Actually this site prompted this. A clothing thread was 50/50 split on synthetic vrs merino wool on wet cool environment. That was parti frustrating because high end cloths are my next step.i find it hard to believe they hype about the wool being cool when it's hot and warm when it's cold but just as I can know that I know about some things I equally know I don't know anything about the high end cloths
Actually, that is BS. You are changing your intent now that you have been called out on it.
If you were genuinely interested in "cloths" you would have started a thread like: "I am a new western hunter and I am looking for opinions on high end clothing. What do you use?" or "Does merino wool really keep you warm in the cold and cool in the heat?"
Rokslide is a really tolerant website. Some longtime members here had some similar growing pains and became meaningful additions to the community. If you really want to learn about western hunters and their gear, ask about it. Then sincerely listen, sift through the info, and make your decisions. Don't ask a question, then argue with opinions and say you knew the answer anyway.
TBM, you are on notice. Shape up or ship out.