Don't underestimate old guy strength

The difference is in the types of injuries. Overuse soft tissue injuries are a lot different than those that are more likely require surgical reconstruction.

Injury rate claims are only part of the story and can be very misleading.
I won't disagree with that. But I haven't come across data to support it either. I have done crossfit or crossfit like activities for 10 years. I don't know anyone personally that has been significantly injured or needed surgery. There is risk with all physical activity and there is the large variable of the individual. Crossfit can't make you use poor mechanics but it sure gets blamed for them. The benefit of physically exerting yourself, using good mechanics, far out weighs any risk that may exist.

And to be fair, boy have I seen some awful form used by people, first hand. I'm not debating that people have bad form and will be injured eventually as a result.

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I need to see a scale, copy of your drivers license, and video proof LOL. There’s zero chance this is happening at 60 and 165 lbs body weight. You just going to post totals 20lbs above IPF gold medal winners and think we won’t call that out? Something’s not adding up…

Maybe if you weighed 200lbs. But at 165 is some internet nonsense.

View attachment 704650
Next you’ll be trying to tell me my 3 x 4 elk isn’t 350”…
Next you’ll be trying to tell me my 3 x 4 elk isn’t 350”…
He’s doing CrossFit AND strength training AND cycling 30 miles a week. Amazing that some guys think this is possible. If you are moving that kind of weight at that age you need to weigh 220, and take 7+ days in between heavy days to recover from that level of stress.

I’m sure that guy has totaled over a 1,000 lbs on a barbell at some point in his life. But it ain’t happening at 60 and 165 lbs. Not even remotely possible unless he has Olympic athlete level genetics.
We elected a new county commisioner.
Probably 55+ years of age.
Looked up one day and here comes a gent jogging down the road. Living out here in the boonies, joggers aren't very common.
As he approached, I realized it was the new county commissioner.
Tank style top, jogging shorts and shoes!
I knew the man, just not very well.

Back in town, I asked him what he was doing.
I found out the guy had run in several Boston Marathons and New York Marathons and several other marathons across the U.S.... and had been since he was in high school!

To him, "That's how I check to see which roads need grading. I run about 10 miles every afternoon."

Old and scrawny, but he could run an ordinary man into the ground.
Bet at his age, he could still do a Murph!
My doctor was very happy when I quit running and started crossfit. He had been hinting I should find something else to stay in shape with my build. Crossfitting 10 years now, and it has prevented more PT than it has caused.

I suck at it. And especially Murph. Haven't done more than half Murph in 5 years.

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I’ve noticed a group of guys on this site that hate on testosterone replacement. What’s the deal? I have a friend on it that says it changed his life for the better in several different ways. Good for him. I don’t really care what drugs someone else is on. Why do you?
I’ve noticed a group of guys on this site that hate on Crossfit. What’s the deal? I have a friend that says it changed his life for the better in several different ways. Good for him. I don’t really care what workouts someone else is into. Why do you?
What's that "old" saying/song lyric? "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was."
I’ve noticed a group of guys on this site that hate on Crossfit. What’s the deal? I have a friend that says it changed his life for the better in several different ways. Good for him. I don’t really care what workouts someone else is into. Why do you?
I think some guys just like to go against the grain and hate anything new... 6.5 creedmoor, flat bills, CrossFit. Everyone has to bend their bill, shoot the same caliber, workout like a 90's football player...Me personally I hate the shorty shorts all the dudes are wearing these days, that's the only one that gets me.
What's that "old" saying/song lyric? "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was."
"Takes me all night long to do what I used to do all night long!"
I’ve noticed a group of guys on this site that hate on Crossfit. What’s the deal? I have a friend that says it changed his life for the better in several different ways. Good for him. I don’t really care what workouts someone else is into. Why do you?
At 73, I have 3 joint implants and one joint locked in place with screws.
I admire young men....or even old men who can still get out and "DO"!
I can't do what I used to do, but if I take my time, I can still pretty much do anything I've ever done!
Scoff at someone who exercises? Not me!
When (If?) I wake up each morning, I have a set of exercises I do laying (lying?) in bed. Then I test my crippled butt to see if I can stand up. Once I'm up, another set of exercises.
Nope! No jumping jacks, no squat thrusts, no push ups or pull ups. Just movements to see if everything still works! LOL!
In fact, of you CAN still exercise, I suggest you continue. You don't have to prep for the next Iron Man race, just something to help aging bodies maintain strength and flexibility.
I keep saying "If it wasn't for my lower back, I'd still be 30". And that's no joke. My back is the only thing that really negatively affects my performance. I can fight through knee pain, but when my back drops me like a sack of's hard to fight against motor nerves.
I keep saying "If it wasn't for my lower back, I'd still be 30". And that's no joke. My back is the only thing that really negatively affects my performance. I can fight through knee pain, but when my back drops me like a sack of's hard to fight against motor nerves.
If it wasn't for my hips, my shoulder and my ankle and being 73 years old, I'd still be 30 too! LMBO!
I need to see a scale, copy of your drivers license, and video proof LOL. There’s zero chance this is happening at 60 and 165 lbs body weight. You just going to post totals 20lbs above IPF gold medal winners and think we won’t call that out? Something’s not adding up…

Maybe if you weighed 200lbs. But at 165 is some internet nonsense.

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Just to clarify is he talking in pounds and you guys kilos? Cause the highlighted number is over a 1000 pounds I believe
I need to see a scale, copy of your drivers license, and video proof LOL. There’s zero chance this is happening at 60 and 165 lbs body weight. You just going to post totals 20lbs above IPF gold medal winners and think we won’t call that out? Something’s not adding up…

Maybe if you weighed 200lbs. But at 165 is some internet nonsense.

View attachment 704650
Quarter squats, heaved benches, and hitched deads can add some weight to the bar!
I confess I havent read the whole thread but, looking back, I'd say 36 was in the middle
of my prime years.

I had to chuckle to myself when I saw the age of the OP after reading the thread title :)

Not criticizing at all here. Hats off to all who do their best to keep their health at whatever age.