Go Hunt, what are your thoughts?


Not associated with the Hunt Quietly organization
Jun 23, 2023
You can't take isolated instances and attribute them to the entirety of the hunting population that's just ridiculous.

The piss poor hunter behavior I see in the field is neither isolated or unascribable to the population at large. If you can honestly look in the mirror and tell yourself you're not part of the problem (aka off trail riding, trespassing, poaching, window shooting, drive-by hunting fools) - and you still don't see how widespread it is then consider yourself lucky because YOU are the one having an isolated experience. Cherish it.


Not associated with the Hunt Quietly organization
Jun 23, 2023
One and done statement I hope? The topic has been thoroughly discussed and while you can have your opinion we won’t tolerate destructive and/or trolling behavior around it
Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying. Didn't you ask me to tag the people I was referring to? I did that, so was I not supposed to do that? What topic are you referring to? The AVB stupidity or the window shooting lunacy (forgive me, its hard to keep current with all the outdoor writer lunacy)
Nov 16, 2017
Central Oregon
Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying. Didn't you ask me to tag the people I was referring to? I did that, so was I not supposed to do that? What topic are you referring to? The AVB stupidity or the window shooting lunacy (forgive me, its hard to keep current with all the outdoor writer lunacy)
He is saying you are not supposed to call people names, you know things like idiot.

You can say you don't approve of Robby all you want but name calling is rude and childish.

You act like you are the most almighty perfect person in all the world can't do no wrong and everyone else is an idiot.
Just you single handedly the only non idiot in all the world.
But I doubt you are.


Not associated with the Hunt Quietly organization
Jun 23, 2023
Wait? What? We can call this AVB idiot every name in the book - for some truly dodgy and immensely unscrupulous behavior in the field. But we can't call the person - THAT SHOT A DEER OUT OF HIS TRUCK WINDOW - an idiot?

And furthermore tried to play it off like he had the "rules mixed up". Sorry, nope. That absolutely, positively is part of the problem that a growing number of people are starting to see it. I see he's an administrator, which is starting to add up and they can ban me or delete me, but that doesn't erase the reality. (I'm starting to see what kind of company I'm in here as well.... @Idahowitzer keep the chin up)

You're right, I am far from perfect. But there are few things more certain in this world than the fact that even if they changed the laws and made it 100% legal - I would literally let the world record mule deer buck walk past the window of my truck and the thought of shooting it would never, ever, not once ever, cross my mind.

So at least I've got that going for me.


Dec 6, 2015

…and increases crowding in certain areas on public land others have put years of time/energy into learning.

Does ANYBODY else see all these “tools” are just spot blasting raised to the power of the internet? Gone is the joy in finding an area, getting to know it, and developing a deep knowledge of the landscape and the wildlife that occupy it. Here is another hunter looking for the shortcut answer for the shortcut tool. A new wescout4u.com at a price more attainable while simultaneously sodomizing you with a fire extinguisher.

It amazes me how much time and money hunters waste on making hunting worse overall. Today’s hunter is so shortcut hungry and infatuated with anything they can do to increase the odds of posting a grip ‘n grin on social media. They simply want to avoid every aspect of the hunt short of pulling a trigger.

The resultant problem is the modern hunter. He/she:
1. Builds points in every western state with no regard for crowding out others.
2. Lacks any woodsmanship or even a HINT of “leave no trace” ethos. (Pick up your F-ing trash and put your fires out)
3. Is driven more by what they can post than personal satisfaction from a hunt. They are out for #1 with no regard for other hunters, e.g. AVB.
4. Has received their “training” from online Hunters Education. Shoots at skylined deer and shit that moves.
5. Has spent 10,000 hours learning to shoot on University of Youtube. Shoots 10 rounds off of a concrete bench to sight in their rifle before going hunting. Think they are capable of shooting 600+ yards.
6. Spends more time thinking about their matching Gucci camo clothes and underwear than hunting.
7. Mimics EVERYTHING they see on MeatBeater, Cam Hanes, pick your favorite hunting hero. Incapable of developing their own self as a hunter. Just take a peak at every teailhead- it’s like a game of Where’s Waldo.
8. Calls themself a conservationist for participating in a raffle at a Pint Night. Said money goes to recruiting more hunters who buy more raffle tickets. Said raffle tickets go to more R3 programs. More hunters = more GoHunt sales. To get a leg up, the modern hunter finds the next app with all the recent game sightings using an AI driven algorithm that compiles hikers’ metadata and Instagram posts.
9. Will post about how virtuous of a conservationist they are but willing to shoot at, and take a deer another hunter shot.

