Here it comes


Jun 12, 2020
It literally hurts me... in the core of my being... that there exists such emotionally-led people devoid of logic and reason whose votes get to have any kind of say, and even equal weight as my own vote, in terms of deciding upon rules which will affect ME... especially when it comes to topics they literally know NOTHING about!

The AUDACITY of these politicos living in nice cushy neighborhoods... to have the GALL to think THEY know what's best for the very real security needs of folks faced with the dilemma of living in Broke-n-Po Ghetto-@$$ neighborhoods.

I'm fortunate enough now, that thru my own responsible work and effort I made sure to get the hell on out of the kinds of places I grew up in, at a young age. And I now enjoy living in a safe neighborhood. BUT....BUT.... I will NEVER forget what it was like living in those lesser places. The very real and ever-present security concerns you're faced with when in such places. What it was like having to drive my MIL back to 1-block away from where the Rodney King Riots started on the day it happened! The shizzle I saw that day. I feel certain if I could somehow transmit those memories into the countries collective conscious that they'd wake the hell up out of the naive sleep many of them have been lulled into by virtue of being lucky enough that their forefathers worked hard to get them moved into better neighborhoods to grow up in.

And certainly nowadays I HAVE to believe the rest of the world has seen that our governance, aka LEO's... aren't always "righteous". With observations only those of us in Ghetto 'hoods used to be privy to knowing about before. My point being, they've GOT to be aware by now that threat can come from both the good side and the bad side. And the prevailing thought I've always had on that matter has always been "If the police can have it, then you and I damn well better be allowed to have it too." Anything else is just BEGGING to have this place we all love turn into a totalitarian state.

And the truly SICK part? These people pushing for gun legislation? They DO NOT f***ing care about anyones safety. All they care about is having another "Wow!"-looking achievement on their political resumes. That's it. Anybody who believes otherwise is a Gawd Damned Fool.


May 12, 2020
Mesa, Arizona
name me 10 republican Senators that would vote for this.

I'll give you 3, 4 at best...Collins, Romney, Toomey and MAYBE Murkowski

and i'd bet at a minumum Steve Daines (MT) is a no...if so that makes 11 republican votes needed.
8 Republicans in the House voted in favor of it. Don't put faith in a party. They're all asshats


Oct 28, 2015
It literally hurts me... in the core of my being... that there exists such emotionally-led people devoid of logic and reason whose votes get to have any kind of say, and even equal weight as my own vote, in terms of deciding upon rules which will affect ME... especially when it comes to topics they literally know NOTHING about!

The AUDACITY of these politicos living in nice cushy neighborhoods... to have the GALL to think THEY know what's best for the very real security needs of folks faced with the dilemma of living in Broke-n-Po Ghetto-@$$ neighborhoods.

I'm fortunate enough now, that thru my own responsible work and effort I made sure to get the hell on out of the kinds of places I grew up in, at a young age. And I now enjoy living in a safe neighborhood. BUT....BUT.... I will NEVER forget what it was like living in those lesser places. The very real and ever-present security concerns you're faced with when in such places. What it was like having to drive my MIL back to 1-block away from where the Rodney King Riots started on the day it happened! The shizzle I saw that day. I feel certain if I could somehow transmit those memories into the countries collective conscious that they'd wake the hell up out of the naive sleep many of them have been lulled into by virtue of being lucky enough that their forefathers worked hard to get them moved into better neighborhoods to grow up in.

And certainly nowadays I HAVE to believe the rest of the world has seen that our governance, aka LEO's... aren't always "righteous". With observations only those of us in Ghetto 'hoods used to be privy to knowing about before. My point being, they've GOT to be aware by now that threat can come from both the good side and the bad side. And the prevailing thought I've always had on that matter has always been "If the police can have it, then you and I damn well better be allowed to have it too." Anything else is just BEGGING to have this place we all love turn into a totalitarian state.

