Don't Burn Your Toilet Paper

I truthfully don’t understand how hard it is to pack it I carry an extra zip lock bag and carry it back throw it in and no one is none the wiser. I don’t start a fire and no one has to come along and find my tp surprise

We will put our hands up inside an animal carcass but putting used tp in a bag grosses us out….

I must be some heathen , I have always just pooped near a tree or rock and left it, birds usually come get the used paper
I guess this is in conflict with a high density green wiener trail or hiking trail
I must be some heathen , I have always just pooped near a tree or rock and left it, birds usually come get the used paper
I guess this is in conflict with a high density green wiener trail or hiking trail
Nobody likes a surface shitter you gotta bury that turd

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I always burn and bury, been doing it that way for as long as I've been going out in the woods, and I don't believe I'll stop anytime soon. Oh, I've never started a forest fire either.

Me too. Its all about using some sense. Managing issues with absolutes is rarely ideal. Burn when it is safe to do so, bury or carry out when not. In the east it is usually, but not always, safe to burn. Not nearly as often is it safe to burn in the west. When in doubt, bury or carry out.
You folks live in a differant world than me. I have never burned or buried. When I reach that point of need, I search out the densest patch of jungle that is handy and deposit accordingly. When done I usually cover it with a hunk of bark or a rock. In the very few times I have happened to return to the site in a day or two, I have found it to be dried up and difficult to tell from everything else that poops in the woods. Anyone that poops next to a trail should be legal to shoot.
I think the problem of visible scattered TP is much more related to trail hikers than hunters because hikers travel the same paths and hunters tend to disperse. The exception perhaps being trailheads. As a hiker and a hunter, what I have seen is that the first place from the trailhead that offers convenient privacy becomes a latrine made obvious by scattered TP. Other places that offer privacy along heavily used trails show the same thing but to a lesser degree. The more difficult it is to find a private place, either due to use levels or sight distances, the more concentrated the problem. Over time the more popular trailheads and backcountry trail shelters have been equipped with privies to help reduce the problem.

I think also that, when women are using an area, not all TP is due to someone pooping. Regardless, I am not about to kick out a cathole any place there is TP scattered about.