Don't believe everything you see in Instagram etc(poaching)

There is nothing more feeble minded then overly generalizing people.

That would have been the previous post.......overly generalizing just because of cultures. As far as profanity is concerned.......the only generalization is that there are those that use it and those that don't.
a few weeks ago he legit cliff tested his pack when he got cliffed out in NZ... cliff tested the RX-1 also... it faired as well as a kuiu pack...
I won't go into AG himself too much, suffice it to say there's a reason why the vast majority of his supporter base is American and not aussies. I wouldn't say it's common knowledge but I've heard stories for years from people that do know him that this is the norm for him. In my book he has just always been a guy hunting for fame, evidentally at any cost.

What i will speak more on is how differently poaching is approached in Australia as opposed to the USA. In the states you guys can make a call and say you saw someone poaching or heard shots etc. And it will be investigated.

Here, it just does not happen like that. There needs to be systematic and continuous reports and complaints before it will be investigated by police and our laws are such that you pretty much have to be caught red handed for charges to be laid. For that reason police do not take someone to court in australia on a hunting or firearm charge unless they're pretty well certain they can make it stick. I can imagine once he is convicted as he's likely to be he'll change his tune from denial to pretending it was all a misunderstanding and an accident.

In regards to poaching in australia i can speak first hand. This year we had a deer poached off private property we have exclusive access to. With support from the land owner i took photos of the car tracks, boot tracks, kill site, gut pile as well as the surrounding area in case photos surfaced on social media and contacted the game authority. They said to me unless you catch them red handed and have photos of them, or their number plates there's nothing we can do. They never visited the property nor have we heard anything since from them.

Take from that what you will, but when we went to the extent we did for no effort on behalf of the game authority to solve it to me it speaks volumes when they've actually gone to effort to actively target a known poacher.

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I won't go into AG himself too much, suffice it to say there's a reason why the vast majority of his supporter base is American and not aussies. I wouldn't say it's common knowledge but I've heard stories for years from people that do know him that this is the norm for him. In my book he has just always been a guy hunting for fame, evidentally at any cost.

What i will speak more on is how differently poaching is approached in Australia as opposed to the USA. In the states you guys can make a call and say you saw someone poaching or heard shots etc. And it will be investigated.

Here, it just does not happen like that. There needs to be systematic and continuous reports and complaints before it will be investigated by police and our laws are such that you pretty much have to be caught red handed for charges to be laid. For that reason police do not take someone to court in australia on a hunting or firearm charge unless they're pretty well certain they can make it stick. I can imagine once he is convicted as he's likely to be he'll change his tune from denial to pretending it was all a misunderstanding and an accident.

In regards to poaching in australia i can speak first hand. This year we had a deer poached off private property we have exclusive access to. With support from the land owner i took photos of the car tracks, boot tracks, kill site, gut pile as well as the surrounding area in case photos surfaced on social media and contacted the game authority. They said to me unless you catch them red handed and have photos of them, or their number plates there's nothing we can do. They never visited the property nor have we heard anything since from them.

Take from that what you will, but when we went to the extent we did for no effort on behalf of the game authority to solve it to me it speaks volumes when they've actually gone to effort to actively target a known poacher.

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This pretty well sums it up.
I thought it was 'common' knowledge about his 'activities'.
He doesn't seem to have many friends in the South Pacific.
Not surprised at all, doubt anything will come of it
Just saw where Cam posted a pic of them together on their 'Outback' hunt. Surprised more hasn't come of this. The consistency of posts on AT from people in-country were really persuasive in my eyes.
This pretty well sums it up.
I thought it was 'common' knowledge about his 'activities'.
He doesn't seem to have many friends in the South Pacific.
Not surprised at all, doubt anything will come of it
Its rife in Australia though, there's several other hunters in aus that consider themselves high profile that are known poachers. No doubt some that guys here may look up to.

If social media was gone tomorrow it would be for the better. I know a guy who pumps the whole experience aspect of hunting on social media and does a lot of meat removal videos and photos but in real life...doesn't even eat venison.

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Lets put this offence into perspective. Poaching in the US is a serious offence due to everything being native and on a tag system. His alleged offence is for hunting introduced species (most certainly pig and deer) in a national park where there is not a tag system, there is a season for deer in his state but in certain areas those seasons and hunting restrictions have been lifted/relaxed due to the numbers (Spot lighting deer at night, running dogs, longer season etc).

