Don't underestimate old guy strength

I wish I was 36 again. I was in the military about your age and these young guys were talking smack before our annual PT test. They were 19 or 20. They tried to keep up with me and failed miserably. The PT NCO razzed them and walked off with there tails tucked.
I’m 40 and in the best shape of my life. I run/cycle with a group who range in age from 24-58.

While I can usually hang with and sometimes beat some of the younger people in my group, it definitely takes me longer to recover.

That being said, there is a guy in our group who is 55 and blows everyone out of the water. He will lap you on the mtn bike trails and also run sub 7:00 miles for 10-15 miles.

So yea, watch out for those old guys.
I’m 40 and in the best shape of my life. I run/cycle with a group who range in age from 24-58.

While I can usually hang with and sometimes beat some of the younger people in my group, it definitely takes me longer to recover.

That being said, there is a guy in our group who is 55 and blows everyone out of the water. He will lap you on the mtn bike trails and also run sub 7:00 miles for 10-15 miles.

So yea, watch out for those old guys.
TRT helps with recovery and retaining muscle as your aging
After smoking a kid that was half my age on a mountain climb on my bicycle, when the kid arrived at the bottom/finish he looked at me and said, "that's a titanium bike isn't it?" I said that it was. He replied, "I was always told to watch out for old men on titanium bikes!"
I just smiled and rode away.
You’re not old! I was in the absolute best shape of my life at 40. I’m a 26 year competitive cyclist that generally does 30-40 races a year and that 40 plus group is no joke. I look at it as experience…and here’s your meme
You’re not old! I was in the absolute best shape of my life at 40. I’m a 26 year competitive cyclist that generally does 30-40 races a year and that 40 plus group is no joke. I look at it as experience…and here’s your meme
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Isn't that about the same age that you all get hopped up on testosterone?

"Ahhh, hey doc, I've got low-T x10..."
Old guy strength comes from a pile of kids, a wife that’s mean as a snake, a few dogs, and sleeping really hard for about 45 minutes a night. Add an itchy asshole, hair on your back, and huge bald spot and now you’re cooking. You gotta teach that young man what pain awaits him and why we drink black coffee in the day and whiskey at night.
My worst injury happened during 'Murph' at age 42........will never do it again. Stretch!!! Stretch!! Stretch!! That is the key as you age (at least for me).

Hope you embarrass him, just take care of yourself.
Yeah, there ain’t shit you can do about tendons and cartilage as you age. They break. The best advice for guys in their 30s and 40s is to forget about CrossFit. Dynamic loading is just not needed when you age. Get strong.

Pure barbell strength is overlooked. I’ve been doing Starting Strength for about 10 months. Adding weight to the bar is much more valuable than repetitive cardio year round. It’s an insurance policy as you age.

By the way, I’ve gained 40 lbs in about a year of barbell training. And I can hike uphill on the same trails I was using before at the same pace. My next deadlift workout is scheduled to be 395 lbs x 5. Get stronger and forget about CrossFit.
Isn't that about the same age that you all get hopped up on testosterone?

"Ahhh, hey doc, I've got low-T x10..."
I’ve noticed a group of guys on this site that hate on testosterone replacement. What’s the deal? I have a friend on it that says it changed his life for the better in several different ways. Good for him. I don’t really care what drugs someone else is on. Why do you?
I’ve noticed a group of guys on this site that hate on testosterone replacement. What’s the deal? I have a friend on it that says it changed his life for the better in several different ways. Good for him. I don’t really care what drugs someone else is on. Why do you?

I don't hate on it, I'll be 40 in about two weeks. I have some 40-plus acquaintances who use the T and are back to making gains and enjoying athlet-ing again rather than just getting by. With that in mind, hopefully my question is clearer.
I just had 14 tons of 2-3 inch rock delivered. If any of you old guys need to come show up a couple young bucks, Saturday morning around 830 would be a great time. Bring a wheelbarrow.
Similar, I got 4 yds of washed stone delivered today. It’ll be a fun weekend activity.