I shot a bull this year with a Sevr 1.5. First year trying them and my only sample of using one.
I have a shorter draw length and shoot 65 lbs. The arrow was 425 grains and doing around 270 fps.
Shot was slightly quartering too at 27 yards. Arrow went clear through, in between ribs and notched a rib on the way out. I had the full cut on the entry side, exit was about half that size due to pivoting from hitting the rib.
The bull ran about 60 yards. I did call to try to stop him and when I called, I heard his crashing through the brush stop. So I doubt he collapsed after running 60 yards, I think he stopped when he heard the cow calls and then went down a bit after he had stopped. He went down in a little open spot, so I did not hear him go down.
The blood trail was not real great until about 10 yards from where he was found, but not surprising to me. It was a center lung shot halfway up and he sprinted full tilt from the shot location to where he stopped. I find it pretty common to have animals not show good blood on the ground for the first 40-75 yards for the center lung shot I prefer.
His body cavity was very full of blood and lung tissue when I cleaned him out. Also, I've always used a fixed BH before this and have never seen the ribcage have the amount of blood-shot on it like this one with the Sevr had. Both sides had a significant amount of blood shot around the holes, I'd say double the size of a paper plate.
The ferrule and tip were still in good shape and still spin true. One blade was bent and had a nick in it on the cutting edge and I replaced both of them to be on the safe side.
Overall, I was pleased with the result.
With that being said,
I find them to not be very sharp at all out of the package. Really unimpressed with them in that regard. They wouldn't even begin to cut hair off my arm. I don't necessarily want BH's to have so fine of an edge that they're "hair poppin" sharp, but they should shave hair at least. I sharpened mine with a KME BH jig.
Also if you end up using them. Shooting them in practice mode will really crud them up with target media. It is very important to take them apart afterwards and clean out the target crud so they will open easily. Do not just remove the screw and throw the rubber band back on and stick it in your quiver (this is in the instructions, but how many fully read those?). The blades on mine opened very stiffly after I shot them in target mode. I took them apart and blasted with air and they then returned to opening easily/smoothly once put back together.