Go To Guys N Gals

Unbelievable. He tries a lot? Really?

TBM is a character no doubt, but in this instance he may have been referring to him trying a lot of gear.

I'm still reasonably new here, but that list put up earlier is pretty excellent! I've gleaned quite a bit of helpful info from all of those names mentioned and quite a few more.
Here's my problem: I buy something that works and by the time it wears out, they don't make it anymore. I wish I was smart enough to buy more than one of a particular item at a time.
Unbelievable. He tries a lot? Really?

Arrogance is clearly your strong suit. Perhaps someday you'll have the opportunity to teach Justin the finer points of archery. Clearly he'll never surpass your elite skill set, but hey, who could? You're the master, without question.

Bahaha!!! That is hilarious!! I would like to see you keep up with Mr. Davis on something other than a bow hunt for turkey as you clearly have that mastered ;)
Why the hell is it OK for a weekend hunter to get soaked, but not a goat hunter? K*** and a few others sure have snowed the "hunting world" into believing that folks, for the first time ever, are actually going outside and it might be chilly. Or wet. Oh the love of the Googlenation.

Ok, I can't take it anymore. I'm going to let Rokslide and the rest of the world in on a mindblowing secret. This could possibly change your life. Maybe the way you view the world of high performance hunting gear. It could start WWIII. I might have black helicopters flying over my house, so if anything happens, it's been a good life and tell my kids I love them dearly.

Ok, here it is:

All this high performance outside stuff has been at ski shops and hiking shops for a very, very, very, long time. Shhhhhhhh.......

Half my gear is Arcteryx adapted from Skiing, so you are preaching to the choir.

But you come off as bitter. When I read articles or hear interviews from the owners of these companies, they fully admit they are adapting backpacking and mountaineering gear to the hunting world.

If I ran their business, I'd market it as the greatest thing since sliced bread as well.
I'd probably get the guide hype if I lived hunted with the real guides out west, but here guides are not that high level. Sure, writer still prop the up but I have never felt I would be better off with a guide or they are anything special...heck, most are college kids making a buck or two. Guide at least in my mind means different things here in the east vrs west.

The do however get a lot of free gear and clothing but Hat doesn't mean much as far as expertise here in tshirt weather.
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I must say I've been waiting for this thread. I have read all of TBM's posts/threads fully expecting this moment to come. I'm really glad these threads are pretty uncommon on here.
I thought Jordan Budd did a really great job and gave a little different angle on her pack review video...more of a how to incorporate gear into the pack that a how to setup and wear it review.

Alberta you can become friends with the go to guys then all of their comments will show up on your profile so you can easily track what they are saying about gear etc. I'm friends with Kotaman and he is always helping with comments on gear.

About Justin, I should have worded it that he experiments with a lot of high end archery gear and seems to be seeking the best. He is young, so he "Lord willing " will be around for a while. Young sometimes means you missed out on an era...quiet a few newer bowhunter that will never know the durability of a good XX75 2219. Takes a few years to kill with 100 different makes and models of heads too. I miss those days of having 4 different heads I my quiver.
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Half my gear is Arcteryx adapted from Skiing, so you are preaching to the choir.

But you come off as bitter. When I read articles or hear interviews from the owners of these companies, they fully admit they are adapting backpacking and mountaineering gear to the hunting world.

If I ran their business, I'd market it as the greatest thing since sliced bread as well.

Bitter? WTF? I just don't need anyone to chew my food for me. Underwear isn't complicated and I don't know any company that claims 3rd place as a win...
Bitter? WTF? I just don't need anyone to chew my food for me. Underwear isn't complicated and I don't know any company that claims 3rd place as a win...
Haha yes. You said "I cant take it anymore, im going to tell the world and Rokslide a mind blowing secret".

Its confusing to me I guess because you referenced Kuiu for instance... And regardless of marketing schemes their clothes are cheaper dollar for dollar than the high end ski/hiking/mountaineering companies using the same materials (sometimes material that is a step down). First Lite seems more on par cost-wise. Sitka is where I feel like I'm really getting taken advantage of for buying "hunting" clothes.

So I understood your point, I guess in general I don't see the issue except when we are getting charged way more for "hunting" clothes, which as you pointed out are merely layering systems that other sports have used for years.
Price is what you pay, value is what you get. If it doesn't fit, you must acquit....or bought Kuiu. Ok, ok, let's not go down that road. Everyone will get in a tizzy and I'll get PM's that I'm not nice, yadda, yadda.

Niche boutique market with an image. If Kid Rock and James Hetfield are wearing it, how can the world be wrong??
Price is what you pay, value is what you get. If it doesn't fit, you must acquit....or bought Kuiu. Ok, ok, let's not go down that road. Everyone will get in a tizzy and I'll get PM's that I'm not nice, yadda, yadda.

Niche boutique market with an image. If Kid Rock and James Hetfield are wearing it, how can the world be wrong??

Haha. Well, I have Arcteryx, Patagonia, Kuiu and First Lite and my Kuiu stuff fits me great. I am also tall and fit/lanky. My First Lite stuff fits me the worst by far, but I like the gear. Also, I have Canadian made Arcteryx gear and Chinese made Acteryx gear and have seen no difference in quality. so I dont buy the argument regarding where something is made and "value" (if you were going there, not sure if you were but I see it brought up A LOT on here). The Chinese have been in the textile business for 30+ years.

