Do all Caliber

Spend more-get more. 3050fps. the right set of,that's not always the case.

I put a NightForce 5-20X56 on my rifle. Next time I go to the range I'll take some video ringing steel at 1000 yards (furthest target the range offers). New rifle was built for ADC work.
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You missed the point. I can ring an 10” plate at 1000 yards reliably with my 223 bolt gun. Does that make it a 1000 yard hunting rifle? Just because you can spin the turrets and get it there, does not mean it has enough velocity left for proper terminal performance on game.

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The “do it all” rifle is like a universal car part - it’s always just a bit off for every application. My 6.5 CM is great for antelope, a bit much but acceptable for woodchucks & prairie dogs, adequate for deer, but underpowered for elk and moose. In contrast, my .300 Win Mag is great for elk and moose, a bit overpowered for antelope and even deer, and will splatter a woodchuck or PD. So, my recommendation is a two rifle battery of your favorite 6.5 and 30 cal for North American critters.
The “do it all” rifle is like a universal car part - it’s always just a bit off for every application. My 6.5 CM is great for antelope, a bit much but acceptable for woodchucks & prairie dogs, adequate for deer, but underpowered for elk and moose. In contrast, my .300 Win Mag is great for elk and moose, a bit overpowered for antelope and even deer, and will splatter a woodchuck or PD. So, my recommendation is a two rifle battery of your favorite 6.5 and 30 cal for North American critters.

You said that much better than I did. That's what I was trying to convey but I've been on serious pain meds since July 26th when I injured myself field testing this MFer. Jack-knifed and crippled myself. A month PT is started to ease my misery.

You said that much better than I did. That's what I was trying to convey but I've been on serious pain meds since July 26th when I injured myself field testing this MFer. Jack-knifed and crippled myself. A month PT is started to ease my misery.

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Sorry you injured yourself I hope you get better soon. Please tell us the blacktail wasnt on the bike with you....
I’m looking at the 6.5 Creedmoor. It’s my understanding it’s flatter shooting than the .308 and similar rounds.

Flat is dead. Rangefinders are readily available and cheap, whether dialing or using the reticle for holdover, the difference in trajectory is moot. I hunt with a 6.5cm because I wanted less recoil than the ‘06 I’d been carrying for 35 years. I bought the CM because it was the chambering available (of a few on my shortlist) in the rifle I wanted at the store I walked into the day I bought a new rifle. If there had been a 7-08 on the shelf, that would have been my first choice. Neither is a 600 yard elk gun in my mind. I’ve got a 124 hammer hunter load that I’d shoot at a mule deer that far in perfect conditions with no chance of closing distance (or as a follow-up on an already hit elk). Elk get a 134 shock hammer up to 400, and left alone beyond that. Chances of a shot anywhere near that are slim for me, very few situations I can’t get closer.

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Long Range target the 6.5 is fine and quite accurate BUT I agree with some above that HUNTING LR starts at 30 caliber for most applications. You need downrange power to to consistently make clean kills and a variety of cartridges fit the application. I target shoot with a 300 WSM and hunt with the 300 WM 215 vld to 600-800 and past 1000 with 338 Edge 300vld. All custom loads and 30" +bbls.
Some thoughts to consider on the philosophy of picking a caliber that you can pick up ammo at any hardware store in the country. If your planning to shoot 600 yards you need to stick to the same round you've sighted in with. I stock up on the round I have sighted in with and won't shoot anything but that. There's too much variability to be confident you'll hit your mark out to 600 yards with ammo you've never shot. If you're looking for a do all caliber I would look at a larger caliber (28, 7MM .30) and shoot a lighter grain bullet (140-180). You'll still have plenty of knockdown power for elk size critters and won't be over gunned for the smaller ones. I went through the same thing a couple years ago and decided on a 300WSM. I shoot 165gr federal trophy coppers which have tipped over everything i've shot at from antelope to elk.
I got a chance to take the new build (POF AR10 in 6.5CM) to a 1000 yard range and shot with a guy who is a champion competition shooter. Sighting it in was difficult, loose scope. He had all the toys...the Magneto chrono, the electronic level for remounting the scope, you name it, it was in his gun bag. Using the Hornady Superformance (3050fps per box) we got an average of 2961 outta my 20" barrel. Not bad. Enter everything into Strelokpro and the rifle is now 1" low at 100 yards. Perfect. Zeroed at 200. Drop one MOA, 300 gets 3 good hits. No issues hitting 400-500 either. 600 is where everything fell apart. The ballistic chart is inaccurate, the parallax adjustment on the scope (NightForce SHV 5-20X56) is set properly but the bullets are flying high and low for both of us. Really has us scratching our heads. Barrel was hot so we put it away for a awhile till it was cool and tried again, same thing. Ammo was always in shade. Every other rifle we shoot is hitting at 800-1000 yards fine but the Creedmoor won't ring steel at 600 yards (decent crosswind) 70% of the time. Really frustrated.


