My suggestion was made precisely because it is daunting. 90% or more of hunters starting out in your position are unsuccessful year after year. They spend thousands of dollars year after year with a minimal chance of success on OTC hunts. That's a statistical reality. Everyone watching YouTube gets excited and thinks they're going to be the exception to the rule, but 90% or more aren't.Can you elaborate on the motivation part? Maybe you underestimate how daunting this all is for someone so far away, since you live in CO? I'm certainly a motivated hunter, just figuring out where to go in general and how to do it legally has always been the difficult part.
If you are ok with being unsuccessful to the tune of thousands of dollars for 3-5 years in a row to learn the game, then go for it. If you want to be efficient with your time and money, book a private land hunt. My experience with OTC Colorado is that it takes a minimum of 2 years worth of at least 10 days in the field during season to start to figure elk out. Coming from clear across the country, that's quite expensive for you. Add to that the steepness of the learning curve, and OTC hunting becomes a nice donation to CPW.
Figuring out applications is literally the easiest part. There's heaven knows how many hours of free info in addition to paid application services. If that is proving difficult, figuring out the behavior of an elk herd in unfamiliar and extremely rugged terrain on a hunt where pressure is extremely high and most of the elk end up on the private property I'm suggesting you pay to hunt is going to be an impossible waste of time and money.
My advice to anyone in your position is one of two options:
- Book a hunt on private land
- Draw a decent tag (3-5 years minimum to draw) and hire a guide