How ABSOLUTE LOW must one stoop?

I dont believe this is correct, you cant shoot someone inside your "castle" in the back as they are walking out with your items in hand. Thats not my understanding of castle doctrine, your life still has to be threatened.
This hypothetical isnt the question here either, returning to camp is.

Someone could argue life by deprivation of life essential items but that would be a really really weak argument to make if you can just hike out.
I wouldnt try to think of hypotheticals to justify pre-determining actions using force thats a great way to get convicted. Bottom line, was your life in immediate danger, and were your actions reasonable. More important than studying castle doctrine is what reasonable means here.

Yeah, I believe the courts would largely be concerned with what is considered reasonable.

It would be reasonable to shoot someone entering your tent to rob you, if you are already in there sleeping or whatever.

It would not be reasonable to see someone in your tent from a distance, then proceed to enter the tent as well and shoot them claiming castle.
Hypothetically...if you were hiking back to camp and were within sight, and you saw a thief rummaging through your tent and supplies, could you fire off a warning shot at his feet?
Hypothetically if there is only one story told out in BFE, the teller is pretty safe
Not from the stress and scrutiny associated with the ordeal, that $400 stove would absolutely pale in comparison IMO.
A man has to know his limitations.
I couldn't live with myself if I watched he/she/it walk away with my stove. Bullet, knife, stick...there's gonna be some retribution. Probably would depend on my mood that day.
I think the thief just wanted a stove, not trying to get OP's buddy to leave the area. If he was trying to drive him out, would have taken sleeping bag, not stove.

As far as catching thief in the act, if you're going to shoot, just aim at a stump or tree, not at the perp or his feet. Not worth the added aggravation.
Close, but not quite - you have the right to protect your property with lethal force, if occupied. It's not about protecting your life or body. They do not have to threaten you in any way.

I disagree a bit. Even the link you posted about the state of the law in Nevada has a 2-part test. The second part being "and you reasonably believe the intruder intends to commit violence." I would want to make sure I had more to stand on than theft of my property. As you said in a subsequent post, best case scenario, the legal bill enforcing your "rights" costs more than the stove he was stealing.

That said, I'd have a hard time watching my property walk off and let some dirtbag be unjustly enriched.
Hypothetically...if you were hiking back to camp and were within sight, and you saw a thief rummaging through your tent and supplies, could you fire off a warning shot at his feet?
Hypothetically you could

S S & S.

Guaranteed to eliminate repeat offenders.
Yeah, I believe the courts would largely be concerned with what is considered reasonable.

It would be reasonable to shoot someone entering your tent to rob you, if you are already in there sleeping or whatever.

It would not be reasonable to see someone in your tent from a distance, then proceed to enter the tent as well and shoot them claiming castle.
It does get muddier.
It is highly likely that the person was armed... which could lead to a better argument for feeling your life was reasonably in danger.

In the end I'm in the same position, call me soft if you want but I'm not willing to kill or be killed over a stove.
Just curious can you give us a general area where this fella was operating?
This was over 10 years ago in SW Colorado. A little north of Durango. Many of the locals knew who it was as soon as they heard the story. Was pretty well known for doing some real shady things in the backcountry.
I mainly posted this thread so that others like myself, are aware that this crap happens now. I've never even dreamed about my stuff being stolen in the backcountry...
Till now.
I'm very keen of situational awareness and will be more so now that this occurred.
FWIW......this was a couple hours from the Boise metro area and I'll find out what kind of stove it was.

There are areas of the world where thieves get their arms/hands cut off for stealing. Seems like a good practice to me.
My coworker relayed this story to me this morning as it was our first day back after a 4 day weekend.
His nephew is a stud and an absolute machine in the mountains along with being a devoted, ethical passionate hunter.......a great guy as I know him.
He hunts solo and packed in a few miles this weekend for deer. He uses really good gear, has a tipi along with a titanium wood stove.
He gets his camp all set up and goes hunting. Gets back after dark whooped, ready for warm food and shelter and finds out some lowlife douche has taken his wood stove and pipe. He's absolutely bent and can't believe it AND its his only source of heating water.
I mean, come on, its the backcountry of Idaho. Really?

Wow, it's painful to read this, especially to me - I've lived and hunted in this state for 50 years and I've never had anything stolen. I've also read earlier this summer that people have been breaking into parked cars at trailheads in the Boise foothills.
It does get muddier.
It is highly likely that the person was armed... which could lead to a better argument for feeling your life was reasonably in danger.

In the end I'm in the same position, call me soft if you want but I'm not willing to kill or be killed over a stove.

If this happens to me, I'll sent you sat/text updates. You start a thread on here as it is happening and we will let gang justice take care of them.

I'll get phone scope pics too.
that is some low life scum bag sh**. I’m a generally paranoid person when it comes to my stuff not just hunting but in general. But when I’ve backpacked in like that, that’s the one time I’m not paranoid about my stuff getting stolen or messed with. Guess that’s not even safe anymore.

I’d be tempted to set camp up again and back out and watch to see if the thief returns for a 2nd time.
Maybe a “sting” and pack in a couple of trail cams…