E-Bike purchase thoughts

It is the same as an ATV for the regulations, so why not just buy an ATV?
Yeah they're exactly the same...aside from being silent, exhaust (odor) free, cheaper to buy, cheaper to "fill", cheaper to maintain, easier to transport, easier to store, safer to operate (less crush or rollover risk in the event of a crash), and less of a fire risk (no exhaust components).

Also, they aren't regulated the same as ATVs in most places. They often don't have registration requirements like ATVs do in some states and many states that require an ATV operation course don't require one for ebikes. In NM you're looking at ~$50 to register an ATV to use it on public lands, but you don't need tags for an ebike. And in NM they're allowed to go several places ATV's can't, namely a few BLM trail systems and most municipal paved roads. If I want to ride my ebike to the grocery store for a beer run that's perfectly legal, but in most counties you can't drive a registered OHV like an ATV on municipal streets.

Look at the ABQ craigslist and you can pick up a 2004 Arctic Cat for the same price as an M2S, but that $50 registration fee costs more than it would to charge the bike every day for the whole year. Then throw in fuel and maintenance on top of everything, possibly a trailer, then the hassle of finding a spot to keep it most of the year because you can't use it around town.....hard pass, I like using the tools I buy.
Looking to get into this market and not spend more than I have to for what I need around here (good trails, relatively flat)

This one keeps coming up as a best buy under $2k. Anyone have any thoughts on it?

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I bought the same bike a year ago with the mid sized battery. My only two major gripes are:

1) the battery range is maybe half as advertised. I might get 15 miles. And more importantly as the battery drains it starts to step down in power. So I’m really only getting full umph for maybe 8-10miles. In hindsight I wish I would have got the biggest battery.

2) you have to be very careful what gear you are in to use the throttle (or sometime peddle assist). I’ve found to just leave it in middle gears. If you are in a higher gear it will strip the sprocket and is very loud and annoying. Lower gear works fine but missing some umph. I’m still trying to figure this out. New sprocket or maybe remove link in chain.

I snagged a kiddo pull behind with bigger tires and a full suspension. It’s worked good in a dual role to take hunting gear out too.
I bought the same bike a year ago with the mid sized battery. My only two major gripes are:

1) the battery range is maybe half as advertised. I might get 15 miles. And more importantly as the battery drains it starts to step down in power. So I’m really only getting full umph for maybe 8-10miles. In hindsight I wish I would have got the biggest battery.

2) you have to be very careful what gear you are in to use the throttle (or sometime peddle assist). I’ve found to just leave it in middle gears. If you are in a higher gear it will strip the sprocket and is very loud and annoying. Lower gear works fine but missing some umph. I’m still trying to figure this out. New sprocket or maybe remove link in chain.

I snagged a kiddo pull behind with bigger tires and a full suspension. It’s worked good in a dual role to take hunting gear out too.
Are you talking about the M2S like the OP posted about?
IME, unless you spend $5-6K+, dont bother. I have a Rambo EMTB and its a total POS. I regret the purchase and wish I had spent the money up front on a good one. Components make the bike and cheap ones suck. Cheap components is how cheap bikes are made cheap.
IME, unless you spend $5-6K+, dont bother. I have a Rambo EMTB and its a total POS. I regret the purchase and wish I had spent the money up front on a good one. Components make the bike and cheap ones suck. Cheap components is how cheap bikes are made cheap.
If I have to spend $5-6k on a bike I'll use less than 20 days/year, no thanks. But I don't believe that's true just like I don't believe a person has to buy Swaros to be happy.
Buy and sell (minimize loss by taking great care and selling quick after using)

I’m on the cusp of grabbing a bike this fall and then selling one month later (realizing I’ll have a small loss but the loss is really a gain because I’ll have used it for it’s intended purposes and it won’t sit the other 11 months of a year collecting dust and getting old)

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I said the same thing until I proved myself wrong.

