Do you hunt alone

I'm used to hunting alone except for in my home state...this year my 13 yo is getting out of school for 2 weeks and going to Colorado and N Mexico with me. I call him the perfect pack horse!
I am a man also so not having those worries either but I do have 4 daughters in their 20's

I would suggest you get a 357 mag snub like a ruger SP101 and then google smart carry holsters. The guns is invisible and out of your way in that holster and what the LEO don't know wont hurt them. You are never going to use it unless your life is in danger and at that point I wouldn't worry about it. FWIW 99.9% of male bowhunters would never bother you, just because they were remarking where you went is meaningless. They were just BSing about it on their way in. All of us have mothers, sisters, daughters and 99.9% of us would not only not bother you we would protect you if we saw you threatened. FWIW the smart carry holster only works in slightly baggy pants like hunting clothes, not the skin tight slacks many women wear
I wear one everyday but I am an old guy with baggy relaxed fit pants
I've always hunted with family and friends. The last 10 years all my hunts out west have always been organized by me and included new hunters. I enjoyed every one of these trips but I was never very successful for myself as I was always focused on trying to make sure the new hunters had a great experience and a successful hunt. I had a job change that allowed me 4 days off for our early muzzleloader season here in Kansas and I took full advantage of it. Went by myself and camped, hitting up public ground, got this buck on the final morning of the hunt. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed hunting as much as I did with this trip. I will make sure to do one hunting trip a year by myself from now on.

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I have a couple good buddies I love to hunt with. But if nobody can go I go alone. It think it really depends on your situation. I live a 2 min drive from one of my hunting spots so if nobody is available I’ll go on my own. I love it either way. Only real problem is that we all have the same tags so choosing who shoot is tricky.

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Depends for me. Downside to hunting with a partner is I’m not mentally into it 100% and my mind often wanders to other things which isn’t fair for either person.
Hunting alone, all the responsibility is on myself and I’m 100% on my game

Not sure if that makes sense....
Montana resident. Hunt alone almost exclusively. From backcountry elk or bear in grizzly habitat in the GYE and NCDE, to mule deer in the breaks. All alone. All backcountry. Take an inReach with, but otherwise it’s me and my wits. Dangerous? Sure, but that’s life. Close calls and lots of stories. If the natives could do it with stick bows and rock knives, we should manage just fine.
“It must be a poor life that has achieved freedom from fear.”
Here some reasons why I always hunt alone:
The main reason is flexibility. For example last year I was in W Montana and decided to stay an extra day. I had no one else's schedule to consider. Flexible.

Most nights when I come back to camp I cook and eat but once in awhile I get a hankerin to go into town and have a nice restaurant meal. Flexible.

Most all mornings I am up WAY before daylight but there have been times that I choose to get that extra hour of sleep and get out in the woods a little later. Flexible

Sometimes I like to eat breakfast for dinner. Lol. I realize that sounds strange but scrambled egg with potato and some flapjacks are not just for breakfast! If I am alone I can cook whatever I want. Flexible

One other reason I am not crazy about hunting partners is in the past I have had friends do some dumb things with guns that bordered on dangerous.

I also have seen hunting partners do some very unethical things. It has always amazed me at how a friend can be so honest, loyal, and have integrity, but dress him in camo and put a gun in his hands in the woods and he turns into an idiot with no morals or ethics. Oh the stories I could tell.
Pretty much exclusively. I've been let down by too many hunting partners. Hunting alone, packing meat alone (why I don't hunt until it is cool enough that I can take a couple days to get one out if needed), processing alone. 99% of the time, the meat on my table has never been touched by another human.
Nope, I will if no one wants to go with me. The last time I went, I came walked up on a mtn lion first thing in the morning in a wilderness Area in AZ. Turned around and went back to the truck. Too much risk to do it alone here.
New to hunting but so far I've had brother/friend/cousins along on the trip but they don't hunt so I do that part alone. It's been nice to come back to camp and have people to talk and eat with.
I also have seen hunting partners do some very unethical things. It has always amazed me at how a friend can be so honest, loyal, and have integrity, but dress him in camo and put a gun in his hands in the woods and he turns into an idiot with no morals or ethics. Oh the stories I could tell.

Oh man that is so true, and incredibly disheartening.
Oh man that is so true, and incredibly disheartening.
I third that notion. So darn true. I swear, the sight and thought of elk antlers makes around half of the hunting community go absolutely bananas. They'll corner hop, trespass, jump fences, sling lead at herds, let arrow fly at quartering to, and everything in between.
I mostly hunt alone...because most of my reliable hunting partners (3) have passed on. 2 others do not archery hunt, only rifle. I do both, rifle & bow.
outside of WA State, (UT, NM, AZ) it is exclusively and my Garmin InReach. At least I can stay in touch with the wife. And hit the SOS button if I have time before I pass....
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I am a young guy and am slowly coming into my comfort zone hunting solo. I prefer the company of a good hunting partner, but “good” is hard to come by. When you love hunting as much as I do it is hard to find people who are willing and able to dedicate as much time as I do. I have pretty much structured my life around being able to hunt and adventure as much as possible (probably to a fault).

I am the type of person that hates being alone in town during the day, let alone in the mountains at night. I just prefer having company. I have found that most people just slow me down in the mountains. I only have a select few that I will hunt with, and if they can’t go then I go it alone.

I have yet to go on a true backpack hunt solo, but it is something I am working up to. I really don’t like being alone, however I have learned that when I am alone I am much more likely to tag out. That being said, solo trips are slowly becoming my favorite.
I'm a very active Alaskan hunter. We moved here over thirty years ago, and very early on my wife made me promise that I would not go hunting alone. That was very important to her, and she is the best part of my life, so I made that promise, and I have kept it all these years. That also means I have been extremely picky about my hunting partners because hunting and other outdoor pursuits in this wonderful state where I live are very important to me...but not more important than my wife. I'm sure that I would have enjoyed some solo hunts, but that was not an option for me and I have no hard feelings about it.

I know that hunting in Alaska may be a different scenario, but I posted my response because I suspect that other guys may have a similar situation.