But I AM saying you ARE lobbing a 223 at that range. I KNOW THAT IS hard to hit target doing it that way (again... for the average hunter, but with a "dailer" AND experience- I'm agreeing it can be done).
You and I both know the "energy" suggested by bullet makers, etc. But I'm more about FLAT shooting rounds that I ALSO know are easier to hit with-- the farther out you go due to the "flight" path of the bullet AND it's energy to both get there AND kill. At any given range, a larger bullet holds more energy over-all (please don't start a BC argument here)-- we all know this. And so I GET WHY the 223 guys ARE using 77g bullets to do what they do. Yes, better ballistics than the 55g!!!
To sum it up... shoot whatever you want (I keep saying this). If it has the terminal "energy" to kill, AND you can get it there, AND you can hit a target... way out there-- that's your choice. - not mine. And from my own experience in the field with MANY very average shooters I'd suggest nothing short of a 243 for elk... and if over 500, I'd step it up again. Thank you.