My suggestion is to go to a real bike shop and talk to them. Buy a quality EMTB, not just one marketed to hunters.
The one I linked to has 3,772 reviews with a 4.72 rating out of 5. I'm not sure there are even 3772 hunters using ebikes.

I'm not spending 5-6k on a damn bike. That's just stupid.
The one I linked to has 3,772 reviews with a 4.72 rating out of 5. I'm not sure there are even 3772 hunters using ebikes.

I'm not spending 5-6k on a damn bike. That's just stupid.
You want a hub drive motor for a bike that will be used for hunting? Good luck with that.

And when’s the last time you went to a bike shop? What you just said is similar to saying “ I’m not spending $50k on a damn truck. That’s just stupid”
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I said the same thing until I proved myself wrong.

My suggestion is to go to a real bike shop and talk to them. Buy a quality EMTB, not just one marketed to hunters.
If you want a emtb to ride trails, then for sure buy one from the bike stores. But, those bikes might not work as well for hunting because they have much different setups.

I still like my MTS, though as has been mentioned, once the battery hits 25 percent, you are pretty much doing all the work.
If you want a emtb to ride trails, then for sure buy one from the bike stores. But, those bikes might not work as well for hunting because they have much different setups.

I still like my MTS, though as has been mentioned, once the battery hits 25 percent, you are pretty much doing all the work.
Don’t you ride trails when using a bike for hunting?
Don’t you ride trails when using a bike for hunting?
No, not really. More like old roads, field edges, gravel, etc.

If you check the specs, the real emtb have much smaller motors and batteries, and are designed more to just extend your ride and help with the hills vs being a true workhorse.
No, not really. More like old roads, field edges, gravel, etc.

If you check the specs, the real emtb have much smaller motors and batteries, and are designed more to just extend your ride and help with the hills vs being a true workhorse.
I’ve done this. And ridden both. Compared to my POS Rambo bike (designed for hunting) there’s no comparison. Mine just sucks. Brakes suck. Gears suck. Suspension is worthless. Only thing good about it is the motor. And most of the motors are all made by the same couple of companies. You can also buy a larger AH battery. So given this, I’m opting for the bike with better components. The components are what make a bike work and actually rideable.
I’ve done this. And ridden both. Compared to my POS Rambo bike (designed for hunting) there’s no comparison. Mine just sucks. Brakes suck. Gears suck. Suspension is worthless. Only thing good about it is the motor. And most of the motors are all made by the same couple of companies. You can also buy a larger AH battery. So given this, I’m opting for the bike with better components. The components are what make a bike work and actually rideable.
You will not get an argument from me that the M2S has the same quality of components as something like a trek or specialized. Because they don't. But, for me, and my use case, they are perfectly fine. The full assist mode, bigger motor, wider tires, ability to attach racks/trailers, etc are what matter to me. I have no doubt I could put a dear in a cart and haul it up some steep KY hills, all with minimal effort on my part.

I used to love riding single track on my mtb, but that is no longer an option for me. I have been thinking about getting a specialized emtb to trail ride again, but not able to justify dropping the cash for one. At least not yet.
M2S ultra is a good buy. It’s not that expensive. Has decent components. Hub (edit it’s a mid drive). I use mine often without major concern. Just wish it had the bigger battery. Think I paid $2500
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You want a hub drive motor for a bike that will be used for hunting? Good luck with that.

And when’s the last time you went to a bike shop? What you just said is similar to saying “ I’m not spending $50k on a damn truck. That’s just stupid”
Spending $50k on a truck IS stupid. I just wait for the guys who do to see the newer models and sell their 2 year old truck to me at half price. :D
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Spending $50k on a truck IS stupid. I just wait for the guys who do to see the newer models and sell their 2 year old truck to me at half price. :D
Since when does that happen? You obviously haven’t looked at used vehicles much lately either. My 5 yr old Toyota is worth more now than I paid for it brand new!