I got a chance to take the new build (POF AR10 in 6.5CM) to a 1000 yard range and shot with a guy who is a champion competition shooter. Sighting it in was difficult, loose scope. He had all the toys...the Magneto chrono, the electronic level for remounting the scope, you name it, it was in his gun bag. Using the Hornady Superformance (3050fps per box) we got an average of 2961 outta my 20" barrel. Not bad. Enter everything into Strelokpro and the rifle is now 1" low at 100 yards. Perfect. Zeroed at 200. Drop one MOA, 300 gets 3 good hits. No issues hitting 400-500 either. 600 is where everything fell apart. The ballistic chart is inaccurate, the parallax adjustment on the scope (NightForce SHV 5-20X56) is set properly but the bullets are flying high and low for both of us. Really has us scratching our heads. Barrel was hot so we put it away for a awhile till it was cool and tried again, same thing. Ammo was always in shade. Every other rifle we shoot is hitting at 800-1000 yards fine but the Creedmoor won't ring steel at 600 yards (decent crosswind) 70% of the time. Really frustrated.
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Oh, BTW...sighting in the Dueck Defense 45* canted rapid transition sight was tough too. Max seems to be a mere 50 yards with that thing.
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I recognize that shooting a gasser requires more consistent follow-thru because you have three actions taking place instead of one (like a bolt action. The discharge of the bullet, the ejection of the brass and the racking of another round...it's different than shooting more traditional guns but that's not the issue here. I expected better from the 120gr bullet than 500 yards. Thoughts?
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