Federal New Cartridge

Your argument against 28 nosler vs 7BC is exactly my argument for 280ai vs 7BC. They're almost the exactly same arguments. It's the whole reason I went to 28 nosler for the sake of argument, because I figured you'd make my exact argument against it. And I completely agree. 7BC makes way more sense than 28nos. For more or less the exact same reasons 280ai makes more sense than 7BC for the vast majority of hunters.

I'm glad you've come around to the higher recoil being a factor.

There's nothing magical about high pressure rounds in short barrels. Other cartridges can achieve the same velocities, just with more powder since they don't have the pressure. The only advantage high pressure rounds actually have is in recoil. Which is a really really big factor. If you can get the job done at X distance with less recoil, why wouldn't you? The individual has to determine what X is, but we all know that for 99% of people it's inside 675 yards. Way inside.
If people were more honest with themselves even 280ai doesn't make a lot of sense when 7-08 exists.
No your full of crap. The 28 Nosler has higher recoil numbers and burns the barrels out pretty fast. Sorry I like to shoot my guns not just dust them off and run out into the mountains and think I am going to pop something. That is why I reload to make it cheaper.

The 28 Nosler out of a 20 inch barrel will push a 175 grain ELDX at 2900 to 2950.
The 280 AI out of the same barrel will push the 175 ELDX at 2750 that is assuming you have the right twist rate in either of these to actual stabilize the bullet. The twist needs to be 1 in 8.5 both 28 Nosler and 280 AI are usually 1 in 8 so insufficient.
The 7 BC same bullet same barrel is 2950 to 3000.
In summary like it our not the 7 BC beats the hell out of the 280 AI hands down. It does it better period. It shoots bullets the 280 doesnt because it cannot. Those bullets buck the wind and improve its performance. Does an inch or 2 really matter in the long run. Probably not, does a short more packable rifle matter to guys that hike into the back country YES. Now if the 7 BC proves to be unable to be reloaded then it has a huge problem. Sorry but I am a volume shooter and reloading is important. So will I take a little more recoil than the 280 for way better performance in a shorter barrel YES. Will people hate everything new yes. You keep trying to sell the AI but sorry not my thing. Maybe if I was doing a complete custom build and put the twist rate on the barrel I wanted, then maybe but not doing that.
So once again your argument comes down to its new and I dont like new.
But you can.......ADG brass handles 70k psi just fine for multiple reloads. There's a certain someone who uses a 300rum, operating at psi high enough, his primer pockets are gone in one firing. His extraction is fine. I'm not advocating any of this madness but it's been proven it's doable.

Accuracy hasn't been great.

I'll likely never own a 7BC, because I'm not much a 7mm guy, I'll pay enough attention to this cartridge just to see how it shakes out from the hype VS real world performance. Gun writers 95% of the time are paid, sponsored, schilling. Very few tell it like it is, the above article actually used 20 shot group data. And it was 2 moa
Sorry I do not go outside the reloading book. It stays within the pressures it is suppose to. As far as hype you are 100 percent correct. I want to actually see its performance from non paid schills. I am also wondering about the accuracy of it. After the accuracy I want to know plus how many reloads people get from the cases. I volume shoot and that is a thing. Last, I want to know what powder they are using. That is going to be a thing. I played around with Quick Load trying to push a 280 AI which the BC actually is really close too, up to 80 thousand PS and could not get those numbers with many different powders. So it could be all crap.
My wish list for federal would be to load a 35 cal fusion in a 200-225 grain based on achieving legit .4 BC for 358 Winchester.

Not a huge market, but wide open for a sizable cult following. There simply is not any great bullets for mid bores in a short case.

Some tweaking of above ie shorter couple thousands less diameter in 150 grain and they could compete with a superior bullet in 350 legend.
You must be from Iowa...or did other states follow with the dumb ass 35 cal or bigger regs?
If this new case material is so great and improves velocity so much why wouldn’t they just come out with a new ammo line that uses it to increase velocity in multiple cartridges? The “new backcountry express” lineup that promises 100+ fps for your all your existing favorites. Seems like that would fly off the shelves like hotcakes instead of another magnum 7mm.

Does it need a special action to withstand the higher pressure? Doesn’t seem like it does with all the rifles they’re claiming it to be chambered in.
They need different chamber dimensions to make sure some newbie doesn't blow their face off feeding it to a gun that can't withstand the higher pressures.
Sorry I do not go outside the reloading book. It stays within the pressures it is suppose to. As far as hype you are 100 percent correct. I want to actually see its performance from non paid schills. I am also wondering about the accuracy of it. After the accuracy I want to know plus how many reloads people get from the cases. I volume shoot and that is a thing. Last, I want to know what powder they are using. That is going to be a thing. I played around with Quick Load trying to push a 280 AI which the BC actually is really close too, up to 80 thousand PS and could not get those numbers with many different powders. So it could be all crap.
Well unfortunately these ammo manufacturers get custom blended powder by the train car load. Shit that we'll never see on a shelf.
They need different chamber dimensions to make sure some newbie doesn't blow their face off feeding it to a gun that can't withstand the higher pressures.
From what I’ve heard and read, many manufacturers already test at higher pressures so the actions should hold up.

I will be waiting for a 6.5 version or if the 7 shows to be potent, I could get one of them
From what I’ve heard and read, many manufacturers already test at higher pressures so the actions should hold up.

I will be waiting for a 6.5 version or if the 7 shows to be potent, I could get one of them
I think they all go to well over 100 in testing.
No your full of crap. The 28 Nosler has higher recoil numbers and burns the barrels out pretty fast. Sorry I like to shoot my guns not just dust them off and run out into the mountains and think I am going to pop something. That is why I reload to make it cheaper.

The 28 Nosler out of a 20 inch barrel will push a 175 grain ELDX at 2900 to 2950.
The 280 AI out of the same barrel will push the 175 ELDX at 2750 that is assuming you have the right twist rate in either of these to actual stabilize the bullet. The twist needs to be 1 in 8.5 both 28 Nosler and 280 AI are usually 1 in 8 so insufficient.
The 7 BC same bullet same barrel is 2950 to 3000.
In summary like it our not the 7 BC beats the hell out of the 280 AI hands down. It does it better period. It shoots bullets the 280 doesnt because it cannot. Those bullets buck the wind and improve its performance. Does an inch or 2 really matter in the long run. Probably not, does a short more packable rifle matter to guys that hike into the back country YES. Now if the 7 BC proves to be unable to be reloaded then it has a huge problem. Sorry but I am a volume shooter and reloading is important. So will I take a little more recoil than the 280 for way better performance in a shorter barrel YES. Will people hate everything new yes. You keep trying to sell the AI but sorry not my thing. Maybe if I was doing a complete custom build and put the twist rate on the barrel I wanted, then maybe but not doing that.
So once again your argument comes down to its new and I dont like new.
"I agree with you."
"No, you're wrong."
lol. ok.

For the record I reload 277 furry. Very early adopter of that cartridge. I don't think the 7bc is kinda dumb because it's new and if you had any reading comprehension or understanding of physics you'd see that.

High pressure rounds are the future. Maybe peak alloy is, but I don't think 7BC is.
"I agree with you."
"No, you're wrong."
lol. ok.

For the record I reload 277 furry. Very early adopter of that cartridge. I don't think the 7bc is kinda dumb because it's new and if you had any reading comprehension or understanding of physics you'd see that.

High pressure rounds are the future. Maybe peak alloy is, but I don't think 7BC
I should have learned my lesson.

Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down and beat you with experience.