Seriously?I have no more sympathy for the unvaccinated adult with Long Covid or in ICU than I do with a drunk driver that crashes and ends up in the ICU. They made choices to not be safe.
Seriously?I have no more sympathy for the unvaccinated adult with Long Covid or in ICU than I do with a drunk driver that crashes and ends up in the ICU. They made choices to not be safe.
Ohhh ok, I’m a ‘sheep’ for making my own decision about a experimental vaccination for a virus with a 99.7%+ survival rate. Interesting perspective there…Please, sheep do not want to hear the truth so they grasp to misinformation. Let them blissfully go forward when the fully vaccinated are seeing very few issues from the vaccine and almost all the recent patients in ICU and passing away are the unvaccinated sheep. Even Fox News and GOP Governors are realize they need to stop the hoax as to who really are the sheep. Get vaccinated. Donnie got the shot. Let Darwin have his share as the sheep will take there last gasp of pressurized oxygen believing the misinformation. So be it. A lie is easy to spread. Using the truth to stop a lie is almost impossible. I have no more sympathy for the unvaccinated adult with Long Covid or in ICU than I do with a drunk driver that crashes and ends up in the ICU. They made choices to not be safe. Unfortunately, now they are taking up the beds needed by people that are having strokes or got hit by the drunk driver so innocent people are in peril.
Ohh and the 99.7% survival rate was using admittedly skewed stats (only 5% of the ‘Covid’ deaths were a result of solely covid - according to the CDC)
funny how the real sheep accuse the freedom loving Americans of being ‘sheep’ - kinda like the defunding the police debacle happening right now…
What part of the Covid 19 virus do you think causes many of these symptoms?That is not true. All it replicates is the spike protein. Complications are exceptionally rare.
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39% of the time……it works every time.The latest out of Israel.
Israel says Pfizer Covid vaccine is just 39% effective as delta spreads, but still prevents severe illness
Pfizer and BioNTech's Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective against delta in Israel, but still provides strong protection against severe illness and
If the vaccines are helping keep critical cases down, that’s great. Unfortunately, it seems all of the reports seem to be just focused on positive cases, not hospitalizations Or mortality rate. If indeed the reports out of Israel are right, they are definitely going to force another lockdown. This whole thing stinks to high hell and doesn’t add up.39% of the time……it works every time.
“88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness, according to the Israeli data.”
Talk about cherry picking stats to make it look better. Most people don’t require hospitalization anyway.
But surely you have read that 48% of the currently infected people are vaccinated. Also, vaccinated people can spread it. So why the "vaccine"? (Ie: shot)As someone who chose to get vaccinated, the thoughts of another possible shutdown is unsettling. I got it because I have young children and elderlies who I see regularly, oh and a little bit of science based too. I also got it because I respect others around me who might be in a similar situation. I fully understand everyone’s personal decisions to do what they deem necessary, just like I do in life.
To me the concerns are children who aren’t vaccinated and are having increasing complications with the virus.
If another shutdown happens, I know fingers aren’t gonna be pointed to me.
Simple. "President" bi-dumNorth border tested and quarantined, south border, zero medical records, no quarantine, no test, walk right in, why?
Just remember folks, they passed a law that you cannot sue the vaccine manufacturers if you have life destroying side effects from these experimental vaccines. No long term testing and complete protection from being sued…..
If they didn’t do that there would be a lot more people vaccinated. If the manufacturer doesn’t have confidence it won’t hurt you, well that’s no bueno in my book.