Just get comfortable with your rifle and scope. Being comfortable and confident in your rig makes you a better shooter and hunter in all cases I’ve seen. The way you get comfortable is by shooting often and from less than ideal positions with time limits. This test seems to be a pretty damn good idea on how to simulate this.
If you have the chance, shooting at live targets is much better practice than shooting in different positions at set MOA targets. But any shooting practice and testing yourself in different situations is better than “going to the range”.
In my state coyotes, rabbits, and ground squirrels are all no limit no season. I’m lucky to have my own land and some friends land to go shooting on. This is the absolute best way to train for big game hunting and remain sharp year round. Spot and stalk through rolling hills on these smaller animals not only gets me in shape but it makes me think fast, act fast, and gets me comfortable with my equipment in a timely manner. It happens fast out there and sometimes the difference between missing an animal and making a clean kill shot is a matter of seconds. Practice practice practice.
Shoot often and have fun! Don’t be afraid to make adjustments and try something new. Do your own verification work and be dilligent. Don’t just go with “what this one expert in the internet said.”