Go Hunt, what are your thoughts?

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
old jokes from my original thread, but still funny i must say.
Nov 27, 2021
Bro, I’m a big believer in data when it counts, but not all data collection is in a peer reviewed study or survey. You collect data with your eyeballs and ears when you look both ways to cross the street.

Read any study on post-covid hiking trail degradation due to increased traffic and uneducated user groups, vandalism on public land, Mt Everest experiences, the freuquency of mountain rescues, avalanche fatalities, etc. Now take ALLL that data we have and remember how your mommy said to loon both ways? Look around at the modern American hunter. Now read what I wrote. You really think I’m saying ONLY GoHunt is part of the problem?
Nov 27, 2021
@HuntQuietly and @Idahowitzer , there is plenty of good hunting out west. In 3 days of hunting in Utah we did not cross paths with another hunter. In 4 days of hunting in Colorado we crossed paths with just a handful of hunters. For your own good and enjoyment you may want to start looking at things different.

'It's not happy people that are grateful, it's grateful people that are happy."

Fire away 😊!
May 10, 2015
The problem is, you can be part of that 10%, and still harvest nice animals, but you WILL put up with more and more BS.

I bet a lot of market hunters said the same thing when others were noticing fewer animals. “You can’t change it, just keep going west. You just have to go farther to find game.” At some point, we’re going to hit an ocean and the 10% are going to be in the same boat. Change has got to start somewhere.

There’s no amount of “work harder” Cam Hanes BS motivation that’s going to get me away from shitty hunter behavior. Huntable acres are finite and the industry is hungry for more hunters. The amount of debachery I deal with on a daily basis increases by the season.

Your worldview really falls apart when you experience something that ruins or ends a hunt because of other hunters’ poor decision making. For example- losing a day of hunting because someone’s warming fire popped off and you’re desperately climbing trying to get a signal to call it in. Once a helitack crew shows up, they are making bucket runs over your hunting spot for the next 10 hours. That kind of ruins it.

When a 2 man boat with 5 guys and 1,000 pounds of gear floats through your decoy spread after you’ve put in hard work scouting and are anticipating a good hunt, it kind of ruins your hunt.

When somebody jump shoots 10,000 ducks in a corn field you had permission to hunt, or blows up a hole, it kind of ruins your hunt.

When you have to take cover behind a rock because bullets are cracking over your head, it kind of ruins your hunt.

When somebody starts skubusting your swing birds waterfowl hunting, or sets up 50 yards away from you, it kind of ruins your hunt.

I promise, I will outwork, go farther, and hunt harder than 90% of other hunters, but there’s always some idiot with his face in GoHunt in that will stroll up middle of me and a screaming bull on every hunt, or some idiot who left 25 lbs of trash in a fire pit that I end up packing out, or a wounded animal that someone shouldn’t have shot at. That wasn’t the norm, now it is.

Ignoring it and spouting off your Can’t Hanes “Nobody Cares. Work Harder” it isn’t going to fix the problem- it is contributing to the problem.

I care. I work hard enough.

What it would be like to be young again when all this stuff "mattered"...

Sounds like a GoHunt subscriber works just as hard as you when you go way back in...
May 6, 2018
Shenandoah Valley
Far as I know, Robby didn't try to claim anything that didn't happen, but I wasn't there. He stood behind his story, usually we see people double down trying to prove they were in the right.

He said he screwed up and owned it, that is what I feel like should come out of the story. That's what I feel like we never see anymore.

If you want to hold it against him, that's cool too. Rehashing it over and over, I dunno.

I have seen another writter own up to a mistake that was questionable if it was really his fault or not, I think he wrote an excellent article about it and climbed the ranks of those I respect in the outdoor industry from it.

Maybe I'll come up with a Meme in a bit.


Jul 9, 2022
I've been a gohunt subscriber for around two years now. I think if your collecting points in more then one state, it's very useful. If you only target one state, especially CO or ID, it has less use - thought not zero.

I still prefer onX and I started using Epic to buy points on my behalf, so it has loss some of its value for me, but I continue to subscribe anyway.

Some of their content is helpful is helpful, but is obviously skewed towards what's in the gear shop. For example, you're only going to see Sitka / Stone gear and no First Light / Kuiu recommendations. So I try to think more about "slot" then specific gear items. Some of their gear recommendations are fluff, but not many and they tend to be more minimalistic then I'd expect considering how big their ecommerce LOB is.