It's very daunting. Figuring out the system is overwhelming. The mountains are HUGE way bigger than they look on a map, you can't fathom it until you are standing on one and wondering what the hell you were thinking.
My advice: Buy an OTC 2nd Rifle tag in CO this year. GO DO IT!! You won't regret it. Pick a unit that is at least half Huge mountains. Plan a 5 day hunt and GO DO IT!! Plan to kill an elk, but do not expect to kill an elk. There is only so much knowledge you can get on the computer, this forum, podcasts, etc. Get to the woods!! It's painful and frustrating, it's also glorious and addicting. You are buying a tag, dropping bags on gear and travel for the experience.
CO OTC is NOT a great Elk Experience, but it is experience, and experience is invaluable. You can't kill an elk until you fail to kill an elk. (yes, there are exceptions)
This is from an Okie who hunted deer for the last 15 years, I'd been to the mountains plenty, but never to hunt. I never could get away from little league football, family, kids to make an elk hunt happen. Until I just did it in 2022 at the young age of 38. Decided to do it 3 weeks before season. Bought OTC 2nd rifle tags and went and hunted. Never even saw a Bull Elk (did have shots at cows multiple days, but no cow tag). Now I'm in all the way. I'm going to CO for the 3rd year in a row, and Montana in November, and have Idaho booked for next fall.
2022: 5 days OTC 2nd Rifle in CO
2023: 7 days Archery in CO
2024: 10 days archery scheduled in CO, and 7 days Rifle scheduled in Montana (taking my 14 year old with me on the MT trip!)
2025: Booked Archery in Idaho, plus likely CO rifle.
Just GO DO IT! Do it this year!!
PM me if you decide to do it. I'll at least give ya some advice on picking a unit. Then just pick a mountain road and find a spot to camp halfway up it, from there its all failure and learning....