Oh, BTW...sighting in the Dueck Defense 45* canted rapid transition sight was tough too. Max seems to be a mere 50 yards with that thing.


I recognize that shooting a gasser requires more consistent follow-thru because you have three actions taking place instead of one (like a bolt action. The discharge of the bullet, the ejection of the brass and the racking of another's different than shooting more traditional guns but that's not the issue here. I expected better from the 120gr bullet than 500 yards. Thoughts?

Agree on 7mm min for 600yds, hard to push a 6.5mm with enough knock down for elk that distance.
6.5 PRC with a 156 will do fine at 600.
Try Unknown Munitions Mayhem series.
Shot placement & terminal performance
Run some numbers.

example: 2900 mv.

• Berger part number: 100 count: 26550
• 6.5mm / .264" diameter
• Sectional Density 0.32
• Ballistic coefficient:
.0.347 g7 / 0.679 g1
• 156 grain
• min. twist 1:8" We recommend 7.5"
• length of bullet: 1.512"
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What would be the max distance y’all would shoot a whitetail with a 6.5 CM?

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I bet my 7mm STW would be better for 500 + yards shooting whitetail than 6.5CM.

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What bullets? What impact velocities? That's ALL that matters, not some number or name on a headstamp.

My 7MM STW really likes 162 grain ELD-X 3050 FPS. It’s got 1000 lbs KE still at 1000 yards.

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I got a chance to take the new build (POF AR10 in 6.5CM) to a 1000 yard range and shot with a guy who is a champion competition shooter. Sighting it in was difficult, loose scope. He had all the toys...the Magneto chrono, the electronic level for remounting the scope, you name it, it was in his gun bag. Using the Hornady Superformance (3050fps per box) we got an average of 2961 outta my 20" barrel. Not bad. Enter everything into Strelokpro and the rifle is now 1" low at 100 yards. Perfect. Zeroed at 200. Drop one MOA, 300 gets 3 good hits. No issues hitting 400-500 either. 600 is where everything fell apart. The ballistic chart is inaccurate, the parallax adjustment on the scope (NightForce SHV 5-20X56) is set properly but the bullets are flying high and low for both of us. Really has us scratching our heads. Barrel was hot so we put it away for a awhile till it was cool and tried again, same thing. Ammo was always in shade. Every other rifle we shoot is hitting at 800-1000 yards fine but the Creedmoor won't ring steel at 600 yards (decent crosswind) 70% of the time. Really frustrated.

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Oh, BTW...sighting in the Dueck Defense 45* canted rapid transition sight was tough too. Max seems to be a mere 50 yards with that thing.

View attachment 210635

I recognize that shooting a gasser requires more consistent follow-thru because you have three actions taking place instead of one (like a bolt action. The discharge of the bullet, the ejection of the brass and the racking of another's different than shooting more traditional guns but that's not the issue here. I expected better from the 120gr bullet than 500 yards. Thoughts?

View attachment 210634

Gassers are harder to shoot in the ways you mention. They are also harder to get consistent velocities than a bolt gun. The 120 GMX has a lousy BC and might not be particularly consistent bullet to bullet. If the superformance line's schtick is maximum velocity, it's probably a poor fit for a gasser. My limited experience with handloading for ARs is that accuracy is usually lousy at max loads.

What was the maximum velocity spread between your fastest and slowest recorded shots?

I guess it doesn't surprise me that a single factory offering not designed for long range doesn't shoot well at 600 yards out of an AR.
To get this thread back on track---

A. I think the 'buy anywhere' requirement is almost a myth nowadays for two reasons.
----If you are traveling to hunt keep your ammo in your gun case, if one shows up so does the other... if not you have bigger problems anyways.
----If you want ease of buying ammo use the internet... brick and mortar stores are dead to me when it comes to buying centerfire ammo. Plus there are many great small companies building HIGH quality ammo at competitive prices and they have thousands and thousands of rounds to back up their data. They also give you options to expand into better cartridges beyond whatever ammo your local shitty ass cabelas or BP carries.

B. I just went through this problem set-- with the added requirement that the total rifle (scoped) be 7.5lbs or less. That basically ruled out long action magnums (recoil, action length, weight). I was looking for a primarily a 600yd deer rifle but possibility of an occassional deep backcountry elk hunt and sheep when/if I ever draw (or go chase more Aoudad here in TX). I live at like 500' and I'm an ounce counter to begin with so those were my paramters.

I went with the 7SAUM-- I can load down to lighterweight Hammers or 145gr LRX and I can load up to a 169HH or the 175/180 class ELDX/ELDM/Berger. And it is loaded by every 'custom' loader out there and has quality components I can load myself (waiting on dies/ADG brass).