At what point do we start asking if we’re doing ourselves any favors by outsourcing scouting. We’ve exchanged scouting by means of blood, sweat, tears and time in the field for a cheatsheet we can buy. It has greatly enabled an explosion hunting tourism which has killed our tag opportunities, quality of hunting, and cheapened the experience.

If this forum is ANY indication of what a hunter is, then I suppose I’m not a hunter. I am probably wasting my time, but I hope it starts to click for a few.
All very well put

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
Who AVB? Is he on here? Or the @robby denning idiot that shot a deer out his window? In Idaho no less
I’ll look the other way on the name-calling for this one time, but you seem not to believe how I made the mistake. Since you’re new to the subject, let’s make sure you have the background.

The reason I received the warning from the Fish and Game (vs a citation) was because I had told the hunt story on at least two Podcasts, and included it as part of a chapter in my last book, and included it in the live hunt on this forum.

If I had known I was breaking the law, do you think I would be on podcasts talking about it, and writing about it?

I had always thought as long as you were off the road and stopped, you could shoot from your vehicle. I was wrong, and when I asked about it, I told Fish and Game exactly the same story I’ve been saying all along. That’s why I only got a warning

And it was me who posted what happened with Fish and Game on this very forum.
I’ve hunted about 40 years and hundreds of hunts, and that is the one only issue I’ve ever had with fish and game.


so far we’ve tolerated your opinion around here, but if you’re just here to attack everybody and assume everybody’s out breaking the law, you’re not gonna last a long time around here.

If you want to get your message out, change your delivery. Per our site rules we want to maintain a positive atmosphere and you’re getting way out of bounds.


Mayhem Contributor
Feb 10, 2019
Central Texas
I’ll look the other way on the name-calling for this one time, but you seem not to believe how I made the mistake. Since you’re new to the subject, let’s make sure you have the background.

The reason I received the warning from the Fish and Game (vs a citation) was because I had told the hunt story on at least two Podcasts, and included it as part of a chapter in my last book, and included it in the live hunt on this forum.

If I had known I was breaking the law, do you think I would be on podcasts talking about it, and writing about it?

I had always thought as long as you were off the road and stopped, you could shoot from your vehicle. I was wrong, and when I asked about it, I told Fish and Game exactly the same story I’ve been saying all along. That’s why I only got a warning

And it was me who posted what happened with Fish and Game on this very forum.
I’ve hunted about 40 years and hundreds of hunts, and that is the one only issue I’ve ever had with fish and game.


so far we’ve tolerated your opinion around here, but if you’re just here to attack everybody and assume everybody’s out breaking the law, you’re not gonna last a long time around here.

If you want to get your message out, change your delivery. Per our site rules we want to maintain a positive atmosphere and you’re getting way out of bounds.

If you wanted to swing the hammer for clear violation of forum rules nobody would impede you from doing so sir.
Oct 19, 2023
I’ll look the other way on the name-calling for this one time, but you seem not to believe how I made the mistake. Since you’re new to the subject, let’s make sure you have the background.

The reason I received the warning from the Fish and Game (vs a citation) was because I had told the hunt story on at least two Podcasts, and included it as part of a chapter in my last book, and included it in the live hunt on this forum.

If I had known I was breaking the law, do you think I would be on podcasts talking about it, and writing about it?

I had always thought as long as you were off the road and stopped, you could shoot from your vehicle. I was wrong, and when I asked about it, I told Fish and Game exactly the same story I’ve been saying all along. That’s why I only got a warning

And it was me who posted what happened with Fish and Game on this very forum.
I’ve hunted about 40 years and hundreds of hunts, and that is the one only issue I’ve ever had with fish and game.


so far we’ve tolerated your opinion around here, but if you’re just here to attack everybody and assume everybody’s out breaking the law, you’re not gonna last a long time around here.

If you want to get your message out, change your delivery. Per our site rules we want to maintain a positive atmosphere and you’re getting way out of bounds.

I think @HuntQuietly, like myself is over hyper competitive, over commodified, over pimped out hunters who are wrecking something incredible for money, fame, and ego.

Since age 12, I’ve read the regs, cover to cover, every single year. For someone who ONLY hunts mule deer, I would suggest picking up a copy of the current Big Game Seasons and Rules instead of the Migratory Bird Seasons and rules. The don’t shoot from your vehicle, roads, etc. is posted up all over in that shiz. They even have colored drawings and all that good stuff in there. I’m sorry, but I also don’t buy your story. Gritty knew he was filming in a wilderness illegally and played dumb too. Fortunately for our sake, nobody bought his story. Even if it was 100% legal, shooting animals out the window isn’t hunting and the fact that all the fanbois got on their knees lake Taylor Swift fans just sickens me.