All this being said, good for Jason Hairston that Kuiu is becoming popular in sports and entertainment, but I dont like it either.
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Haha. Well, I have Arcteryx, Patagonia, Kuiu and First Lite and my Kuiu stuff fits me great. I am also tall and fit/lanky. My First Lite stuff fits me the worst by far, but I like the gear. Also, I have Canadian made Arcteryx gear and Chinese made Acteryx gear and have seen no difference in quality. so I dont buy the argument regarding where something is made and "value" (if you were going there, not sure if you were but I see it brought up A LOT on here). The Chinese have been in the textile business for 30+ years.

All this being said, good for Jason Hairston that Kuiu is becoming popular in sports and entertainment, but I dont like it either.

That's funny, I'm the opposite. The only thing that's ever fit from Kuiu for me is their belt and the Ultra3000 bag on my Outdoorsmans frame. Don't get me wrong, Vias is a bad ass pattern. All the FL clothing fits me perfectly, and generally Mountain Hardware does as well. I got suckered into the Ultra 6000 pack and hated it. But that's an opinion based on how it fit ME and what I wanted.

Anyhoo, buy whatcha like, like whatcha buy. My brother hates Remingtons and I hate Winchesters.

We manage.....
Optics - Bitteroot bulls
Gear - Aron, even though he doesn't post here often anymore
Alaska - Luke, Sid, Kotaman...and others
Long Range Hunting - Ryan
Mule Deer - Robby
Elk - Ross and Elknut
Archery - lots of good ones here

Lots of others so I am sure I missed someone...but that is what you were looking for, no?

Ahhh, you dick. I was going to make this exact list there's a few others as well but I won't bother editing it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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I apologize in advance for not being a fanboy of any particular product or person- current exchange rate makes that difficult for the former and as for the latter... and on a good day I remember my name (spelling 50/50)... :)

I appreciate the reviews done by a real world person, see if it is applicable to my hunting situations, then do a bit more research and then maybe use a product (but if you ask my wife she'll tell you I research the shit out of it and still can't make up my mind- but that's her opinion :) ). Can't ever recall reading a review, going "oooo its person X" and running out to buy something...

The fact is most are suckers...

He's right about one thing-- most are suckers... if they think they'll get anything out of this buffoon besides chest thumping, badmouthing of people with more experience than him, and idiocy. My suggestion is the moderators of Rokslide use history to guide their actions and dump this clown from the website ASAP. He will quickly become even more of a time and energy suck for the mods and for those who bother clicking on his ridiculous posts.
I've seen threads with over 300 post that had only one or two nuggets of info that were golden. Prior to my first elk trip someone posted on a thread that if I found fresh shiny elk dropping I should "slow down to a crawl ". Amongst all the noise there was that one nugget that has been the common denominator to both my elk kills.

Finding the positives in these threads are a lot like finding little bits of sign while hunting and that small piece of the puzzle leads to a kill. Those who stay positive and ignore the noise are the ones who find success. No, every post here is not productive... some have little to offer. But here are some gold nuggets that could lead to a kill of two and some that will save you money. Knowing people with info you can trust is like a head coach that surrounds hisself with good assistants. The ey can make you much better at what you do.
You don't need 300 posts to sift through unless you're just trying to complicate things for yourself (and others).

The absolute best advice you got here was on post #4

Over the years I have discovered that I just have to bite the bullet and do all my testing myself, as my results rarely mimic the results of most. I'm also much more of a function over form kind of guy, so the latest and greatest with all the flare may just not be my best choice. As they say......one man's junk is another man's treasure. So I don't really fully trust anyone's opinion until I've put stuff through the ringer.

There are also valid points in posts #33, #49 and #73.

It's a simple task to find a starting point. In no particular order (and all of have been mentioned in this thread more than once):

First Lite
________ (Insert any clothing line here if you need to add additional confusion to your search, which I believe you will)

Order some. Try it on. Wear it in the field. If it works for you, great. If not, try again. Try Merino wool, try synthetics, try down. I'm confident that you will find something in the lineup above that will solve all of the hunting scenarios you'll find yourself in.

Personally, I wear Kuiu, FirstLite, Kryptek, Core4, Darn Tough socks (all at the same time). I don't match, yet somehow I still manage to kill animals.

If you need 200+ more posts and 400+ more suggestions (of the same product lines), keep chasing your tail on this thread. If anyone can get this thread to 300 posts, it's you.

The best advise I can offer, whether you want it or not, is to serve yourself a big plate of humble pie, drop the chest thumping ego and "bad ass bow hunter" shit and open your mind. Nobody here cares about your turkey or whitetail body counts. It doesn't impress anyone. You're not the only one killing turkeys with a bow on a consistent basis and you didn't invent that.

Good luck with your search. Be prepared to spend a pile of money along the way. Sell what you don't like. Start over. If you do your homework and legwork, you'll likely have the right gear in your goodie box before the start of elk season this year.