Do you hunt alone

I love hunting alone. My pace, my decisions, one set of tracks and one scent stream. I'm around other people enough. I'm a mostly treestand Hunter from PA though.

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I'm all about going alone out here in Minnesota for archery or rifle. Easier to stay quiet around all these twitchy whitetail when you're by yourself. Out west I prefer to have a partner or a small group. Nothing quite like elk camp with your friends or family for a week.
I don't let being alone phase me that much. It's nice to have people to meet back at camp to discuss what was seen through out the day, but it's not necessary. A riding animal along with a pack mule or two and I'm good to head into the backcountry for a week or two.
Yes. I hunt alone. IMO hunting alone is WAY better due to the sense of solitude, need for self reliance, lack of excuses , testing my skills , and over all time alone in the woods. It sometimes takes me some time to get in the "zone" and mentally in true predator mode becoming part of the ecosystem vs feeling as if I'm a visitor. I can do this faster alone. If i'm with a partner I may not ever get there. Depends on the partner obviously but either way I hunt alone pretty much always at this point. Love it .
When I look at all the deer on my wall I don’t see the deer I see the times I spent with my brother. We have been hunting together every year since we were kids. So I would rather hunt with someone. It makes it more memorable . Plus it easier to pack out a deer with someone else.
Ive gone out a few times, some of the best time spent but you definitely need to be careful climbing over rocks! Be conscious of every step.
Sometimes I hunt with a group, and sometimes Ihunt alone. I like the camaraderie of bear camp, but the first day of season our group splits up and everybody hunts alone for a spot and stalk. The rest of the week we drive.
I don't have any friends. That hunt. I'd love to have someone that I could hunt with/learn from. I'm not a social butterfly and don't talk a lot. I don't suffer fools and sometimes I'm the biggest fool I know. I like being in the woods. Hunting or not. Went on my first solo elk hunt in CO this year. 5 day backpacking trip, but loved it. Going to AK for moose next year, solo again.
I've tried to get my wife interested in the camping aspect of hunting, but she's just not in to it.
Every big game animal I’ve taken has been while hunting alone. Had to make a call for some help to pack out an elk. All my mule deer have been solo.
I’ve never gone solo for more than a day at a time. That changes this new year starting with spring bear. I’ll use that time to scout high for sheep and scout low for moose for archery season. No one I know is interested in more than a road hunt/trail hunt. No one wants to go explore a little bit, look at a map, try to figure what the animals will be doing and go out to the mountains to see how correct or incorrect they were. I’m looking forward to starting with 2-3 day solo trips and just enjoying the experience.
Hoping to hunt some bordering states for whitetail this season, plan on hunting public and camping. It would be nice to have a like minded person to go with but that does not seem to be likely to happen. Locally I am 100% on my own for hunting, camping, canoeing and rucking.View attachment 123606

We still need to make something happen zap. Hopefully next year.
I want a camp buddie for whitetail, not a look over my shoulder lol.

Out west it would be fun to have someone with. But cant get my friends away from their midwest feeders. Hard to blame them when most shoot 170 plus deer every year. Just not for me. I like to work harder. Or im hard headed
I should be doing some neighboring state car camping deer hunts this season November thru January. Good company is welcome.
I want a camp buddie for whitetail, not a look over my shoulder lol.

Out west it would be fun to have someone with. But cant get my friends away from their midwest feeders. Hard to blame them when most shoot 170 plus deer every year. Just not for me. I like to work harder. Or im hard headed

Dang! What do you do with 170 deer a year?

To be honest, we are late in elk season right now and after pack outs, butchering, and spending so many days in the woods, I’m kinda tired of all the work involved in hunting :). I don’t know that I’d like butchering that many deer!

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Should have clarified better 170 inch class deer and above. Private land. If you see 130s 140s on public your doing good.
Both, pheasant hunting in a group is great for the comraderie, but I also have a blast just me and my dog. Deer hunt by myself or with my brother, as our hunting style is very similar