I would have taken it a lot differently if you said “I got greedy, and it was wrong”. But hey, I guess this is what it takes to be the 10%.

We’re not here to attack anybody, we’re just fed up with the lack of moral compass todays hunter has and provide a contrarian view. I don’t give a damn if it burns my account, when I see BS, I’m going to call it out.
Oct 19, 2023
In 2012 RS was the place to go for back pack hunting info. In 2023 it's where you go to blame everybody else for all your problems.

It’s like all the problems it created in the hills came back to bite where it was born.


Not associated with the Hunt Quietly organization
Jun 23, 2023
I’ll look the other way on the name-calling for this one time, but you seem not to believe how I made the mistake. Since you’re new to the subject, let’s make sure you have the background.

The reason I received the warning from the Fish and Game (vs a citation) was because I had told the hunt story on at least two Podcasts, and included it as part of a chapter in my last book, and included it in the live hunt on this forum.

If I had known I was breaking the law, do you think I would be on podcasts talking about it, and writing about it?

I had always thought as long as you were off the road and stopped, you could shoot from your vehicle. I was wrong, and when I asked about it, I told Fish and Game exactly the same story I’ve been saying all along. That’s why I only got a warning

And it was me who posted what happened with Fish and Game on this very forum.
I’ve hunted about 40 years and hundreds of hunts, and that is the one only issue I’ve ever had with fish and game.


so far we’ve tolerated your opinion around here, but if you’re just here to attack everybody and assume everybody’s out breaking the law, you’re not gonna last a long time around here.

If you want to get your message out, change your delivery. Per our site rules we want to maintain a positive atmosphere and you’re getting way out of bounds.

Where to start......

I will try this way.

I’ll look the other way on the name-calling for this one time,
At the risk of calling you a hypocrite -may I present to you the following thread - where a fellow outdoor writer and podcaster of yours a "competitor" of yours if you will - is allowed to be called every name in the book - for what was some truly despicable behavior in the field (compounded by a whole bunch of other despicable behavior by other hunters) but yet probably not illegal. However, referring to a person as an idiot for shooting a deer out the window of their truck (illegal or not) is somehow a capital offence? I'll look the other way on that for this one time.....

The reason I received the warning from the Fish and Game (vs a citation) was because I had told the hunt story on at least two Podcasts, and included it as part of a chapter in my last book, and included it in the live hunt on this forum.

If I had known I was breaking the law, do you think I would be on podcasts talking about it, and writing about it?

I had always thought as long as you were off the road and stopped, you could shoot from your vehicle. I was wrong, and when I asked about it, I told Fish and Game exactly the same story I’ve been saying all along. That’s why I only got a warning

This is really where the bullet meets the road for me as it were. The fact that someone would first - even consider shooting a deer out of the window of their truck - and then openly admit to shooting said deer out the window of their truck - even if it was legal is beyond the pale. That is one of the most unsportsmanlike, douchey, empathy lacking things you could possibly do as a hunter. How do you tell that story you your kids and friends? "Well, you see here kids, I rolled up on this giant buck in the truck and I slooowly rolled down the window and got my gun reeeeal steady on the mirror there - but I made sure to stop the truck first so I was legal!" Sorry, if you don't see that as one of the most unethical things you can do in the field and you are somehow a "voice" of the hunting community then things are indeed worse than I ever imagined. If that's hunting and you're a hunter then I am not.

I can't speak for IDFG and why you only got a warning - but it aligns with the sentiments of @Idahowitzer comments about people getting warnings vs heavy fines and also mine on other threads whereby if you HADN'T stated it publicly you would have never been caught due to the utter lack of coverage. How many other people are out there shooting critters out of their vehicles in Idaho and NOT blabbing about it and not getting caught? That's the data no one seems to want to talk about. But more to the point, how are we not - as a hunting community - allowing window shooting to be a thing that doesn't get you excoriated from the hunting community entirely. You aren't a child, you aren't a new hunter, you should know better. How many other deer have you shot out the window of your truck in states where it is (sadly) legal? You should do better and know better.

so far we’ve tolerated your opinion around here, but if you’re just here to attack everybody and assume everybody’s out breaking the law, you’re not gonna last a long time around here.

If you want to get your message out, change your delivery. Per our site rules we want to maintain a positive atmosphere and you’re getting way out of bounds.

