I havent in ages, but just started again as it usually kicks my metabolism into gear and I need to lose weight and start eating more beneficial foods to lower my BP. Right now my bfast consists of either a protein bar (Kind brand) or Banana and a glass of either Carrot or Mango juice puree. On the weekends its usually eggs, sausage, bacon or hash, and sometimes hashbrowns. If we go out its always an eggs benedict. I've always enjoyed Greek Yogurt so that will be coming back into the fold.
I usually eat a large lunch and a moderate dinner, but feel better when I do breakfast and a more moderate lunch. Being in the office a natural metabolism boost is beneficial to me so long as I watch the sugars and saturated fats.
I'd wake up earlier and make food, but I enjoy my sleep. Wifes out the door at 5am and I am up at 5:40 to shower and get both the kids ready for the day.