Colorado elk/deer archery opener in 2 days.......jusy saying.

Everyone is following this because this is one of Cam Hanes big buddies. Without that tie in, no one would care. I still don't care. Never heard of this idiot til this thread popped up. Besides, no one should be naive enough to believe the innocent til proven guilty narrative. Everyone knows you get tried in the court of public opinion first.Everyone is so quick to jump to conclusions and judge with little to no information of what actually happened. In all honesty how does AG receiving a citation on the other side of the world affect most people here? Wait until the courts decide if he is guilty or innocent then feel free to cast shame onto him if you feel it absolutely necessary. Ultimately if someone unintentionally breaks the law I hold no hard feelings towards them. It happens to the best of us. Hope this is all it was. I'll form an opinion when I get more information. Until then....
Never heard of the guy.
Fact of the matter is in my lifetime I've seen the dynamics of hunting change. When i was a kid I'd never heard the term "trophy hunting". People just hunted deer kept the antlers and ate the meat.
In my opinion the advent of social media and boom in hunting mags along with higher numbers of deer brought in more of what I'll call shooters. Now, the majority and i really do mean majority are guys that shoot males for antlers and leave the rest to rot. There's no requirement to salvage any meat whatsoever and people have no qualms about leaving it. To justify it they'll say it's ok because they're non native, damaging to the environment without a single notion or care about either of those things. To them it's just the argument they hear people say and know they can make. My passion, education, career and life has revolved around hunting and environment. It's something i understand more than the average hunter or shooter. So i have in the past argued with these people actual facts but it goes straight over their head. At that point i realised it's a culture of indifference and greed here. We want to kill and value life only as much as the bone on an animals head can be used as a tool for fame and acknowledgment. The fact that's it's not only condoned but celebrated makes me so ashamed of where we've ended up.
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I know of 2 years in a row where Australia guys have shot elk here in Idaho in the same spot and have just packed out there head and left the rest lay, had a buddy confront one at the trailhead. It’s pretty disgusting
I know of 2 years in a row where Australia guys have shot elk here in Idaho in the same spot and have just packed out there head and left the rest lay, had a buddy confront one at the trailhead. It’s pretty disgusting
Looks like he got found guilty
I know of 2 years in a row where Australia guys have shot elk here in Idaho in the same spot and have just packed out there head and left the rest lay, had a buddy confront one at the trailhead. It’s pretty disgusting
If you watch “solohunter” with Remi he clearly shows the cabin log books in New Zealand where someone writes they shot like 8 shami and recovered 2. Totally different mindset of these guys over there hunting “non-natives”.