Yes it is a criminal offence, as former police officer I'm not condoning his alleged wrong doing but its not like hes poaching a koala, emu or a wallaby. That area was aerial gunned not long after this alleged offence was committed, supposedly they shot 2600 animals. If this offence was poaching on a private property, Id take it seriously.

To educate the Americas, hunting in the Northern Territory for buffalo is either private land or native title, all you need is the permission of an indigenous elder and you're on their country or an owners permission. Easy done when your business employs numerous indigenous workers across the top end.

I think these snipes from afar at AG are as a result of tall poppy syndrome, all i hear from AT, IG and FB is exactly what it is, hearsay from a bunch of no name Aussies, at least the Americans are respecting of his right to a fair trial. I'm fairly new to bowhunting (2 Years) and from what I have seen, hes been nothing but a good ambassador for the sport. Hes got a successful company managed by his best mate who's a bow hunter also, this gives him the time and coin to hunt when he wants. I really don't think he needs the sponsorship to be successful.
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Lets put this offence into perspective. Poaching in the US is a serious offence due to everything being native and on a tag system. His alleged offence is for hunting introduced species (most certainly pig and deer) in a national park where there is not a tag system, there is a season for deer in his state but in certain areas those seasons and hunting restrictions have been lifted/relaxed due to the numbers (Spot lighting deer at night, running dogs, longer season etc).

Yes it is a criminal offence, as former police officer I'm not condoning his alleged wrong doing but its not like hes poaching a koala, emu or a wallaby. That area was aerial gunned not long after this alleged offence was committed, supposedly they shot 2600 animals. If this offence was poaching on a private property, Id take it seriously.

To educate the Americas, hunting in the Northern Territory for buffalo is either private land or native title, all you need is the permission of an indigenous elder and you're on their country or an owners permission. Easy done when your business employs numerous indigenous workers across the top end.

I think these snipes from afar at AG are as a result of tall poppy syndrome, all i hear from AT, IG and FB is exactly what it is, hearsay from a bunch of no name Aussies, at least the Americans are respecting of his right to a fair trial. I'm fairly new to bowhunting (2 Years) and from what I have seen, hes been nothing but a good ambassador for the sport. Hes got a successful company managed by his best mate who's a bow hunter also, this gives him the time and coin to hunt when he wants. I really don't think he needs the sponsorship to be successful.

Interesting first post on Rokslide.

While the area he was poaching may not have been a big deal to any local, to the people on this side of the Pacific he committed a crime if found guilt and took and animal he wasn't legally allowed to take. We take it very seriously in the US because poaching is rampant and in most legal hunters minds has been under punished as a whole. We wait patiently for the tags we get and are grateful for the public land and the opportunity to take animals on that land.

Greentree plays in the world of social media and with that the court of public opinion. It won't really matter if he's found guilty to loose his sponsors for UA and I'm sure others. If they feel he isn't representing their brand well then they will simply drop him and move on to someone else in the vast sea of Instafamous people in line. People who want to be social media heroes will have to make sure they cross every t and dot every i or as quickly as people thought they cared about him they will cast him out as a pariah.

Personally I don't really care. His pictures are neat to look at and it is very interesting for me to hear how different the hunting culture is in Australia vs the US, but with the rise of everyone and their mother having a podcast it isn't hard to hear from someone else about their experiences in any country in the world. If it was a misunderstanding great for him, if not oh well Cam can find someone else to hunt with down under I'm sure.

On a side note I don't see how Under Armour keeps their camo line going but someone must be buying it.

Someone in the know please post the results of the hearing.
Lets put this offence into perspective. Poaching in the US is a serious offence due to everything being native and on a tag system. His alleged offence is for hunting introduced species (most certainly pig and deer) in a national park where there is not a tag system, there is a season for deer in his state but in certain areas those seasons and hunting restrictions have been lifted/relaxed due to the numbers (Spot lighting deer at night, running dogs, longer season etc).

Yes it is a criminal offence, as former police officer I'm not condoning his alleged wrong doing but its not like hes poaching a koala, emu or a wallaby. That area was aerial gunned not long after this alleged offence was committed, supposedly they shot 2600 animals. If this offence was poaching on a private property, Id take it seriously.

