Can you explain to me the relatioship between powder,velocity, pressure and recoil. Intuitively to me, it makes no sense that influencers are claiming that this has less recoil than the 7prc with higher velocities out of the same size barrel… so how does the increase in pressure correlate with free recoil?
Calculating recoil energy involves first doing a conservation of momentum calculation of the bullet/powder and rifle to find the rifles velocity, and then using that and the rifles mass to calculate the energy of the rifle.
Conservation of momentum to solve for rifle velocity:
(mass_bullet * velocity_bullet + mass_powder * velocity_powder)/mass_rifle = velocity_rifle
Solve for rifle energy/recoil energy:
1/2 * mass_rifle * velocity_rifle^2 = energy_rifle, aka recoil energy
The mass and velocity of the powder can be a significant part of the total momentum, partly because it's a decent chunk of mass, but also because the powder travels at a high velocity out of the barrel - faster than the bullet. If you watch slow-mo videos of bullets leaving the muzzle, you will see the cloud of burnt powder gas momentarily overtakes the bullet until it diffuses and slows down and the bullet exits the cloud.
I've done some searching and the general consensus is the powder is leaving the barrel around 5000fps
for typical rifles and barrel lengths. This speed will depend on muzzle exit pressure, and this is where it gets a little hard to know how the 7BC recoil will pan out. For the numbers above, I've assumed there will be an ~20% increase in muzzle exit pressure and thus powder exit velocity, proportional to the increase in chamber pressure, so 6000fps.
If I instead run it with 5000fps, you get the "free performance" everyone is talking about.