Anyone see where two U.N. force bases have been established in the U.S they attempeted too cover the one in Norfolk Va. bye saying it was related to N.A.T.O. training, that in it self should scare the be-gezzus out of us when was the last time anyone ever hears of N.A.T.O. exercises in the U.S. perhaps the left wing of our gov. is getting ready for the revolt everyone is talking about. One thing is certain the wu-flu is a virus and viruses mutate, seems too me the stage has been set for a long time on the restrictions against WE THE PEOPLE. Follow the play book, mis-information.restricted movement, do as I say not as I do government, a people for now kept bye the gov. social media sites restricting free speech, social media sites that are worth more in monetary issues than the gov. and the list goes on. Lay low keep your eyes open take care of your family develop close bonds in you circle of friends but most important trust no one, rough yes but I fear we have only seen the tip of the ice- burg.