You can go back in time…

My two all time favorites were the Tree Lounge and the Huntin Buddy. If you don't remember, the Tree Lounge was this ridiculous contraption of a tree stand that was basically made to take a nap. The Huntin buddy was life sized doll you put in your permanent stand so deer would get used to seeing someone in the tree all the time. People will buy anything to kill a deer.
tough one.

The internet
social media
Road signs on rural dirt roads
cell phones

Any of the above would probably be the biggest improvement in my selfish world. I was well into my 30's before I owned a gps so I remember vividly the revelation it was, as well as first using onx. Both have made what used to take dedication and work, into a "at the touch of a button" thing in many cases. I dont mind sharing, but I liked it when working harder at something made a bigger difference. Also remember when paper maps were as good as it are missing something if you ever tried to navigate a meandering river via a paper map based on an aerial survey 50 years before. Some would probably say the same thing about the map. I can understand that. I miss the adventure and uncertainty that a shifting technology baseline has all but erased for me.
SxS. Lazy fat guys on 4 wheelers just got lazier and fatter, but now can drive around in the rain/snow without getting wet and cold. I also think they will be a large part of getting motorized access shut down to many areas. Loving seeing a giant jacked up turbo razr plow through areas designated for 50” or less.
social media. I hesitate to say the internet in general. I’ve gained too much knowledge on the web to wish it didn’t exist. But I’ve also watched social media turn hunting into a blend of keeping up with the Jones’s /a massive cash grab by industry manufacturers. I’ve watched it turn Arkansas duck hunting into an absolute circus with shady guides and college kids with daddy’s money as the ring masters. And I’ve watched it turn hunters against other hunters. That’s the worst case scenario. Yes, compound shooters don’t like crossbows. Walk in guys don’t like sxs’s. Trophy hunters complain about meat hunters. But there’s still a sense of family there. Of those folks being part of our people, even if we don’t agree with how they do things all the time. Social media has taken the sportsmanship out of hunting and turned it into a competition for the most followers. And there are no friends in a competition where money is the goal.
Id have to say the GPS has had both the most positive and negative impact on hunting in my life time. I recall the days where few people wandered very far off of roads or maintained trails. With a map, compass, and some dead reckoning it wasnt hard to get away from folks.
Satellite imagery has had a similar impact, as well as satellite phones, SOS beacons, satellite internet, ect…

For that reason I think if I could take back only one hunting gear invention it would be the satellite.

Non hunting would be farming. Farming and its artificial production of food has allowed the human population to far exceed the carrying capacity of this planet and with our overpopulation we destroy the habitat and the wildlife within it. As strictly hunters and gatherers the natural checks and balances would keep our population under control.
Without a doubt Onx and apps like it. I don’t mind people finding or hunting spots i’ve hunted for decades now as long as they EARN it. It’s really changed the game now that you’ll find multiple neophytes with Sitka hats who don’t know how to actually hunt in some pretty remote, overlooked, and once highly productive spots.

After that Cell Cams. If you run multiple cell cams and only show up to hunt when they tell you a buck is around you’re a joke.
Point systems
The 2 party system
Whoever decided corner crossing is not allowed
PETA et. al.
Wolf reintroduction and hunt bans
Grizzly hunt bans
Alaska next of kin/ guide requirements for diy grizz/goat/ sheep
Wyoming nr wilderness rules
Native hunting and fishing special seasons/regs

There are some technologies I despise, but they're small potatoes compared to the larger systemic issues.
Hunting gear being available for purchase with the click of a button. I’d probably be a millionaire if it wasn’t for that

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