To educate the Americas, hunting in the Northern Territory for buffalo is either private land or native title, all you need is the permission of an indigenous elder and you're on their country or an owners permission. Easy done when your business employs numerous indigenous workers across the top end.

I think these snipes from afar at AG are as a result of tall poppy syndrome, all i hear from AT, IG and FB is exactly what it is, hearsay from a bunch of no name Aussies, at least the Americans are respecting of his right to a fair trial. I'm fairly new to bowhunting (2 Years) and from what I have seen, hes been nothing but a good ambassador for the sport. Hes got a successful company managed by his best mate who's a bow hunter also, this gives him the time and coin to hunt when he wants. I really don't think he needs the sponsorship to be successful.

First off, great of you to join up and put one post up to defend AG, it's what mates are for i guess.

The way you say "no name aussies" implies your one of those that think social media gives some sense of superiority. The best hunters i know don't waste their time chasing acknowledgement for hunting. Believe it or not some people hunt purely for the love of hunting and don't need a pat on the back to feel a sense of achievement and certainly don't like to see others breaking laws and disrespecting the integrity of the hunt or the animals.

But you've made it clear that it's something you don't understand or care about. Yeah deer were brought here, 1805 was the first time deer were introduced which makes them more australian than most aussie families, mine included and I'd almost bet your family too. There's a cultural connection to deer that is significant enough to many hunters and to several states that they have been declared game.

Deer have been apart of us for as long as we've existed, take the fallow that AG is accused of poaching, they've evolved with humans as a natural predator. So tell me how when a predator and a prey come to a new land, one is fine but the other is somehow less worthy of a place? And if you've ever drawn your bow on a deer or felt the "buck fever" rush of seeing a big buck that's your dna telling you how sognificant deer really are to us. So please don't try to trivialize their importance just to make a point.

Relaxed laws to deal with probelem animals exist with kangaroos, emus and plenty of other native animals too so I'm not sure what your argument there is? The point on buffalo again means nothing.

I suggest getting off social media and spending more time hunting. Learn that hunting is about everything else before its about the kill and the size of antlers and perhaps then you'll see fame chasers like AG for what they really are.

I used to write for a few Australian hunting magazines and got to know some of the "big" aussie hunters. And that is the exact reason i have nothing to do with them today. Not one person i got to know was anything like the persona they put out through articles or social media. It's nothing but smoke and mirrors in a yearning for a thumbs up on a photo or to have some comment how great they are.

Am I jealous of people like AG? Hell no, i pity them. They're so wrapped up in their need for acknowledgment that they've lost sight of what hunting is about. It doesn't matter whether your old man has left you a successful business that runs itself enabling you to hunt the world or whether your joe blow with nothing but a bit of public access to chase deer if you can't see what hunting really is about or give game the respect they deserve your simply lost.

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I used to write for a few Australian hunting magazines and got to know some of the "big" aussie hunters. And that is the exact reason i have nothing to do with them today. Not one person i got to know was anything like the persona they put out through articles or social media. It's nothing but smoke and mirrors in a yearning for a thumbs up on a photo or to have some comment how great they are.

This doesn't surprise me at all. I'm sure there are authentic professional hunters out there but I have heard much of the same thing about some of the big name US hunters. I shared hunting camp with a very educated and hardworking professional videographer/photographer and his firsthand accounts from working for some of the "big" name hunters were appalling. It's not my place to name names, because at this point it's a secondhand account, but the lack of respect some of these big name guys showed to the game they harvested and the people they worked with was sort of mind-blowing. The one story that sticks out in my mind is when this photographer sat down to eat after a days work and the professional hunter made it a point to embarrass and belittle him in front of everyone else at the table. Asking him why he felt he was worthy enough to sit at the same table as him and then told him to take his food and eat elsewhere. This was just one of many stories he had about working with this one "big" name hunter, but being unable to treat other people with decency is just completely unacceptable in my book.
First off, great of you to join up and put one post up to defend AG, it's what mates are for i guess.

