken it. Turned out there were horse tracks all the way up to our camp, they had ridden their horses up and grabbed our food out of the tree and taken off with it. Was a pretty big bummer to be sitting up at 11,000', miles from the truck, exhausted after a long day of chasing bulls and not have any dinner to make. Luckily we had some spotty cell service about 3/4 mile from camp and were able to call a buddy who brought us in some food the next day.

We notified the sheriffs office and other folks around the area. Come to find out there was an outfitter that was going around and doing this to camps that were in "his" area. He was trying his best to run off every other hunter that he could. This was an archery hunt and he didn't even set his camp up until 2nd rifle there in CO. He just didn't want any competition. It was an OTC unit that had plenty of bulls, nothing huge, just a fun area to hunt. He was never charged with taking our food, but he did end up in the gray bar hotel for some other shenaningans, so I guess he got what was coming to him. But still was pretty upsetting to have another person come into our camp and steal our food.
Mar 27, 2019
Lyon County, NV
Man, what a bummer to have a hunt ruined in that manner! I hope he is able to get back out there and kill a big one!

I had a hunt almost ruined in a similar manner a number of years ago. We had hiked in about 3-1/2 miles and set up a spike camp. We hung our food outside the tipi to keep it away from critters and went out hunting for the day. When we returned, all our food was gone. And it wasn't any 4-legged critters that had taken it. Turned out there were horse tracks all the way up to our camp, they had ridden their horses up and grabbed our food out of the tree and taken off with it. Was a pretty big bummer to be sitting up at 11,000', miles from the truck, exhausted after a long day of chasing bulls and not have any dinner to make. Luckily we had some spotty cell service about 3/4 mile from camp and were able to call a buddy who brought us in some food the next day.

We notified the sheriffs office and other folks around the area. Come to find out there was an outfitter that was going around and doing this to camps that were in "his" area. He was trying his best to run off every other hunter that he could. This was an archery hunt and he didn't even set his camp up until 2nd rifle there in CO. He just didn't want any competition. It was an OTC unit that had plenty of bulls, nothing huge, just a fun area to hunt. He was never charged with taking our food, but he did end up in the gray bar hotel for some other shenaningans, so I guess he got what was coming to him. But still was pretty upsetting to have another person come into our camp and steal our food.

So many comments from people losing gear to theft in the backcountry...seems like it's time to start bringing game/security cams for camp.

Also makes me wonder if good outfitters know who the bad ones are who do this. Or "influencers".
Aug 10, 2019
Lowcountry, SC
Too late now, but I always put at least two game cameras pointing at my camp. Can't stop them, but maybe can catch them. Too bad a Airtag wouldn't work on a wood stove.