You've tolerated my opinion? That's telling. I assume that the mix of idiot hunters on this forum matches the population afield at large. And I don't mind saying if you are the one that setting the example then I'm realizing it might actually be skewed even worse.

Do you realize how silly you sound saying you want to maintain a positive atmosphere in light of some of the threads, comments and not to mention the memes going up? Listen if you want to ban me, ban me. But spare us all the hand waving. If my absolute truths make you all uncomfortable, good. But it doesn't make me wrong and I'm starting to realize that there are more than just a few people squirming in their seats at the prospect of someone finally saying enough is enough and calling people out on their douchey behavior. The fish and game agencies certainly aren't going to. I'm positive that it's happening, and I'm positive there are people on here engaging in it and I'm positive if it continues things are going to get worse before they get better.

And despite the bootlickers you're apparently used to on this site, I'm damn sure positive that shooting a deer out of the window of your truck and bragging about it - regardless of whether it was technically legal or not - ranks up there as one of the most AVB-like, poor sportsmanship anti-ethical things even I've seen in the field and brother, I've seen a lot.

That positive enough for you?


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
Where to start......

I will try this way.

At the risk of calling you a hypocrite -may I present to you the following thread - where a fellow outdoor writer and podcaster of yours a "competitor" of yours if you will - is allowed to be called every name in the book - for what was some truly despicable behavior in the field (compounded by a whole bunch of other despicable behavior by other hunters) but yet probably not illegal. However, referring to a person as an idiot for shooting a deer out the window of their truck (illegal or not) is somehow a capital offence? I'll look the other way on that for this one time.....

This is really where the bullet meets the road for me as it were. The fact that someone would first - even consider shooting a deer out of the window of their truck - and then openly admit to shooting said deer out the window of their truck - even if it was legal is beyond the pale. That is one of the most unsportsmanlike, douchey, empathy lacking things you could possibly do as a hunter. How do you tell that story you your kids and friends? "Well, you see here kids, I rolled up on this giant buck in the truck and I slooowly rolled down the window and got my gun reeeeal steady on the mirror there - but I made sure to stop the truck first so I was legal!" Sorry, if you don't see that as one of the most unethical things you can do in the field and you are somehow a "voice" of the hunting community then things are indeed worse than I ever imagined. If that's hunting and you're a hunter then I am not.

I can't speak for IDFG and why you only got a warning - but it aligns with the sentiments of @Idahowitzer comments about people getting warnings vs heavy fines and also mine on other threads whereby if you HADN'T stated it publicly you would have never been caught due to the utter lack of coverage. How many other people are out there shooting critters out of their vehicles in Idaho and NOT blabbing about it and not getting caught? That's the data no one seems to want to talk about. But more to the point, how are we not - as a hunting community - allowing window shooting to be a thing that doesn't get you excoriated from the hunting community entirely. You aren't a child, you aren't a new hunter, you should know better. How many other deer have you shot out the window of your truck in states where it is (sadly) legal? You should do better and know better.

You've tolerated my opinion? That's telling. I assume that the mix of idiot hunters on this forum matches the population afield at large. And I don't mind saying if you are the one that setting the example then I'm realizing it might actually be skewed even worse.

Do you realize how silly you sound saying you want to maintain a positive atmosphere in light of some of the threads, comments and not to mention the memes going up? Listen if you want to ban me, ban me. But spare us all the hand waving. If my absolute truths make you all uncomfortable, good. But it doesn't make me wrong and I'm starting to realize that there are more than just a few people squirming in their seats at the prospect of someone finally saying enough is enough and calling people out on their douchey behavior. The fish and game agencies certainly aren't going to. I'm positive that it's happening, and I'm positive there are people on here engaging in it and I'm positive if it continues things are going to get worse before they get better.

And despite the bootlickers you're apparently used to on this site, I'm damn sure positive that shooting a deer out of the window of your truck and bragging about it - regardless of whether it was technically legal or not - ranks up there as one of the most AVB-like, poor sportsmanship anti-ethical things even I've seen in the field and brother, I've seen a lot.

That positive enough for you?
Its interesting the toughest most ethical guys on the interwebs are always the ones hiding behind a screen name. At least matt rinella has the stones to post his name behind what he believes and agree or not I can respect him for that. Also using the mirror is bush league every one knows the bipods on the hood is a way better rest.


Not associated with the Hunt Quietly organization
Jun 23, 2023
@robby denning I will follow up and say this.

If you had said "hey look, I got caught up in the moment, I let my big deer aspirations get the best of me and I even though it was legal I shouldn't have.....kids don't let this be you - chose a different path..."

