- Joined
- Jan 28, 2018
I wish all these instafame turds would evaporate from hunting culture . If I have to see another cam Hanes mt. Ops ad my head I’ll explode!
I wasn’t there, so I can’t/won’t pass judgement on whether this was accidental or on purpose. But, someone that preaches ethical hunting as often as he does should not be convicted of something like this. Poaching is poaching regardless of a world class animal or not.So in reading this overall what he did is the same as if you shot a coyote on the edge of a national park, did I follow this correctly? He shot an animal classified as a pest on the border of his property and the park.
Seriously to me, if that is the case, I don’t see why so many are all up in arms over this. It isn’t like he poached a world record elk and then took it to a game show bragging about it.
He shot an animal considered a pest on the edge of his property. To me his punishment was enough paying legal fees to defend himself but then another $3300 per charge he pled guilty to.
Maybe I’m wrong here but I don’t take him as a poacher for this, yeah he trespassed on a national park next to his property that I’d say he is guilty of and taking a weapon into a park if illegal, ok.
@tdhanses I guess we're inferring different things. it sounds to me like he was well in the park boundary. to the point they took waypoints on the carcass location and brought forth charges. i didn't see that he shot it on his place and trailed it into the park - if that were the case I don't believe this would have been in court at all. that's just what i think
I wasn’t there, so I can’t/won’t pass judgement on whether this was accidental or on purpose. But, someone that preaches ethical hunting as often as he does should not be convicted of something like this. Poaching is poaching regardless of a world class animal or not.
Hmm to me poaching is not having a valid tag during a valid season for a game animal, most animals designated a pest have neither.
To me he trespassed and crossed into a national park with a weapon. I agree I wasn’t there but like I asked the other guy, would you do the same to a guy that shot a gopher in a national park? I’m not saying he shouldn’t pay a fine for breaking the law, but does t seem like shooting the deer listed as a pest was the main issue. In the end I wonder if they would have done the same to an avg joe, maybe.
I don't know any of the specifics of this case, but they are very different animals. I'm not an Aussie but I know that they are classified as "pests" by the government. I think you'd be hard pressed to find hunters from Au that would agree with that. Red deer have value to hunters in the south pacific, and I'd compare it to how we value elk here.I see what you mean, but he didn't shoot a gopher. He shot a deer and they are very different animals, even if both are classified as pests. But, that's coming from my opinion as someone living in the states. If an Aussie on here were to say different, I would have to accept that as my answer and change my opinion. If that is the case, they very well may have made the same decision to any average Joe.
That’s exactly how I view it as well.I don't know any of the specifics of this case, but they are very different animals. I'm not an Aussie but I know that they are classified as "pests" by the government. I think you'd be hard pressed to find hunters from Au that would agree with that. Red deer have value to hunters in the south pacific, and I'd compare it to how we value elk here.
I see what you mean, but he didn't shoot a gopher. He shot a deer and they are very different animals, even if both are classified as pests. But, that's coming from my opinion as someone living in the states. If an Aussie on here were to say different, I would have to accept that as my answer and change my opinion. If that is the case, they very well may have made the same decision to any average Joe.
Red Deer are classed as a Game Animal under legislation in New South Wales where this incident occurred. There is considerable debate as to whether deer in general should retain this status in NSW with a lot of misinformation being spread by people and groups with a vested interest in having deer declared a "pest".
I believe that the judges reference to "pest" relates to the fact that in some situations deer can be considered a "pest" rather than an actual legislative status of the animal.
I don't see that comparison at all. You sound like a leg humper defending his action. That's on you but go back and read what you have writtenI also look at it this way, we shouldn’t apply our American standards on this, it should purely be Aussie standards.
It’s kind of like how that CA game and fish official legally shot a mountain lion in ID but was then vilified in CA because it’s illegal there to kill a mountain lion.
So I agree as well, what do our Aussie brothers think of this situation?
I never said or intended that a deer couldn't be classified as a pest. I also stated if someone familiar with that countries ways were to correct me, I would change my opinion on how the animal is viewed.So because it’s a deer it can’t have pest status? Look at what the NZ gov is wanting to do, is it poaching when a gov determines an animal is a pest and decides they should wipe them out?
To me just because it’s a deer doesn’t give it special status just because here in US it has that, I’m just basing my view off what it had been determined by the Aussies as, therefore to me it’s no different then a coyote.
Poaching comes down to economic value, look at the different fines that have been established for poaching and the various species, a pest never has one unless you have to have a special license but then that’s just getting more revenue.
All I’m saying is he’s only getting torn up over this because it’s a deer and not a coyote. Sounds like no tag was required to shoot the deer. Maybe I’m looking at this wrong but I feel the big issue is the trespassing and taking a weapon into a national park not killing the deer.
I can only speak for myself and the people I associate with but generally it appears that most feel that he has got away with it and he generally should be rejected by the rest of the hunting community.What are the general thoughts and feel there in Australia for what he did and how it went down?