you say i'm ignoring, but from my perspective you're failing to define what "near heavy" even means.
again, heavy is relative. heavy training is about progressive increasing of stimulus - regardless of starting point, and regardless of ROM. getting back to backcountry hunting - no one says less ROM is going to be beneficial.
also- the science of strength training isn't as simple as "lift heavy as much as you can" in fact it shows, time and time again, that is a haphazard and short term approach to strength training. look up the bulgarian olympic weightlifting team and their injury rates.
there is also an unbelievable amount of documented soviet sports science that shows reps in the 70-80% range of max get you the strongest the fastest.
"going heavy all the time" works when you're a beginner - but also, the science there shows that reps in the 50% range are literally equally as effective as reps in the 85% range for a brand new athlete.
and we aren't even getting into the myraid of muscles you aren't training (hence, not adapting) by intentionally sacrificing form.
you can get the final word if you want, i'm done after this last point... and i will say, i think this is my weakest point of all because -"just cause everyone jumped off a bridge does that mean you would too?"...BUT...
you will literally not find a single respected strength coach who argues for an above parallel squat for literally any reason.