Hoping to get some suggestions on the type/specs on what kind of pedal bike to buy for hunting?

Full suspension, would avoid the fat tire if possible if riding long distances.

Go to a couple of your local bike shops and test ride/rent as many as you can. Put your pack on and all of the gear that you plan on bringing and try them out
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Is there a brand of racks for the rear and front that would hold up to some actual weight

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old man mountain makes some nice racks.
surely makes some nice racks.

you can only load so much weight on them though. Don't put to much on the front, it makes the steering wierd.
I think a 29" hardtail would be the ticket.

I picked up a Specialized Turbo Levo last year and it's amazing but an e-bike and out of the budget range. I didn't get it for hunting but I can see where it could be a game changer if you're biking in for day trips.
Be sure to ride the bike with all of your gear as you will likely need to upgrade suspension components for the best performance. Use a tubeless tire system to reduce flats again think about the extra weight carried.

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