Me and a friend went out and shot at a buddy's farm this weekend trying to stretch our rifles out before we try our first nrl hunter event. We were able to get a target out at 820 yds. This is the first time I've shot this load and rifle past 450 yds so I used some old data and adjusted from there. We found our dope and packed up. Tonight i enter everything in my ballistic apps and none of the data is making sense. All the calculators I've typed the data into have my drop data .4 mil higher then what was hitting. I'm hoping maybe one of you can point out an input or something that I've missed. Every other rifle,load, etc ive tried on these apps have been within a tenth at most distances.
Load data/ environmental is
6.5 140 match burner (.522g1-.288g7) @2780fps scope height is 1.85" 1/8 twist
790' elevation 35°f 70%hum and 29.92in hg.
6.0 mils is what was hitting at perfect height but strelok and wez both call for 6.4 mils. I tried adjusting velocity to see if maybe the garmin was off a little bit, no beans, looks like according to them velocity would need to be around 100 fps faster to get a 6.0 mil solution.
I haven't run into this before, is there an input I could obviously be missing, maybe adjusting the bc? I figured someone on here would probably be able to get me back on track if you got the time to run the numbers I would appreciate it.
Load data/ environmental is
6.5 140 match burner (.522g1-.288g7) @2780fps scope height is 1.85" 1/8 twist
790' elevation 35°f 70%hum and 29.92in hg.
6.0 mils is what was hitting at perfect height but strelok and wez both call for 6.4 mils. I tried adjusting velocity to see if maybe the garmin was off a little bit, no beans, looks like according to them velocity would need to be around 100 fps faster to get a 6.0 mil solution.
I haven't run into this before, is there an input I could obviously be missing, maybe adjusting the bc? I figured someone on here would probably be able to get me back on track if you got the time to run the numbers I would appreciate it.