So what exactly do you see as the problem? We have a limited supply of tags (except OTC for now) and what seems to be an exponential growth in demand.......even though hunting numbers are apparently dwindling and we need to recruit anybody and everybody into the sport.
Well, I can guarantee you that the supply side of the equation is absolutely NOT going to grow at or ever. So that leaves the demand side. How do you fix that demand side??????? That's the problem. Points don't fix it, lottery draws won't fix be quite honest, the only thing that brings supply and demand into equilibrium is "cost". Too much demand......raise the prices, too little demand lower the prices. But then folks complain incessantly about the price and the cost to hunt.
You see.......point creep isn't the problem, it's a symptom of the problem. But it's only a problem for those that are part of the demand side. It's a great problem to have if you're the states because that means the demand is high. So they can take advantage of that and raise prices, or add additional fees or tags onto it..........and get it........because of the demand. But the demand still exceeds the supply. So what if the states all started to charge $10k per tag? Would that decrease the demand? I would imagine........but how much? The key is finding that equilibrium point, and it will change as soon as either supply or demand changes.