Don't Burn Your Toilet Paper

You all and this generation is so weak...carrying TP in the backcountry you are surrounded by sticks and leaves....i thought this was rokslide and every ounce counted...
In 2022, a homeless guy from Louisiana started a fire here up on the San Francisco Peaks because he thought it was a good idea to burn his TP…..during a Red Flag day with 65mph gusts!
They could not have been too granola. I spent a summer in college doing back country fisheries work in Yosemite… my partner never carried tp. SHE just used rocks. That is the true granola way!
No, we don’t need further rules and restrictions. This would be a great opportunity to run an ad campaign or social media campaign about how hunters conserve, while in the mean time you have non-hunter hikers starting fires because they can’t wipe their own butts without burning the place down. Would be a hilarious - and pointed - ad campaign.
It was in the early to middle nineties "outback ?"maybe. I saw it at the hearing but never read it. I'm not attracted to things like that. Camping 6-7 months per year for 10 years for uncle sugar and 25 years camping 3-4 months per year for the state, hasn't left me with many questions about the pucker brush or living in it.
I always burn and bury, been doing it that way for as long as I've been going out in the woods, and I don't believe I'll stop anytime soon. Oh, I've never started a forest fire either.
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I always burn and bury, been doing it that way for as long as I've been going out in the woods, and I don't believe I'll stop anytime soon. Oh, I've never started a forest fire either.
Why Burn though? I honesty don't see what the point is vs just burying? It was an honest question earlier, the only thing that made any sense in my mind is if folks were surface shitters and that is why they burned the TP. If digging a cat hole why not just bury everything?
Why Burn though? I honesty don't see what the point is vs just burying? It was an honest question earlier, the only thing that made any sense in my mind is if folks were surface shitters and that is why they burned the TP. If digging a cat hole why not just bury everything?

Some brands of toilet paper don’t break down that quickly, or very well, and I’ve seen where bears or other critters have come along and dug it up, and then it’s just exposed again. I just feel like by burning it I’ve eliminated any chance of it resurfacing.

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