The way you say "no name aussies" implies your one of those that think social media gives some sense of superiority. The best hunters i know don't waste their time chasing acknowledgement for hunting. Believe it or not some people hunt purely for the love of hunting and don't need a pat on the back to feel a sense of achievement and certainly don't like to see others breaking laws and disrespecting the integrity of the hunt or the animals.

But you've made it clear that it's something you don't understand or care about. Yeah deer were brought here, 1805 was the first time deer were introduced which makes them more australian than most aussie families, mine included and I'd almost bet your family too. There's a cultural connection to deer that is significant enough to many hunters and to several states that they have been declared game.

Deer have been apart of us for as long as we've existed, take the fallow that AG is accused of poaching, they've evolved with humans as a natural predator. So tell me how when a predator and a prey come to a new land, one is fine but the other is somehow less worthy of a place? And if you've ever drawn your bow on a deer or felt the "buck fever" rush of seeing a big buck that's your dna telling you how sognificant deer really are to us. So please don't try to trivialize their importance just to make a point.

Relaxed laws to deal with probelem animals exist with kangaroos, emus and plenty of other native animals too so I'm not sure what your argument there is? The point on buffalo again means nothing.

I suggest getting off social media and spending more time hunting. Learn that hunting is about everything else before its about the kill and the size of antlers and perhaps then you'll see fame chasers like AG for what they really are.

I used to write for a few Australian hunting magazines and got to know some of the "big" aussie hunters. And that is the exact reason i have nothing to do with them today. Not one person i got to know was anything like the persona they put out through articles or social media. It's nothing but smoke and mirrors in a yearning for a thumbs up on a photo or to have some comment how great they are.

Am I jealous of people like AG? Hell no, i pity them. They're so wrapped up in their need for acknowledgment that they've lost sight of what hunting is about. It doesn't matter whether your old man has left you a successful business that runs itself enabling you to hunt the world or whether your joe blow with nothing but a bit of public access to chase deer if you can't see what hunting really is about or give game the respect they deserve your simply lost.

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Cool story mate, sorry for the late reply I'm been working, hunting and training, not sitting on social media talking crap.

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I'm a bit surprised so many are quick to judge.

Isn't a guy supposed to be, "Innocent until proven guilty?"

I don't know if Greentree is or isn't guilty.....I will give him and anyone else committed of a crime the benefit of the doubt.

We all complain about fake news...but this is trial by media...not good. The hearsay here...."Its been well known...." What a CROCK that someone can come on and spread a rumor like this.....

It wasn't too long ago the public was going to string up the cop that shot 'poor' Michael Brown. The media posted pics of Michael when he was much younger and characterized the shooting as a bad cop racial thing. Many folks even lied saying he was shot in cold blood.

Well if you don't remember, MB was going after the his car to take his gun away from him....and it was on video. Self Defense. After all that bad media hype....the cop was found innocent when the real facts came out.

I dunno if Greentree is guilty or innocent....and neither does anyone here.

The BIGGER ISSUE is the HUGE problem with the thought process of Guilty by social media and guys promoting it.....
Things we consider rude or cuss words are cultural norms in other places. Watch when a New Zealander slaps you for saying fanny.
Cussing isn't a cultural thing, it's a lack of "class" thing. There's a saying that holds true......"Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly".

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Cussing isn't a cultural thing, it's a lack of "class" thing. There's a saying that holds true......"Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly".

You do realize that forums are a form of social media? And I built this one and hundreds of other websites and applications. So how did my feeble ****ing mind figure out a way to trick you into signing up..... I’m a genuz!

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'The BIGGER ISSUE is the HUGE problem with the thought process of Guilty by social media and guys promoting it.....'
This.So true.
I have a friend who drives me nuts on this issue arguing the guy is 'innocent til proven otherwise' but needs to at least deny it,explain it,not ignore it.I say 'no' but....
Hopefully it resolves and goes away cause really,who gives a rats ass?
Everyone is so quick to jump to conclusions and judge with little to no information of what actually happened. In all honesty how does AG receiving a citation on the other side of the world affect most people here? Wait until the courts decide if he is guilty or innocent then feel free to cast shame onto him if you feel it absolutely necessary. Ultimately if someone unintentionally breaks the law I hold no hard feelings towards them. It happens to the best of us. Hope this is all it was. I'll form an opinion when I get more information. Until then....