And used it as an example to show people that its a thing and don't fall into the same traps and social media peer pressure, etc.

I would be the one defending you and waving your flag. Alas, we aren't there.

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
Where to start......

I will try this way.

At the risk of calling you a hypocrite -may I present to you the following thread - where a fellow outdoor writer and podcaster of yours a "competitor" of yours if you will - is allowed to be called every name in the book - for what was some truly despicable behavior in the field (compounded by a whole bunch of other despicable behavior by other hunters) but yet probably not illegal. However, referring to a person as an idiot for shooting a deer out the window of their truck (illegal or not) is somehow a capital offence? I'll look the other way on that for this one time.....

This is really where the bullet meets the road for me as it were. The fact that someone would first - even consider shooting a deer out of the window of their truck - and then openly admit to shooting said deer out the window of their truck - even if it was legal is beyond the pale. That is one of the most unsportsmanlike, douchey, empathy lacking things you could possibly do as a hunter. How do you tell that story you your kids and friends? "Well, you see here kids, I rolled up on this giant buck in the truck and I slooowly rolled down the window and got my gun reeeeal steady on the mirror there - but I made sure to stop the truck first so I was legal!" Sorry, if you don't see that as one of the most unethical things you can do in the field and you are somehow a "voice" of the hunting community then things are indeed worse than I ever imagined. If that's hunting and you're a hunter then I am not.

I can't speak for IDFG and why you only got a warning - but it aligns with the sentiments of @Idahowitzer comments about people getting warnings vs heavy fines and also mine on other threads whereby if you HADN'T stated it publicly you would have never been caught due to the utter lack of coverage. How many other people are out there shooting critters out of their vehicles in Idaho and NOT blabbing about it and not getting caught? That's the data no one seems to want to talk about. But more to the point, how are we not - as a hunting community - allowing window shooting to be a thing that doesn't get you excoriated from the hunting community entirely. You aren't a child, you aren't a new hunter, you should know better. How many other deer have you shot out the window of your truck in states where it is (sadly) legal? You should do better and know better.

You've tolerated my opinion? That's telling. I assume that the mix of idiot hunters on this forum matches the population afield at large. And I don't mind saying if you are the one that setting the example then I'm realizing it might actually be skewed even worse.

Do you realize how silly you sound saying you want to maintain a positive atmosphere in light of some of the threads, comments and not to mention the memes going up? Listen if you want to ban me, ban me. But spare us all the hand waving. If my absolute truths make you all uncomfortable, good. But it doesn't make me wrong and I'm starting to realize that there are more than just a few people squirming in their seats at the prospect of someone finally saying enough is enough and calling people out on their douchey behavior. The fish and game agencies certainly aren't going to. I'm positive that it's happening, and I'm positive there are people on here engaging in it and I'm positive if it continues things are going to get worse before they get better.

And despite the bootlickers you're apparently used to on this site, I'm damn sure positive that shooting a deer out of the window of your truck and bragging about it - regardless of whether it was technically legal or not - ranks up there as one of the most AVB-like, poor sportsmanship anti-ethical things even I've seen in the field and brother, I've seen a lot.

That positive enough for you?

on the AVB thread, I didn't read the entire thread, but what I saw was mostly taking jabs, like you are at me. Some of that is warranted so we let it stand. Just like I posted on my own incident with Fish and Game, and then let that thread stand--I even stuck it to the top of the forum for a few weeks so people wouldn't miss it. And recorded a podcast explaining what I did, and put an * in said story in my book to let people know what I did was against the law and received a warning, but I didn't change the original story. so I did indeed admit fault, and try to help others never make such a bonehead mistake--read the regs!

Haven't been on the AVB thread for a bit, so maybe it needs to go. But if/when it does, don't accuse us of hiding it.

for the rest of your post, we're not going to agree or take up the space to debate it.

When you assume the absolute worst in human motivations, and future behavior after a problem happens (I won't be making that mistake again, and, have paid much more attention to the regs) and that someone should be banned (can't remember the word you used) from hunting industry for a warning, you don't fit Rokslide.

Lots and lots of guys/gals doing it right on here and everywhere, no matter what you've witnessed in your spotting scope. And for those that have had issues with the law, we want to give them another chance to get it right. Most will, given the chance.


Not associated with the Hunt Quietly organization
Jun 23, 2023
Before I get banned too- I do want to ask. What’s it like @robby denning to torch one off with a muzzleloader in your truck cab? Must be wild 🤯
