Your not reading what I wrote... all but vague. The "guts" are spilled... I've explained why I'd not use a 223 to shoot an elk- especially out past 450 (the yardage some of the 223 guys say they are killing elk- so using what they said here BTW

Like I said, IF you want to shoot your 223 at 450 yards- that's your prerogative and I won't stoop to any posts here to discredit you. I WILL disagree with you based on what I have already CLEARLY outlined.
Here it is again so you don't have to go back and read...
-- I elk hunt with ONE gun (not two). I require THAT ELK GUN to be able to make ANY shot (dialed or not) with the "energy" (yes, I agree with the industry here) needed to cleanly kill WHILE keeping a good trajectory (got more charts?) where I'm not hitting the elk at the END of it's ("closer" to PBR) flight (therefore need to dial "more often if you will")
That about sums it up... questions?