And the truly SICK part? These people pushing for gun legislation? They DO NOT f***ing care about anyones safety. All they care about is having another "Wow!"-looking achievement on their political resumes. That's it. Anybody who believes otherwise is a Gawd Damned Fool.
The worst part is that people have no idea that the government has NO obligation to protect you. Plenty of case law supports the fact that LEOs do not have to put themselves at risk to save someone else. First we will have a registry. Some won't comply. Then we will see erosion of the 4th and 5th amendments and from there, we are no longer america

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
Dec 6, 2020
Shenandoah Valley
TL-DR the bill. Anyone care to break down the key takeaways? All the news sites are just saying background checks, then blah blah blah democrats this, blah blah blah republicans that. Thanks in advance!
Aug 28, 2017
TL-DR the bill. Anyone care to break down the key takeaways? All the news sites are just saying background checks, then blah blah blah democrats this, blah blah blah republicans that. Thanks in advance!
Background checks for all firearm sales or transfers. Few exceptions.

Also currently the FBI has up to 3 days to get back to the FFL on a background check. If no response before the 3rd day, then the dealer can make the transfer. They want to up it to 10 days.
Jun 17, 2017
From the Fox News story:

"Certainly hundreds of thousands -- maybe millions -- of people walking the streets today because we passed [the 1994 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act] would be dead," Schumer, who authored the Brady Act requiring background checks on all U.S. firearm buyers, said during the briefing.

If that many lives were saved by the Brady Bill, I would not be surprised if this bill results in a negative number of firearm deaths.
More people, more greenhouse gasses. Guns are good for the environment.


Oct 4, 2016
I didn't read the entire bill but according to the article it involves background checks. That's a long way from the gestapo coming to get my guns. "THEY" have been coming for my guns my entire life according to the other gunowners I talk to. I still have all of mine and have never had a problem purchasing one. I do have a problem finding ammo to hunt with because apparently the world is ending and some folks want to bury it in their bunkers.

That one is the background check bill. Here is the AWB ban as promised including anything greater than 10 round magazines. Don't worry they are magnanimous enough to let you keep them for a while, but you can never transfer them.


Dec 17, 2015
Midwest - IL
I didn't read the entire bill but according to the article it involves background checks. That's a long way from the gestapo coming to get my guns. "THEY" have been coming for my guns my entire life according to the other gunowners I talk to. I still have all of mine and have never had a problem purchasing one. I do have a problem finding ammo to hunt with because apparently the world is ending and some folks want to bury it in their bunkers.

Don’t be naive. The reason they don’t have your guns is guys like myself and millions of other gun owners fighting them at every turn.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Oct 28, 2015
Don't forget that the background check makes it potentially a crime to loan someone a gun. Kids won't be able to hunt until they buy and background check.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk


Jun 18, 2019
You know what’s crazy is that leftist and RINO politicians live in such a swamp bubble that they either don’t care or are oblivious to what will inevitably happen when they keep trampling our rights. It’s a matter of time before the people take back their god-given rights.


Jun 12, 2020
THey keep pushing they will get to a point that will send this country into a civil war. They better be careful. The American people wont have it.
That's just it though... American people who understand and value the rights given in the foundational documents (which these days, ironically enough seem more and more to only be newly assimilated Americans from other oppressive nations, go figure) are becoming such a minority though! And with the Lame-Stream news is in on it, in terms of the PsyOps belief-system re-programming of the masses. Somehow they're all being pushed in the direction of NOT Questioning Authority, for whatever-in-the-hell reason that doesn't make any freakin' logical sense.

If it comes to civil war.... I really don't know man. They'll likely get away with it! IF they push us enough to where we go all-in in saying EFF-you this ends now... because of all this PsyOps they've been doing the emotionally-led masses will no doubt view those of us who do put it on the line as surely being white-nationalist "kooks" or prepper/militia "kooks" and liken such a movement to the dufus with the Viking horns and painted face who managed to scramble into the whitehouse all lookin' like some kinda Braveheart wannabe reject.

AND... to aid THEM... the only viable avenue for true reporting of events now... the internet.... THEY will just secretly tell BigTech to "squash that noise" and they'll push a big red shiny CENSORSHIP button and any server or machines connected to those servers will get denial of service literally at-will. And without true coms happening for the masses... I'm not necessarily gonna say they're EFF'd... but it'll certainly be an unfathomably uphill battle in terms of coordinating efforts.

As a preparatory maneuver... we NEED to somehow isolate the telecom industry from total and complete govt plug-pulling capability. I dunno... call it S.O.S. Act or something pass it thru congress by saying it gaurantees us the right to signal for help in dire situations or something.

After comms comes power... then water... then distribution corridors... then food... then securing farmland/ranchland from govt lockdown ctrl.